Heavy Rain to be 8-12 hours with lots of replay va
Random news, at least it will be a good length.
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robio (1m)
Yo guys did you read he IGN Banjo preview. They did not sound to happy, a shame
^Damn straight Carnage.
Just finished the updates for now.
In its latest annual report, posted on Thursday, Osaka, Japan-based Capcom confirmed that it has the capability and business strategy in place to go multiplatform all the time for major releases.
The company said, "...All major titles launched during the next fiscal year or thereafter will be developed as multiplatform games.
"We will aim to increase revenue and dramatically increase the number of users by launching, for example, Resident Evil 5, the newest addition to our biggest franchise (projected 2.3 million units), Street Fighter IV (projected 1.7 million units) and Bionic Commando (projected 1.5 million units)."
All three of the triple-A, high-profile titles will appear on multiple platforms.
Capcom and other developers have learned in order to mitigate rising development costs of new-generation consoles, multiplatform development is practically a requirement.
Capcom also said that multiplatform development has been a key factor in its Westward growth, which has outpaced that of most Japanese game makers.
The company said its MT Platform has enabled efficient cross-development between Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
The publisher also reaffirmed its interest in "friendly" acquisitions of Western companies, while also stating such activity with domestic Japanese is not part of its plans.
Screw Capcom. Seriously screw em.
Who cares man. You have a 360.
They're patronising people, spinning shit and just plain old pissing people off.
I have a 360 which may break down at any moment where the games cost almost twice as much. Fantastic.
I have two consoles and I want some games for the other one too. And not casual, cheap bullshit or kids presentation.
It's a slightly curious way of doing things and we can't help feel it might alienate the younger end of Nuts & Bolts' obviously intended family audience. With hundreds of different parts at your disposal, each with largely unhelpful names, hidden in myriad categories, it's all a bit overwhelming at first.
Nuts & Bolts appears to be about as far removed from previous Banjo games as is possible, Rare's attempts to claim otherwise are misleading to say the least.
There are significant concerns with the game, too. Aside from the very obvious point that a lack of substantial variety in challenges is likely to get wearisome very quickly -- and truth be told, after an hour and a half with the game we weren't exactly hoisting a trouser pole in anticipation of more thinly-veiled driving slogs -- the family friendly facade and real-world driving physics are utterly at odds with each another. Conceptually, building your own vehicles to create the perfect tool to approach a specific challenge is brilliant -- and very next-gen, lest we forget. Nuts & Bolts' toy box approach is great for experimentation and creativity but resulting vehicles lean way too much toward ultra-realism where handling's concerned, from what we're seen. Banjo's undulating environments really don't suit a physics model that's clearly more comfortable with flat surfaces and we found the driving precision the game demanded to be utterly exhausting.
Of course, there's the argument that practice makes perfect, and we're still intrigued to see whether challenges later in the game can offer enough variety and creativity to counteract the inherent repetition and wonky handling in driving. We're quite sure Rare's claims of endless replayability will hold true too if you get into Nuts & Bolts' admittedly excellent vehicle creation system with gusto. From recent evidence though -- and assuming Rare isn't hiding anything significant from journos at this late stage -- Nuts & Bolts feels like two promising concepts shoe-horned awkwardly into a single, unsatisfying whole. Yes, we're glad that Banjo and the bird are back -- we're just not convinced if this is quite the right, er, vehicle for their return.
Well I'm not real happy with that preview. Sounds like the game is trying something different but not really delivering. Its definitely not much of a true Banjo game, either way. I hope its good for what it is, but I want a real Bnajo game man. Its been 8 years!
Hey, did you guys see the shot of the level that's set inside an Xbox?
See....those guys right there are the ones causing the RED RING OF DEATH!!!!
Don't worry. Nintendo will take care of all your adult-oriented needs themselves. As for 360 breaking down, sell that fucker and get a PS3. More games on that you'd like anyway. And what's this about 360 games being twice as much? Wha?
I can get Wii games for $40-$60 over here. Xbox games are between $80 - $100. What pisses me off is that I didn't buy Wii as a doorstop. The market has overwhelmingly chosen the system as their platform of choice and the software developers are skipping along oblivious and then patronising people when they simply ask for content. Wii has done everything in terms of success to build a viable market, to push the console into peoples hands. There's not much more it could do, it's still outselling the competition combined most months. In terms of units sold, it has shifted more 3rd party software than even the 360.
Some publishers are too stupid to work out what to put on the system so just dump crap or sloppy seconds.
Capcom has responded to this news story furore on the boards.
Sven said:
I think the materials pretty much speak for themselves and we're continuing to support all consoles with appropriate content. It just means things that in the past would have been timed exclusives to a single platform will no longer be exclusive to a single platform.
It's just better business decisions at play. I don't think fans have anything to worry about.
That said, I know nothing I say will keep people from freaking out, screaming "the sky is falling, OMG!" So feel free to carry on assuming the worst. I suspect you'll be pleasantly surprised if you do so.
The materials being.... Neopets, Spyborgs and a Monster Hunter game that no one has seen for the better part of a year with no confirmed western release, that is the 3rd game in a portable series? So you're supporting all consoles with appropiate content eh? Appropiate for Wii being years late ports, ports of old Gamecube games, kids stuff, PSP looking games and spin offs? Riiiiiiiight.
