Probably fake Sadness footage.
Still more than we will ever see from the game.
List of upcoming PS3 games with trophy support.
I think its a third party list.
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travo (2m)
Awesome! Thanks for the sig GG.
See I put way to much hope into all the new engines, I expected an environment I could interact with unlike anything we have seen before, but that is not the case. Its just your basic action game with SW painted over it. The mechanics seem solid, graphics are not as impressive as you would think GG, the story looks great as well. I predict lots of 7.5's give or take .5 in either direction.
I'll do you a matching avatar.
You know I still remember a couple of years ago at E3 when they showed the Indiana Jones demo with all the technology and I said that it wouldn't make much difference to the end user. I was criticised for it. But I'm starting to feel like I was right. And I'm sad because I really would love for these technologies to make everything fresh and new and amazing.
I made you a better sig on page 12 here.
Archangel avatar
You'll have to save it to your computer and then from the PROFILE page upload it on the change avatar option.
Kind of hard to fit text into a tiny square damnit.
GREAT UPDATES IGA just reading the ONM blog thing
Wow. Just wow. I've already played part of this game pretty in-depth for the purposes of the exclusive six-page preview in the next issue of ONM, so I'm not going to say much more: you can read over 1200 words on the game next week by buying the mag. But wow.
This is by far one of the most shocking games I've seen (but in a good way). If you thought the violence was offensive, wait until you hear the commentators of the fake TV show the game's based on. Unfortunately I can't give some of their best lines because they're too dody, but let's say the talk about certain intimate body parts being shaved, and throw a few F-bombs in there too. In terms of gameplay there's a huge variety of moves you can do and loads of environmental stuff. Although the chainsaw is your main weapon you can also get new weapons, each of which have a whole new set of gory death moves. For example, you can get two huge daggers, stick them into your opponent's chest and pull them apart to rip them in two. Awesome. Very Happy.
I wasn't expecting to like this (after the whole E3 conference thing) but I was really impressed with it. It uses the Balance Board really well and though at first I was on my backside all the time, it's because it's a completely different way of playing and takes a while to get used to. The snowboarding thing on Wii Fit was fair enough but that was just leaning left and right: when you add tricks, spins, jumps and grabs into the mix it gets a bit confusing. After a couple of races and half-pipe contests though I had the hang of it and it's really fun to play.
Sounds cool. For some reason Too Human gametrailers review wont work for me. What did it get and what did the review say guys?
Shame that KORE video is such poor quality.
Oh come on.
Oh crap! Madworld being watched by the censors already.
"Yes, it's violent," admitted Sega marketing man David Corless. "We don't try to hide that, but as publishers, we see it as a fantasy game - it's fantasy violence. It's over the top. It's cartoony."
Corless added: "We also take the violence very seriously. We are working with the age rating boards, with PEGI and with BBFC. We're not at the end of the game's development, but we're working with them now to make sure that we don't go over the top.
"The game has been banned in Germany; there's no getting around that unfortunately. But we are taking it seriously and we're going to make sure that this game is rated for the appropriate audience," he said.
We've had chance to see game in action and we reckon it's shaping up to be something very special indeed.
Actually, when we say it looks very similar to its Xbox 360 we mean it literally. On firing up the demo, Dark Legend's title screen featured a background FMV of fly-bys and cut-scenes which we assumed had been culled from the original game. It quickly became apparent though that these scenes had been taken straight form this Wii version, its in-game engine offering some truly stunning visuals that really haven't been done justice by the first batch of Dark Legend screenshots.
Inspired by classic fairy tales – and skewering them into far less innocent tales for its own nefarious purposes – Dark Legend plays out across a lavish fantasy landscape, with our demo set amongst ramshackle cottages, rolling green hills and cascading waterfalls. The world features vibrant colours, sharp textures, real-time shadows, bloom and incredibly detailed character models in what's possibly the best looking third-party Wii title we've seen so far. While closer inspection reveals some obvious visual downgrades in terms of polygons and other tricks, it's an object example of how some careful consideration and a creative approach to the console's technical limitations can still yield spectacular results. It's all the more impressive when you consider the number of Minions the engine is shifting round on-screen at any one time and how far off completion the game still is.
It's pretty obvious that developer Climax has approached this version of Overlord from the ground up for Wii. Alongside it's visual lustre, Dark Legend also sports a point-and-click style command interface, making full and sensible use of the console's control options. It's incredibly streamlined and far less cumbersome than the control pad interface employed on 360 – you simply select the Minions you want to control using the on-screen pointer then click on the object you want them to interact with or obliterate. You can also use the pointer for mouse-look style camera control, simply by moving the cursor toward the edge of the screen.
We're hugely encouraged by Codemasters's apparent dedication to quality on the Wii. Dark Legend looks to make the most of the console's hardware and seems to retain all of the original 360 game's charm, humour and appealing game mechanics. Overlord: Dark Legend is due for release around June next year and we can't wait to get our hands on the game in the coming months.
"So many companies just try to port over their games to the Wii, and they just don't work," associate producer Dean Scott says. "In order to do a Wii game, it really has to start with the controller." So Codemasters took the theme of the original game -- a twisted action-RPG in which you control an overlord and his minions -- and came up with Overlord: Dark Legend, a new game that takes advantage of the Wii's controls.
What's our take? I have to say that Overlord: Dark Legend looks surprisingly good on the Wii. In fact, it's probably one of the best-looking games I've yet seen for the system. The lush environments just overflow with detail and color, and special effects like waterfalls and shadows from lighting are impressive. Also, the controls seem to work really well -- pointing to things that you want your minions to interact with is supereasy. It retains the previous game's humor, too -- and it's probably even more played up (for example, your minions now wear goofy hats). The game's twists on popular fairy tales, such as a Little Red Riding Hood who's actually a werewolf -- should prove to be quite amusing. With still a year to go in development, I have to say that this is surely one of the most promising games for the Wii at this year's Games Convention.
The overlord look like Sauron. Interest in game rising.
Did you know that in the film they based Sauron's look on the description of Morgoth, the first dark lord who was like 10X as powerful as Sauron?
Anyone else read the Simarillion?
Morgoth was a fallen angel-like being right?
No I did not read Simarillion!
GG I like this sig more.
Yay Last Guy next week, holy crap its like christmas this summer.
Quest for Booty awesome, but not worth $15. That shoul have been $10 max. The problem is that it feels like a tiny piece of a bigger game, when you pay that much you don't want that feeling, you want something that feels complete.
I did. It fucking DRAGS in parts, but it's one hell of a background for all the Tolkien mythos.
I have it, but haven't read it. Haven't had the desire to for whatever reason.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileJust got back from playing Street Fighter IV.
Shit rocks.
There is so many awesome news, why are you not updating Steel? Computer broken? Lazy? Work?
I feel asleep.
Where are those many awesome news, you crazy fuck?
IGN, go to each channels seperate page (PC, Wii, 360, PS3, DS and PSP). Scroll down and you will see the list of latest updates. Another good option is and Good luck
Gamekyo is dry, you sucked up the life from it yesterday. Fuck GoNintendo. I'll go to IGN.
GoNintendo is the only site that has news in the weekend, so you might use them tomorrow, but that will only give you 5-6 stories max. We should make one column of the weekend, most of the weekend (read 99%) is the stuff left over form Friday.