Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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It seems that Europe will get a retail version in 2009.
Okay, I made a new comic. Hamster this one is about you. (Read from left to right)
you know that hamster is telling the truth
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I didn't see the battle videos. I will have to check those out. I have no idea how it works, except that it's real time?
I was sort of wondering about a couple of his comments. I remember like the SNES or NES had like a online add-on, was it satellite vision or something? Truth is, though the criticism is there, even someone like me who outwardly seems vocal about it, I just really don't care. They are doing good stuff, but yeah it has been done before.
I never heard of World of Goo until about 2 weeks ago and until reading the updates today, had no idea it would be such a good game. I will have to get this, but is it true that it's retail in Europe? Where is this news from and are there anymore details?
BTW, I hope people have actively checked out the IGN and 1up Tenchu IV previews, as well as checked out the IGN 480p videos.
(links in thursdays updates)
This game has gone from maybe - looks okay, to genuinely could be great. It's looking more and more polished has lots of style and variety and Ubicrap are even going to take the time out between the japanese and western release to make improvements over and above the japanese retail version. If you were wanting a more traditional title for your system, this looks like splinter cell with ninjas and has really peaked my curiosity now.
Pity you won't be getting any more interested in it...
Yep, I posted them. I was glad to see that Rikamaru moves fast and I like that you have many different options to kill. I was worried that the killings would be a bit shallow, like watching a movie, but the previews say otherwise. You can even link kills together, awesome I thought he did that automatically, but no, you have to do that.
It is "piqued my interest" and not "peaked my interest" Peaked means that it is at it's highest point.
Yeah, whatever.
Anyhow the new gametrailers video shows what it looks like on your TV screen. Pretty decent:
I'm right in the middle of the updates. Back to it.
EDIT: Done.
Gametrailers has a narrated walkthrough video of Tenchu IV:
LOL you know what's funny about the clips? The Wii they are using has the same problem as mine: red and green dots from an overheated GPU left on WiiConnect 24.
did you guys hear that extreme right wing (read fascist) austrian politician Joerg Haider died in a wreck?
one down.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah I heard that. Still don't like to hear about people being killed. Unless it's hitler.
I'm trying to wrap my mind around World of Goo at the moment, I read the review but I still don't get the concept so I'm going to look at videos now.
New RE5 video showing the caves added to the news. Also RE Degeneration movie review, they say it sucks, I say who gives a fuck I am watching it.
RE5 easily the game of the show for me, I don't think anything even came close. It looks finished, the gameplay I have seen is polished to a sheen. It possibly has the best graphics of any console game at the moment and the story seems to be better than any RE to date. Gameplay is RE4 on speed, which is not a bad thing. I still have my doubts that this game can match RE4 beat by beat, but it still looks better than anything coming out next year.
Agreed. I'm looking forward to this game.
One of the site's forefathers.
WiiConnect24 has been the biggest joke, IMO. Iwata promised at E3 2006 that we'd get new items, levels, and other stuff sent to us if we had that on, yet we've seen none of that, unless you count system updates (yawn). I turned my WiiConnect24 off a month after I got my Wii, so, thankfully, I never had that overheating GPU problem. I still get messages whenever I go to the Nintendo and Shop Channels anyway. Perhaps Animal Crossing will actually use it, but I doubt it.
The last good thing Wii Connect 24/7 gave us was the clock.
One of the site's forefathers.
And the material practically writes itself. Hamtaro's line is yours almost to the point. So guys keep talking so I will have more material. I am thinking of spoofing Vader or myself next.
Same here GG. The first GBA game was shockingly decent - then again, it was developed by the same company that would later create Mario & Luigi, so it's no surprise they made a good RPG. Never played the second, and I'm intrigued to try out the DS game...
All this Hamtaro talk is actually making me want to play Ham-Ham Heartbreak again
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile