Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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robio (6m)
But, Voldo came here specifically and VOLUNTEERED to scratch your balls! Why make Steel do it?
Look! Voldo even put on his special ball scratching mitts, just for you!
You know! VOLDO! Of Soul Calibur 1, 2, 3 and 4 fame... Voldo! Ah... Good times, good times...
I'm not entirely sold on Fragile. Parts look great, parts look terrible.
Though it's certainly looking promising!
i like the screenshots for fragile. i am interested to see how it turns out
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I'm interested in fragile but I'm just not sure enough as to what kind of game it's going to end up like. I need a hands on preview to explain it. So far I see lots of screens which look purty and some gameplay descriptions. I need hands on because it's not your easy to explain traditional wham bam style videogame.
I feel the same, but then I heard the music. SOLD
Who actually played red steel here? I know Dvader did.
My favourite Red Steel bits:
The warehouse was pretty cool, lots of exploding boxes
Approaching the last level in between bamboo was great, if linear
The ninja bossfight with lightning and rain lashing down was cool.
This bit reminded me of when Uma thurman talked to hattori hanzo in kill bill
The dojo area expands later in the game
The bar area became your hub later on, looked nice except for the frame rate. I liked how these glass partitions shattered when shot
Anyone remember this fake screenshot below?
This game has some great concept art. They should make the new one look like the new Prince of persia
I own it, GG. I played through it 3 times, and found it to be a very enjoyable game despite some of its flaws. I agree that with more development time and better controls, it could've been a 9.0 game.
With RS2 using Wii MotionPlus, then that'll likely be a must-buy for me next year.
Some levels are crap. They really need to work on the pacing of the levels and insert more save points as it's hard to replay levles that last an hour when you want a quick blast.
RS2 supposedly has online modes, co-op might be fun or duelling with motion plus.
I really hope that they rip the sniper aiming from MOHH2.
I need to play MOHH2 one of these days just to experiance the controls that everyone keeps talking about. Unfortunately, my local rental shop doesn't have it, and I don't like WWII games enough to buy it at full price.
Hmm, I don't recall having any problems with the save points in RS.
Actually there were save points or at least checkpoints. I never had to replay an entire level because I died, if that's what you mean.
EDIT: I just played my copy of RS, and it saves at each Checkpoint, and there are several per level.
EDIT 2: Okay, I'm wrong. It only saves at the begining of each mission.
Lost Odyssey is an example of save points handled well.
Another thing is that red steel never actually tells you when it has saved so you just sort of assume that it's saved after a level. I like the re4 or zelda save system.
Will you be my Voldo, GG?
it's from tri-Crescendo, of course it's going to have amazing music -- the responsible for the best track ever
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI will take your track and raise it with this
I'm also interested in Fragile, but I was surprised to see what art style the characters were depicted in. I thought from the spooky screens that it'd have more realistic-looking people. Oh well. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. I'm already antiticpating Fatal Frame 4, and more creepy games is always a good thing!
Oh, it's on
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI like how it's detailed and yet has this sort of soft focus look about it.
Get me the outfit and we'll talk.