Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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travo (3m)
Careful guys, some of you are duplicating stories. I have clicked on MH3 and Muramasa links that have already been posted.
Just watched the Little Kings Story trailer. I couldn't possibly love the look of this game more. To me this is the next Pikmin. This game has 4X the charm of Pikmin.
Does this game have online modes? In the trailer it said something about visiting your friends around the world and they went into this plaza and there were all these flags from different countries: the UK, US, Germany etc.
Arc Rise gameplay footage does look cleaner and the frame rate helps. It's still nothing special though and really even without some technical wonder the art could be something more special like Kizuna or Little Kings story. Why was that attendee trying to walk down a hill he obviously couldn't?
Rune Factory trailer, ehhhhhh. Not sure, at it seems to be a match for HM A wonderful life visually, which in terms of HM games was a highpoint for me. The animation is awfully stiff and the overhead dungeon perspective seems a little DS like.
I finished watching Blood + BTW. Really enjoyed it overall, especially the character dynamics. I felt that the epilogue probably should have been stretched out like the end of Return of the King - extended edition. They seemed to wrap everything up in 20 minutes then left us with a few little teasers. I hope they make another series.
Nah, there isn't anything left. All the badguys are dead. Now get started with Elfenlied!
GG, remember when we were talking about Double Agent and I mentioned that I heard the 180 version was the better game? Well, I found a copy at the store and picked it up, and so far....I wish I bought this version originally. It is better.
It just plays more like the previous games, and doesn't try all the dumb crap that the 360 tries (which made it worse). Granted, I'm only on the first mission, but its totally different so far. The only thing that seems to be the same is the basic story, and the settings. When it comes to level design, they are completely different games.
In the 360 version, this first level is actually one of the worst. Here in the 180 version, its fucking awesome. Classic SC. I have to play more, but so far there's no doubt this is the better game. Graphics are about on Chaos Theory's level, so great, in other words.
If I'm not mistaken, the 180 version was done by the real SC team also, and the 360 version by Shanghai. No wonder its better.
Yep....it was done by Montreal.....that should have confirmed it to be better in the first place, how'd I miss that?
Anyway, LOL & IGN's review, saying what I am:
November 1, 2006 - In the wake of the highly touted next-generation Splinter Cell Double Agent, Ubisoft not only hid its current gen versions of the eponymous game but delayed their release for a week, giving the Xbox 360 game as much front positioning as possible. The tactic was deceiving, but not evil. Just a little confusing. Ubisoft has nothing to hide when it comes to the current generation versions of Splinter Cell Double Agent.
Considering that both the Xbox and PS2 versions are entirely different games than the Xbox 360 version, it's taken us a while to dig into and see them for what they really are. While sharing the same name and a similar storyline, nearly everything else about the two games is different. The good news? Both versions stand out as valuable additions to the series and, in some cases, they actually complement and top their next-gen brethren. Strangely, the Xbox and PS2 versions also tell the story of Double Agent better than the Xbox 360 version.
Shit I did around 34 updates and it's just impossible to cover everything. I will have to stick some junk in a post I think.
Is that a series or one off?
Yeah I remember hearing that. I sold my 360 Double Agent after I got sick of it. I still can't believe how many games you play man. LOL do you remember the bullshot Wii screens of the game Ubi put out and then the eventual N64 looking game?
Okay some random junk.
Sonic and the Black Knight could be awesome IF:
MH3 Hands on:
What's our take? While the graphics look really nice, with some rich shadows and gorgeous scenery, it's obvious that Capcom, despite switching hardware, is sticking to the program that's been so successful for them. That said, while Japanese fans will likely flock to this title (or maybe not, they're unpredictable at times) given how many Wiis have sold in Japan, American gamers who never bought into the series will probably not feel too moved by this third iteration. Playing with friends makes Monster Hunter an excellent game, but when playing solo -- we didn't see any CPU cat partners like the ones added in Monster Hunter Freedom United (the American version of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G) -- there's little to compensate for painfully slow-moving weapons that feel every bit as heavy and unwieldy as the developers were trying to simulate. American gamers would probably like Monster Hunter and its endless customization options a lot better if the game emulated the limber acrobatics of games like Devil May Cry, but they don't and it's something Capcom seems unwilling to risk, given how popular the current formula is. Hopefully the game's four-player online play will alleviate any of these concerns, and we'll find ourselves monster hunting in packs when the game ships in 2009.
