Probably fake Sadness footage.
Still more than we will ever see from the game.
List of upcoming PS3 games with trophy support.
I think its a third party list.
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You liking GoNintendo is reason enough to never go there.
GoNintendo posting playmate Jo Garcia video where she explains how she is more hardcore than your Steel ballz, is reason enough to go there.
P.S. Gonintendo is a aggregate news site jusy like us, but only with Nintendo news. They reason most of us go there is because it is easy, all the news is already there. I just a matter of copy paste.
Lol Steel this one is for you!
Gold Medal drives man insane, calls out Fedor
By Dave Meltzer, Yahoo! Sports
Aug 20, 8:46 pm EDT
It is common in the U.S. after an athlete has just won the biggest event of his life, to say that he’s going to Disneyland.
Would the opposite of going to Disneyland, billed as the happiest place on Earth, be getting in the ring with Fedor Emelianenko, who may be the real world’s most dangerous human?
In Beijing, China, after winning the gold medal in the superheavyweight division in judo this past week, Japan’s Satoshi Ishii said he wanted to fight “Emelianenko Fedor,” as the legendary Russian fighter is known in Japan.
Ishii, 21, has never fought MMA style. The idea of the match may sound laughable to MMA aficionados, but New Year’s Eve in Japan is traditional for gimmick performers, whether they be Japanese entertainment personalities, giants, or athletes who were successful in other sports, doing fights. With Ishii becoming a national hero in Japan and the sport fading in popularity, such a match would draw the kind of interest that Emelianenko against a top fighter could never do.
Ishii would be the third Japanese judo gold medalist to go into MMA if he’s serious. The first, Hidehiko Yoshida, was one of the key people in the high point of the Pride promotion. But Yoshida was 33, and a decade past winning his medal at 172 pounds when he started in the sport. Ishii is younger and a true heavyweight, but success in judo hardly guarantees top-level fighting ability in MMA.
Emelianenko in a gimmick match on network television is almost a New Year’s Eve tradition. If his hand injury heals and allows him to go this year, it will make the sixth year he’s fought on that date. With the exception of a win over Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, the other matches have been against a popular pro wrestler, a 6-5, 400 pound tub of goo with turtle-like reflexes, a kickboxing star with little MMA experience, and a 7-2, 367-pound South Korean giant who only had one MMA fight.
Wow, some one has a death wish
Is she hot?
It is posted in the Saterday news section and it is yellow! See for yourself.
Depends on Fedor's hand injury. He injured his hand in his last fight against Timah, so he will not be able to fight in October. He might be able to fight at New Years eve.It is a tradition he always does.
In October there is a fight between Josh Barnett and Andre Arlovski. The winner will fight Fedor. Barnett is very popular in Japan, and if he wins, fighting Fedor in Japan will make sense money wise.
So there is a chance the fight against the Judo guy will happen. I will be over quick though.
For news, I just subscribe to dozen sites RSS feeds. RSS is far faster and easier than going to each site individually. For instance, if you click on the RSS feed link on the bottom of IGN's main page, it'll give you a list of feeds that you can subscribe to. I just picked: DS, PSP, PS3, PS2, PC, 360, XBL and Wii, and subscibed to each one by clicking "View Feed XML" and then subscribe.
EDIT: BTW, I use Internet Explorer 7 for feeds, so the process may be different in other browsers.
EDIT 2: For other sites, just click on the RSS icon in your browser, and it will take you to their feed. I have RSS feeds for GoNintendo, Kotaku, and Gamespot News too. I recently subscribed to Incert Coin's feed because it's easier to read and helps a lot in not accidentally posting dupicate news articles.
That is the most sexy talk I have ever heard from a hot chick. Tell me about those Espers.
OMG she is playing MGS4, where are these chicks???
EDIT: Woo LBP saved.
I have been watching LBP videos and I have some questions. Is the jumping momentum based? Every time they jump it seems that you cannot change the direction midair Mario style, so the arc of the jump seems to be governed by your speed before jumping?
And can you play this game alone? With four sackboys the camera does not keep up with them, so you see some players at the edge of the screen when platforming.
GG is medal of honour heroes 2 worth it for £17? multi-player not so much an option for me at the moment i think
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I can't take any more of Odin Sphere. It's battles are like the inane Radiata Stories flinch and destroy vs. no flinch and run method, only worse because of the suddenly spawning enemies and erradic attacks and every boss with some stupid jumping across the map attack. Meanwhile I'm trying to attack and am clipping through enemies. For what story there is it's aimless. Pretty graphics aren't substance enough on its own. I don't have the patience to suffer through another FFXII-type experience of frustration and tedium.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile...I'm not done complaining. Here's a question: where's the exploration or overworld or something other than one flat circular section to the next? The progression is just from fight to fight to fight and the fighting sucks. Good thing it looks like if I kept going I'd get to revisit the same levels over and over.
The stamina bar is an attempt at balancing the combat that results is another pointless bother that has you attacking then running away to refill. Mash mash run. Mash mash run.
Tolarable for a minute or two, but the excess boss health makes the fight a fight against your own attention span in attempt to lull you into carelessness. The attack patterns are repetitive throughout and again it's just mash mash run.
But oh! the items. The wonderful imaginative items that amount to creating items to heal you while you have to buy extra bags to carry them. Goody. I'm so glad this is completely in lieu of actual equipment.
If I wanted repetitive 2D combat without the enjoyable parts of an RPG, I would have just played Guilty Gear.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile"I really can't understand the appeal of this stuff."
Umm, that's why they call it an in-joke.
I do to. Sorry to anyone who liked it, but the only good thing I saw in the game was its graphics. To me it just screamed "PS2 fans are getting desperate, so let's throw them a pretty game with no effort in any other way" loud and proud.
I did some updates now, because I won't be able to do them this Tuesday! So who is gonna do the Tuesday updates?
Yeah, sort of. Wikipedia will probably have an overview. But Sauron was a pussy compared to Morgoth. Sauron was Morgoths servant. There are the Ainur who are like the proper Gods and the Maiar who are like servants of the Ainur. Gandalf for instance was a servant of the gods. The proper Gods could like raise the seas and mountains and stuff.
I love it, I prefer it to LOTR. The events in the Simarillion make LOTR seem like a pale shadow in comparison. For instance there is one balrog in LOTR while in the Simirralion you have an army of balrogs, dragons etc fighting a huge alliance of men and elves. You have Morgoth appearing and going toe to toe with an elf. And the first elves were more powerful and greater than the elves after. You even have characters like Elrond and Galadriel in it and it kinds of gives you all the secrets behind LOTR like the coming of the wizards and what gandalf is or was etc. I love it.
I think so, but others may not agree. You have to contend with the fact that it is really another WW2 shooter that looks and feels similar to every other WW2 shooter you have ever played. That said, it's presentationally pretty great and has some sweet controls that really test you. I like it a lot. BTW the post above yours is NOT me. This is why I don't like guest posting........ Edgecrusher! I know it's you!
Free for all.
This is true, awesome, and the best thing the Sil has going in it. Gothmog, king of the Balrogs, and Ancalagon the Black. Legendary stuff within a legend. But it lacks pace. Perhaps because it wasn't really written as a whole, but in pieces instead.