Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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White Night looks great, but then again so did Level 5's last PS2 game which turned out average. Hopefully this one fairs better.
Read Matt C.'s de Blob review. Very nice, I'll be buying this day fucking 1. I'm really impressed with THQ's Wii commitment lately. It seems like they really are giving games like this and Deadly Creatures the time and effort they need to be high-level games. Hell, that's more than most companies on Wii. de Blob has a great personality to it too.
As for Game Informer....aren't they the mag that always downplays family-friendly games like this and Viva Pinata? Didn't they give Paper Mario 2 a 6 or something? Yeah....not the mag to take serious when it comes to reviews.
Hasn't Deadly Creatures been delayed till the new year? It looks okay but I've yet to read any previews as positive as the Blob.
So far De Blob has:
I saw Dec. 22
Insert coin search function comes through in flying colours again.
Monster Hunter 3 details if Steelo is interested. I posted before. Hang on, I just remembered that I posted this on wednesday so its in the updates. Doh!
Maybe it's just europe again? Being shagged that is. But I was sure that it has a small delay.
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom getting released Dec. 11th? Cool. I sure hope they release it here too.
White Knight looks great and being a fan of their previous work this was one of the big PS3 games that I was really looking forward to.
Monster Hunter 3 is looking great as well. I never played the others but I can't wait to get this game.
While I loved Grand Theft Auto IV I'm not a huge GTA fan anyway so I'll be taking a pass on the DS game.
Posted Megaman 9 Review.
Fuck yeah! Old school GTA motherfucker!
I was part of the 12 people who knew and loved the GTA series BEFORE GTA III.
One of the site's forefathers.
Make that 13. Shit was rad, wasn't it?
Morning from Melbourne all. I love how Capcom mention those Megaman 9 dates are specifically for North America - because knowing Capcom, EU PSN will get the game A MONTH after the US launch, Xbox Live will get it the same day, I have no clue about WiiWare.
Unless Capcom pull a Bionic Commando and get it released same week.
I'll be patiently waiting for the XBLA version of Mega Man 9 but I still can't wait to get it. The dlc sounds cool already. I'm definately looking forward to see what other kind of content they release later on.
You bring me back to the 90s Internet
The page may look a little fugly, but you've got all the fundamentals crammed in there (colours, fonts, images, positioning, sizing, linking, etc), so it looks like you have all the tools make something nice.
Web-sites really shouldn't be using tables for layouts, though it is unfortunately common. Tables greatly limit design changes to the HTML markup and intermingle the design with the content. Ideally design including organization should be done via CSS. More simply put, you should be able to make the site look be organized differently just by changing the CSS files as opposed to editing the HTML.
If you take a look at the source of Insert Coin (View->Source) you can see the only tables being used on every page are for the rounded corners and that's only because I couldn't get those to work with IE in CSS.
I hope that made sense. If I recall, though, you haven't really been doing CSS in your class, right GG? And I also hope I haven't scared you off again. I've just gotten standards-conscious, so I'm just trying to spread good coding practices
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI knew but didn't care and found it boring. I guess I don't count then.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile14. Damn, the count is rising.
Why would you buy the 360 version?
Pfft. High-Defenition graphics, silly.
I knew em. I certainly didn't love em. The camera was a sticking point for me.
Yeah I could make something quite decent looking if I was bothered. I would have to spend some time in photoshop though, which I don't have at home. I see table layouts all the time now that I know what I'm looking for. To be honest I hate it. I'm still at odds that something which should be so much easier and intuitive to make is all coded by essentially writing things down in a notepad form. It's still insane to me.
Unfortunately my tutor was not properly trained in CSS and is self taught. I thought we were doing it in this class, but so far we've done text formatting, lists and now we've done tables and then we're going to start doing some sites to begin with and work on them till the end. We are starting javascript soon too.
I can make a website and pages and all that. But what I want to do is have like articles and then when I do new articles I want the pages to shift into a sort of index and be stored automatically without having to hand code individual webpages for them. And I'd like to make pages like the news updating page here, where I can specift limitations like character limits etc and do updates without having to go back and pick through code.
You know the thing I like about this new Tenchu is that, I don't know if anyone else noticed from the videos. But they have individually animated every death scene in the game. Do you remember that video that showed all the RE4 death animations?
Well you never saw half of them because you never died that much right? The Tenchu animations are several times as long and animated like MGS cutscenes and so far I have seen between 30-60 different ones. Check out that 8 minute video I linked.
i enjoyed looking through that upcoming DS games feature on IGN. Certainly not all of them games I will buy but there's at least half a dozen or maybe more games on there I can't wait to get my hands on. The DS is the new SNES. End of
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Time Hollow. I love adventure games. DS is crazy though. I could stop buying home console games for an entire year and still have DS to buy and play all the way through. TBH there are almost too many games to the point where I feel flooded and don't feel like buying anything but the very, very best. So I'm sitting on my hands waiting for the next Ace Attorny/Prosecuter game and the next Fire Emblem pretty much. I am tempted by this new GTA though, I can't remember when it's releasing, this year isn't it?