I don't get it....so they're saying Monster Hunter would be better if it played like DMC?
Awesome Far Cry 2 pics. Game's gorgeous.
Hey, I just read the wii music thing. Turns out the game is doing something quite special. Not that I understand half of what the guy is talking about. Glad you like the Far Cry 2 pics. Can you shoot or run down wildlife? Not that I would or anything
I get what they mean, they want MH to be faster and more nimble with more enemies that are easier to defeat. Where MH seems like a game where you have few, powerful enemies that you really have to hack at to beat. It seems to me very much like PSO.
You know the MH games on PS2 didn't do nearly as well saleswise as the PSP versions, so it will be interesting to see how it does on Wii. I'm not sure it's my kind of game, but it now has a confirmed offline co-op. Ugh, damn terminology, two player splitscreen, we used to call it in the old days.
Although Klonoa's new look does nothing for the gameplay, it still looks fantastic, and that never hurts.
The gameplay has not changed one bit, except for the fact that you're holding a Wii Remote instead of a PlayStation controller. The Wii Remote is held sideways, with the d-pad and 1 and 2 buttons being used for action. I forgot how fun the ear flapping and animal flinging were until now. Even though it's been awhile, I was quickly brought back to the simple and inviting platforming I experienced a decade ago.
It's a remake of the PS1 game, built from the ground up.
Here's what I found interesting, if a bit cheesy: The game makes extensive use of the idea of "hit-stop," as articulated by No More Heroes designer Suda 51 during our recent interview. That is, to make each hit of the Diskarmor feel more powerful, the game's action pauses for a second. However, where this technique was used to great effect in Suda's game, Rygar's version feels kind of janky and obvious.
In fact, judging from the Tokyo Game Show demo, the game's pretty janky overall -- it looks more like the sort of perfunctory first-generation Wii games that we saw last year, rather than the more polished titles that other developers are producing for the console now. I wasn't too impressed.
Yikes. I think they were only playing the Gladiator mode though.
I want this game.
It's set on a luxury jumbo jet apparentely. Looks fun and it's supposedly going to be 1000 Wii points or less. I've been clearing out the VC cuboard recentely. I can fit on everything BUT I can only get 1 WiiWare or N64 game on there at a time. I tested the download speeds and erasing/copying speeds and found that it is faster to just erase and copy from SD card than re-downloading. So my new plan is to store everything I download onto SD card immediately which makes everything easier.
I don't download much WiiWare stuff at all, the only games I see worth buying are lost winds and FF My life as a king.
Did anyone see the Valhalla knights footage? What is this a PSP port?
I just watched the Ninokuni: The Another World footage. The studio ghibli/Level 5 game. I have three words:
It sounds like Joe Hisashi is doing the music too! This is like a Ghibli fan's wet dream. Roll on console version!
Ninja Blade looks okay, camera is too zoomed in though.
EDIT: I was watching the RE5 video with the new controls and I couldn't spot anything. What was new about the controls? You can aim and strafe this time right? I watched 5 minutes and didn't see that.
You know what's sad? That compared to the consistent failure of third-party Wii titles, that actually doesn't look that bad.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYeah, but "two-player splitscreen" doesn't distinguish between competitive and co-op, so "co-op" is more specific.
Klonoa... never had any of them, but I remember the nice music constantly eminating from a PS2 kiosk at a nearby Wal-Mart. Flappy ears.
Ugh, gamewise it looks like something you might want to pick up. If only visually it didn't look like a ripe turd. I think the PSP VKnights recentely got like a 5/10 review.
Damn you, the logic defeats me. It used to be called multiplayer! My brain hurts.
