Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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The Simpsons has sucked for the past 10 years anyway so who cares.
Now if all The Simpsons actors are South korean you may have a point.
Read from right to left.
Day one purchase.
Go Fatal Frame 4
Go Fire Emblem 
People check out the Fatal Frame playtrough.
Looks pretty cool and:
As far as I know the simpsons is animated in america and coloured in Korea.
I tried watching the FFrame vids but they are such poor quality, I'd rather wait for the good ones.
EDIT, EDGE mag scores
- Soul Calibur IV [PS3, 360] 8
- Siren : Blood Curse Episodes 1-3 [PS3] 8
- Blast Works: Build, Fuse & Destroy [Wii] 6
- Braid [360, PC] 9
- Guitar Hero : On Tour [DS] 4
- American McGee's Gtimm : Episode's 1-3 [PC] 6
- Bionic Commando Rearmed [360, PS3] 8
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2 : Grimoire of the Rift [DS] 8
- Schizoid [360] 5
- Battle Fantasia [360, Ps3] 7
- Secret Agent Clank [PSP] 7
- Super Mario Stadium: Family Baseball [Wii] 6
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon [DS] 3
- Final Fantasy IV [DS] 7
- Daigasso! Band Brothers DX [DS] 8
- Hail to the Chimp [360, PS3] 7
That's quite a high score for Siren.
It seems no one online will fight my Masked, Spiky, Thong-Wearing, Caped, Girthy-Staffed, Phantom_Leo, Dragoon-Warrior, custom character in SC4...
I don't understand why...
So........... Voldo with a cape?
The Fatal Frame playthrough has actually dampered my anticipation. I sincerely hope that camera angle can be altered, it virtually destroyed the tension for me, and made the video become 10 minutes of watching the back of a badly animated character walk around doing nothing interesting, instead of taking in the atmosphere.
From what I could see of the enviroment it looked brilliant though!
She is not badly animated, she just runs like a girl and see the manual scans I posted before, you can change the camera angle with the nunchuck, I believe.
Steel this one is for you
Nice score for Tales of Vesperia. I'm really looking forward to picking that game up.
I love me my Mario Kart and will no doubt be picking it up sometime but right now I'm just not sure when because there is so much stuff I want to get on the 360 right now. I'll be getting Soulcalibur IV this week, would like to get Civ Revolution as well, Too Human coming in August, and I'll have to stock up on a bunch of MS points for all the XBLA titles and dlc for other games.
Steelattack looks cute xD
No, no, no, no, no...
I tried to make him look like ME...
...but Wearing spiked, paladin shoulder pads, a cape, spiked gloves, a masquered mask, no pants and a thong...
...oh, and I have a huge, girthy staff... my hands... FIGHT with, I mean...
You know! I tried to make him wear what I USUALLY wear around the house.
And we have new Fedor fan!
No review for Fragile in Famitsu
OMG Queenie thought I was Fedor!
*Manly pose*
I can die a happy man now.
The game has no release date yet. Its not even sure if it will come out in 2008.
One of the site's forefathers.
More Fire Emblem DS info
1. Most classes remain the same
- Pegasus Knights = Dragon Knights.
- Thieves, Lords, other special classes cannot change
2. Class-swap as much as needed, but with some limitations
- no swapping to unique classes (Lords, Commandos, etc
- limited to amount of each class
3. Class change uses an item called the Master Proof
- class change to the upper classes allows you to swap between the upper classes
- Warrior and Berserker classes added
4. Wi-Fi battles
- voice chat
- Fog of War
- rule settings
- team of 5 units
5. six difficulty levels
- Normal and Hard open from the beginning
- Enemy reinforcements at beginning of enemy phase
So.............. Voldo with a cape then?
Get me a digital photo online to see.
P.S This page is a little buggy right now for some reason.