There is something that would stop people from crying about the sky falling, Capcom making some decent games, because you're making them for every platform out there.... oh but not on Wii. If you don't want us to assume the worst then announce something good, because otherwise your PR is failing month in and month out.
Even from a financial perspective Capcom's logic fails. You take 4 years and 400 team members to make a RE5 game with sales expectations of 2.5 million. Meanwhile a quick port of RE4 gets you over 1.5 million sales with a lower development cost/marketing budget and shorter development time. So instead of making a similar investment in the platform which is handing the other consoles their ASS each month (selling more than the compeition combined) you choose to focus on more expensive, time consuming projects.
Capcom's goal is to change the percentages of their worldwide sales by focusing more on the west. Great logic, good move. Except....... that Wii is dominating worldwide and not just in Capcom's Japanese heartland. So again the Capcom logic fails. You want to stop people complaining than put in the same resources, top teams, high marketing budgets into a Wii game and see where that gets you.
Still fugly?
It can't possibly look like this in motion, so why can't they deliver some clean screens?
More pics at the link in Fridays updates.
Now you've made me start thinking about writing my next blog. There is a reason why I want good wii games. It must sound like I'm some annoying ******* fanboy, but there is a method in my madness.
What I can say is that, Dvader may remember, but when the Wii controller was first announced in October TGS 2005. We all had these ideas, it peaked the imagination of things that could be done and should be done. We also know the tech, what the system is capable of, over and above the best looking cube games. I hope people don't buy into this bullshit about Wii level hardware not being able to do complex games, because the PS2 has full, proper games on it as did every system before it.
What I see is neglect, hypocrisy and a profound lack of imagination. All of this in the face of unprecented success and hugely untapped technology and gameplay. Franchise games can evolve because of the tech and become something better. Pro Evolution is a good example, or Tiger Woods. Or Metroid. I'm sure the next Zelda game is going to blow things out. A Ninja Gaiden game could be awesome, a Splinter cell game too. Instead of developing, evolving and bettering games using the systems strengths, all 3rd parties see is: casual.
Rather than looking at the top selling wii games and seeing a driving game, a platformer, a fighting game and a shooter. They just flat out see and use the Nintendo bias excuse, while ignoring the fact that their own games just don't compare or are coupled with piss poor marketing, or doomed to fail from the start concepts.
Well I see what you're saying but fuck...no use crying over spilled milk. If these companies aren't going to do some good shit on the Wii or are going to rip us off on rising costs or whatever on other machines, there's not much you can do but sit back and let them do what they're going to do, and just keep enjoying the stuff you like in the meantime.
Also, I hate to say it, but I think a lot of the problem with Wii is the way Nintendo has marketed it with the uber casual image and such. Then horrible showings like the E3 show. Remember when the system was known as Revolution the image was totally different. Its putting up Playstation-like numbers but the image is very different from the PS image. If you know what I mean.
I do know what you mean. But publishers have very short sightedly, almost like brainless sheep seen Wii Sports from the start and then just gone with the assumption that everything has to be casual. They pigeonholed an audience before an audience had time to form. People forget that Wii launched with a 60 hr zelda game too that has sold 4.78 million copies.
Nintendo has put out hardcore games in their major franchises but 3rd parties ignore the success there too and just assume it's a casual machine. The DS is marketed in a similar way to Wii and yet there are still a zillion deep, proper games that last hours with high production values, either out already or in development. I can't sit back and enjoy the stuff I like because they aren't making the stuff I like. They are making one machine a door stop or forcing me to buy over priced, complicated games that I have no time or patience for on a machine that makes me feel like I'm walking on eggshells half the time. And they aren't evolving gameplay, so much as spit shining visuals and little else.
This is just depressing now, I went back to watch the Wii motion plus live move 2 demo:
Physics + Wii = fun
400 people working on Resident Evil 5? Holy shit that's huge! The more the better though. I so can't wait for this game to come out. I've absolutely loved what I've seen on it so far.
It'll be quite interesting to see what kind of Western partnership Capcom decides to go with and what kind of products become of it. Personally I would have liked to see them partner up with a developer like Blizzard or Bioware but they're already spoken for.
Please bring out Dead Rising 2 real soon Capcom. I wouldn't mind a Lost Planet 2 either although I don't know which direction a sequel for that game would take.
HD Kirby:
You're one of the few people I've seen wanting a lost planet sequel.
But then you do like everything
I saw Voltron BTW. He's like a transformer?
Hey Lost Planet is a very good game and is a blast to play online especially in the Colonies Edition were you can play as the bugs. It may not be a AAA game but it did garner respectable reviews and sales and still has a decent online community that still plays the game.
Ah, I'm so misunderstood. I don't like everything I just avoid the games I won't like so I don't have much to say about them. There are definately some big name games I didn't care for like GTA: San Andreas. One game that everyone seems to love but so far doesn't interest me is Little Big Planet.
^^ Well the first Voltron, which is my favourite, is like five transformers that change from lions to a piece of a large robot when they join together. There was another one that were vehicles instead of lions. I can't remember much of that one such as how many vehicles there were etc.
Sweet. Someone else who didn't get into San Andreas
Did you like Bully?
Damn the 80s was great
Fixed it for you!