Heavy Rain to be 8-12 hours with lots of replay va
Random news, at least it will be a good length.
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So, been playing anything cool lads?
Playing Brawl!
Fun game is fun, I take it?
wow new week already. which means new week at work ... gotta get some sleep. played god of war psp most of the weekend. good but boring. i need to hook up my wii again, don't know how much longer i can survive strictly on handhelds.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
That's pretty sad. Its not even on the level of Mercs 1 on PS2.
What happened to this game? The original wasn't amazing looking, but it was very solid and the gameplay was tight. 3 years ago. They had plenty of time to make the sequel, so WTF? Doesn't seem like they really took advantage of any console. And the PS2 version was just dumb from the start.
I mean seriously just look at the textures. Fuck Half-Life 2 looks better.
One of the site's forefathers.
Tried playing some more NiGHTS--kinda sucky. Haven't really played much of anything.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileStupid question here, but I'm picking up an iPod in the near future, and I'm deciding which one to go with.
Either a Classic or a Touch is what I'm after - but I'm wondering whether or not I'll need the extra functionality of the Touch (such as the Internet or App Store), or just stick with a Classic. Can anyone share some recommendations or stories to help me decide?
And don't suggest to buy anything that's not an iPod.
Which one haas the best sound quality?
No idea. I remember hearing that the quality on the classic hasn't been improved, but it's still decent. But I have no idea about the Touch.
EDIT: Nevermind, some sources are saying that the quality is great.
I added some more stuff to my blog, retro videos
Anyone remember King Arthur and the Knights of Justice? An american football player gets sent back through time to fight in camelot
Wow, 360 defect rate was 68% and Microsoft knew about it pre-launch and still went ahead. I got to say that kinda pisses me off.
I am King Arthur and we are the knights of justice,
We pledge fairness to all, to protect the weak and vanquish the evil! Yep I saw that one!
Yeah it's weird. I still find it weird seeing all the americans speak in japanese too. It's easier if everyone speaks english but in an accent for me.
To be honest I dont think the subtitles are the greatest so i think I miss details about the story. For instance they kept talking about Diva and then they changed the translation to Songstress. Half the time I don't know what's going on. They blurt out random code names like Delta 67 and expect me to know what the hell they are talking about.
I didn't really care about the girl on crutches. Cared more about george when he came back from the dead, kicked some behind then was pointlessly killed again. I keep thinking that they should be doing flashbacks to victorian times, if saya was alive then and Vampire Hunter D it.
The Chiropterans, they seemed more real in the movie. In the series they are sort of turned into rent a baddie. They seem to be able to just do all these weird things on a whim and they aren't freaky enough.
Comments in red
You haven't seen the Ghost ship?
It's one of the best areas in the game in Endless Ocean. It's like the sunken titanic, it floats about randomly and to find it 100% you will need the compass. Otherwise if you swim in the sort of mid-western sea and pop up above surface, you can see its position and general direction and keep on changing grid references in that direction and re-diving.
You can find Great white sharks and Killer Whales and huge swarms of manta rays. It's great.
Conditions: You must have uncovered 60% of the main map by exploring *and* have
entered the Caves for the first time. There are no further plot
dependencies, so this can happen at nearly any time.
The 60% of the main map includes the green land areas and the dark
blue deep ocean areas. To uncover these you need to work your way
around the edges.
- unlocked Pirate Ship
As the Pirate Ship moves around the map, it can be hard to find. You have
four approaches:
- find it by accident
- thorough exploring just below the surface, which is virtually impossible
- swim to the surface and look around. The ship can be seen a long way off
- find all parts of the Pirate's Compass, which tells you which squares it
can be found on
* Or look up the Pirate's Compass in section 12 of this FAQ to find the answer
When you find the Pirate Ship, swim in to the large hole near the port bow.
- unlocks Ocean's Graveyard (Ship's Rest)
There is a handy map here to locate the ghost ship:
if you're not too brand orientated I would recommend finding an altogether different mp3/media player as I think a lot of what you pay for with apple is design, and brand name. I am sure you could get one with equal or better sound quality, improved functionality and possibly bigger storage capacity for less money than the ipod equivalent. It bothers me how they make them so the battery is not even easily replaceable with the reasoning being that you're going to be wanting to buy a new model in a few months anyway.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
TBH that guy in the phantom of the opera mask and the blue rose was pushing it. Hmm, the Wings aren't the main bad guys? Now I'm intrigued.
I was confused about that scene in russian where they meet the little girl who is actually gregory? And then saya says she is going to sleep. Did that happen in the past or present because it wasn't really made clear. I hoped that the Chiropterans were naturally occuring monsters that were as old as time. But they seem to be headed down the science gone wrong route.
Disaster boxart
I've seen reviews which say that there are other MP3 players with better sound quality, but without itunes, there aren't many decent sources/services for legal music downloads. Or a decent and easy method for transferring tunes.