Oh my word Phoenix Wright fans click here:
When in doubt about semantics, always yell: Penis!
AKA White knight story
WKS is really shaping up in an awesome way.
There is a lot of text on the screen which worries me. Sometimes I wish that rpgs could be more user friendly but still deep if you know what I mean. That boss fight looks epic though.
So there were a couple of tidbits that caught my attention today. A couple of weeks back we were talking about this subject so it's interesting hearing what John Scappert of MS has to say:
"The innovation criticism is almost ironic to me," said Schappert. "You've got the Xbox, which is the console that pioneered hard drives, broadband gaming, online gaming, Achievements and gamercards. It's the console that arguably pioneered first-person shooters in your living room, wireless controllers... I could go on.
"I think we've earned our chops in terms of innovation," he added. "The games division has some brilliant people who have done amazing things, and who have shaped the industry forever. I think we've done a great job of innovating and we continue to lead."
Schappert said that he thinks Nintendo's Miis are "wonderful," but Microsoft's introduction of avatars is not a copycat move, just an extension of the 360 gamercard.
"With respect to Avatars - Miis are wonderful. Nintendo has done great things," offered Schappert. "But avatars are just a logical extension of what we've had already. We've had a gamercard and a gamer pic; I want to take that to the next level. Now we've got Live parties, we launched the first video store... So I get a little riled there.
"I think we've done some great things for the industry and for gamers," he said
Then on Wii MUSIC
Like a lot of people, I barely thought about Wii Music during most of that period unless a joke needed a punch line. Having written it off in July (even nominating it as one of the show's most disappointing titles), Wii Music was in the same gutter with all the other games that don't warrant much of a mention.
Nintendo's Media Summit last week started to change my mind. Through a series of demos, I found that the game's ability to remix or even remake songs is deeper than had been previously reported. I experienced how the musical gameplay can follow a song directly, or allow players to do more or less exactly what they want within the basic rhythmic framework. And I saw that, with a little effort, even that framework can be massively altered by determined players.
There's also the fact that the virtual drum set, which sadly but perhaps inescapably requires the Wii Balance Board, is actually responsive and fun. More important, it is flexible in ways that the Rock Band drums aren't, and appears to be easier to work into songs than the drums in Guitar Hero: World Tour's studio mode. And by recording drum parts slowly, then speeding up the tempo (which doesn't affect pitch at all), novices can record speed metal-worthy rhythms.
Granted, there are loads of controls to memorize to make the drums really work: buttons to activate cymbal hits; analog stick rolls to make tom-tom hits register, instead of snare and hi-hat. But with a few minutes' practice, I could play many basic patterns except for traditional rolls across the toms. With a practiced player on the "sticks" (the gent demoing at the Summit was excellent, and a good teacher), there's no question that the Wii Music kit is a neat piece of software.
With up to six players -- each of which is allowed to choose between 60 instruments -- those tracks can be wholly manipulated. Choose to play a tango version of "Material Girl" with ukulele and accordion, record the performed track, then add different drums and gradually re-record other instruments (with bizarre options like the Beatboxer and Kung-Fu artists) to make the track as original as possible.
The issue of miming along to the music also remains. Would I cringe if photos of me playing Rock Band instruments ended up on the Internet? Never. (Good thing. Happens all the time.) But a public snapshot of me playing a Wii remote like my very own Ocarina of Time? Ouch. Why is that the case? Shouldn't a fake plastic guitar be just as embarrassing, if not more so, than an air guitar augmented by remote?
Shaking the perception of childishness that pervades the image of Wii Music is going to be tough, and air instruments aren't going to make it easier. In the long run, what could tip the scales in Nintendo's favor is that this is more a platform than a game. As inflated a claim as that may seem, this is a title that offers ways to interact with and manipulate music seen in no other game. Is that enough to win the battle against gut-level resistance? Talk to me in a couple of weeks.
Oh yeah and Bill Murray was almost Batman:
Wow, would have liked to have seen that.