Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
Stephen Totilo (of MTV fame) Interviews Peter Dill
To Discuss FFXIII's Jump to the 360
Mass Effect Trilogy Not Coming to the PS3
Confirmation Comes with a suggested shot at the PS3
Resistance Website Countdown Over
A bunch of new non-gameplay related videos released
When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
Super Mario's Performance Enhancement Scadal!
Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
Blowing in cartridges does apparently not work.
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Fragile looks cool. I wonder how good it will be? Reminds me of something quirky you would have seen on the Dreamcast back in the day. It looks moody.
WTF? Microsoft want to talk to nintendo about using the wii remote with the 360?
Another wii million seller
LOL on the wired preview of platinum games they have this:
Clone wars screens
Potential isn't the same as realisation. People can 'imagine' all the benefits of extra hardware power they want. Nintendo having a more powerful system wouldn't change anything in regards to what the wii controller can do. The wii controller is limited by its own internal technology, not being able to track things quickly or accurately enough when not pointed at the sensor bar, for instance.
You could argue that extra competition would make for better use of the controller, or one could argue that having similar graphical technology would just lead to the same games with arbitruary motion controls tacked on. You could argue that the Wii;s lower power and lower costs, coupled with the different demographic has led to more unique and innovative controller use.
Miyamoto has been playing down hardware tech since the cube came out, it's all about design in my eyes. All the technical wizardry of the euphoria engine for instance hasn't heralded a huge evolution in game design for instance. Being able to render huge environments has actually made things look visually better, but lost that tight game design of the past, going for scope over gameplay in some instances.
what does miyamoto say about pikmin in that interview? i must have just missed it. though just the knowledge that they're making it is enough to make me a happy camper... which reminds me ... GG was you being nasty about pikmin a few days ago?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
No he only mentiones Pikmin team as an example. Nothing more.
He just says that they are making a new pikmin game, nothing else. I wasn't being nasty about pikmin, I like it, but I still haven't picked up the sequel which still goes for silly money here in the UK. I like pikmin but Animal crossing is by far my preferred franchise. So I was saying that I am happier about AC being announced than I would have been with a pikmin announcement and I was just pointing out that Animal crossing is a huge series now, the DS game sold close to 10 million, how much did pikmin sell? Animal crossing rivals any large franchise in the business at this point and people don't recognise this as they just assume that it's "not a game for them".
Capcom on dead rising?
So weird people using the answers to the questions I'm putting directly to Svenson on the boards right now. I think he's clammed up because I pointed out how visually this compares to Metroid Prime 3, Resident evil 4 and more. Suddenly he's all quiet. I suggested that they use normal mapping for the zombie faces.
I also pointed out how the Resident evil 4 Wii engine was just the RE4 GC engine with 16:9 and that Dead Rising doesn't even look as good as RE4.
I'm just an asshole
i know well what you were saying mate i was just pulling your leg. we've exchanged notes on animal crossing before and you know i played wild world to death. now finally we'll get to visit each other's towns since you couldn't get your DS to go online. i'm going to cut off all your trees ... awesome times to be had.
by the way the pikmin games are among my top 5 gamecube games and i've played them both multiple times. pikmin 2 is a really great game, you will be glad you got it once you do. i think the announcement of pikmin 3 made me happier than say even metroid prime 3 and i really love metroid.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I played through Pikmin twice. Apart from multiplayer, what was different in Pikmin 2 BTW?
Leave my trees alone, that goes for everyone. You know I would go to your town and dig holes everywhere and plant pitfall seeds.
Wii connect 24 and new items constantly coming is going to be heavenly. One of the things I don't like about city folk so far is that I see a lot of repeated furniture and wallpapers etc. I hope they just brought across the assets from the GC version and have spent the rest of the time making all new stuff.
This looks like assasins creed.
I dunno, I really fail to see how this is the golden era of gaming, and what is so absolutely amazingly innovitive about the so called next-gen games. They seem like last gens games but aimed more at an audience, and on a larger scale. M-E-H.
I like Killer 7, but it's one of those games that despite not being AAA stonking quality it still sticks out in my mind as one of those experiences you'll never forget. It's difficult when you try to explain the appeal to K7 haters. There are flawed games that are just unique enough to strike a nerve. I believe that SUDA showed that he has potential to make some stunning games, but lacks the team to technically pull off something with a great engine coupled with great ideas and execution.
I agree with you on these big budget next gen games. All I see is production values up the wazoo. Everything is bigger. Not much else feels different, unless it's the constant drive for online functionality. I've said it before, despite the dated visuals, despite the game not being a AAA clasic or anything, Elebits revolutionary control scheme is just about the most next-gen feeling I've had out of gaming since the end of the cube/xbox/ps2 era and despite the lame look of Wii Sports Resort, I know that the motion plus dongle will give me that feeling again.
I think the CVG editorial was quite right in that they said that if the dongle had been shown with a star wars lightsaber demo we would all be shitting our pants. Because it was shown with a frisbee and dog, we aren't.
Otherwise my next gen experience has either been quirky delights with games like Endless Ocean and Zack and Wiki, or big budget standard games like Bioshock or Halo 3.
More sonic unleashed screens
"There were several major differences between Pikmin and Pikmin 2. One of them was the elimination of the 30-day time limit which was imposed during the course of the first Pikmin game. In Pikmin 2, a player may continue to search for treasure for as many days as he or she wishes. The game contains 201 collectible treasure pieces, as opposed to the 30 ship parts of the original Pikmin game.
Another addition was the ability to use two captains at once, making multitasking easier. In the previous Pikmin game, multitasking was difficult as there was only one captain to direct multiple groups of Pikmin. In both Pikmin games, commands cannot be issued from a distance, meaning that a one captain system caused a lot of running between multiple working Pikmin groups. Another gameplay change was the addition of sprays, which have two effects on gameplay. The red spray energizes Pikmin to increase both speed and attack strength. The purple spray temporarily turns enemies caught in the blast radius to stone. Sprays are obtained by collecting 10 berries of the corresponding color, but can occasionally be found in egg-like vessels when smashed, instead of the usual yellow nectar.
The controls are also improved: holding A will cause Pikmin to line up behind the leader in color groups, and the color can be cycled with the d-pad. The player can even choose "leaf" or "flower" Pikmin to be thrown first with d-pad up/down. In Pikmin 1, selecting a specific Pikmin color was very fiddly and difficult. Finally, Pikmin can be thrown slightly faster in Pikmin 2.
A major difference between the games is the playability of the yellow Pikmin. In Pikmin, the yellow Pikmin have the ability to pick up bomb rocks and throw them, in order to break walls of dirt and stone. In the sequel, the bomb rocks are not able to be picked up, but the yellow Pikmin have gained the ability to withstand electricity." --wikipedia, Pikmin 2
Nintendo also added white Pikmin which are resistant to poison and Purple Pikmin which have increased strength (10 times more other Pikmin).
Pikmin 2 is fucking awesome!
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