Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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robio (24s)
HA! I win!
But I did it better
Looks more like a demonic fuck to me. HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
(Its a femal crotch)
Bayonetta best game ever? lol
I didn't get too far in Code Veronica.
I can't believe so many sites gave it a 9.0, I mean REALLY? The game is so flawed. It is fun yes and I have faith that Suda will fix some of the problems and I have no doubt that this can kind of be the Wii's Zone of the Enders (I.E. that one fun action game you pop in and play) however they will have to do some major tweaking and either add some more depth or make it way more fun to get it to live up to what the original was known for. It seems that the gaming community wraps its mind so much around itself that the individuals forget what they truly think of the games themselves.
Oh and Muramasa trailer is Godlike.
One of the site's forefathers.
Sold! Day 1 purchase confirmed.
Basically in Japan it bombed badly. In the West it did amazingly.
I think over 500,000 copies world-wide.
EDIT - Why is TGS already 10 times better then E3 this year?
One of the site's forefathers.
PS: I was the one who posted the TGS: CastleVania announcement and Prince of Persia Impressions today, and the SplatterHouse TGS news yesterday.
You're Welcome!
Ah, I see Punk.
What the fuck is this shit on GAF about Sony's press conference being a flop? Is this GAF overreacting as per usual, or did I miss out on something?
GAFers don't usually form their own opinions. They just post and observe what other people are typing and take wing. And the ones who don't and speak for themselves oftend get banned. This is just from what I've been observing for the past month and a half of waiting for registeration acception.
Anyway did you guys watch the gameplay segments of the Arc Rise Fantasia trailer? The game looks about 10x better in motion. It is pretty graphically good for a Wii game (during the non-town parts at least).
One of the site's forefathers.
I posted that trailer, so that would make me ehh...God?!
Wow you are posting news too Leo?! Awesome!
I knew there was a reason Alucard was the best Castlevania character ever.
Holy female crotches dripping unnamed red fluids, Batman!
Or at least as close to day one as possible in this godforsaken city.
Billy Bob Thorton and Dennis Hopper star in
I really want to play it.
It looks like a more elegant Devil May Cry from the trailer. I truly hope for a PC port.
Is it going to be like Bill playing the Scorpion and Dennis playing the spider?
EDIT -"Gran Turismo 5 Prologue SpecIII"
Holy Shit Milking to the Extreme!
I still can't believe that this game isn't out yet.
One of the site's forefathers.
They look like read ribbons to me, and why do people say she's naked? She's not, she is still wearing boots!
Every Sony update I have posted literally here and back at 1up was because I thought you might like it.
What I was trying to get at is that, well the circle of life thing again - the way internet forum life works. Generalisations/Exagerrations lead to counterpoints, someone taking those exagerrations seriously because you can't judge tone on the internet. That's why I always take the time out to balance and qualify my statements.
For me a discussion is something fluid that expands and covers many areas. So to me, when you throw your arms up in the air and disappear it's essentially the same as a moderator deleting your post and saying "Off topic!"
Discussions should reach a natural conclusion to me. If you had stuck around I would have explained and clarified my thinking. You see, we were talking about nintendo 1st party as if it existed in some sort of bubble, when in reality it's all part of a core anxiety. When you think about the issue carefully, break it down. The core root anxiety of it all - then you can address the bigger issue and its consequences. And exactly why what I was saying was completely relevant to the issue.
But as you can see from this post, I think in far too much detail and maybe my brain is running ahead of myself.
Do you think that swirling black stuff is made up of her magical pubic hair?
NMH could be absolutely kick ass IMO. They just need to cut the shitty parts, polish everything up and turn up the variety knob to the max. The core gameplay was quite satisfying and it has style to spare. Technically though, Grasshopper need to deliver a great engine.
Nice Leo, keep it up and chat some more here. We miss you.
I posted that but I haven't had time to watch it yet. Has no one else watched the IGN tenchu IV 480p vids?
Billy Bob has crap Voice acting: See Princess Mononoke for proof. He was only beaten by the grating whining of Claire Danes.
Anxiety lead to fear. Fear lead to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to PAIN.