Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
Order by:
Recently Spotted:
Holy shit. I forgot the shitty D pad of the 360 controller. I never use it and tend to forget it.
Wouldn't it be GREAT if the additional content in MM9 was Boss Rush DL's
where you would battle the Robot Masters from all of the past games...
...for a nominal price...
So yeah I just got back from my friends house after we played Metal Gear Solid 4 for over 3 hours straight.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! THE GAME IS A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Seriously, I haven't been so blown away by a game since Half-Life 2. The graphics are just ridiculous (even on the SD TV we were playing on) and the gameplay is very developed. This game literally takes gaming to the next level and truly brings out the term "next-gen". Their is so much detail in everything it is just ridiculous. The walls are crumbled, the floor has some missing pieces, rooms actually look like what they are suppose to do to so much stuff in them as well as the varitey, and most of all when playing it is as if I am IN an epic cutscene.
Even though I only got to the end of Act I the game just blows my mind. Fucking amazing game, I NEED a PS3 NOW! This is truly something that cannot be done on the Wii. I mean the only flaw I found in this game is the awkward aiming.
Also....TV Shows in the begining of the game?
And yes Edge you have to have the game install after ever play.
One of the site's forefathers.
Welcome to the club Punk.
^^^I need a PS3! :crys:
Also LOL @ Johnny shitting his pants that you can even see the brown stain on his pants.
Oh yeah and apparently the three people there who own GTA IV stated that it is ridiculously over-rated.
I know people always say this during big games like this but I really do think that this is the limit of gaming. I mean I can't imagine anything better then this other then few bells and whistles (I.E. Ooooooooo chunks of the building fly off or OMGZ the ten thousand enemies!)
Fucking amazing game, HAVE to buy...eventually.
One of the site's forefathers.
So are we going to do anything special for E3. Like for the conferences or anything?
Yes. Stay up late and watch it.
MGS4 wasn't that great after the first act.
Resident Evil 0 on Wii sounds.....pointless. Especially once Nintendo's next system hits and Gamecube games can just be saved right to the machine, or downloaded completely.
And if they were gonna port one of these games, why not REmake? Why pick the worst game?
Nippon Ichi moving to Wii?
In my opinion, this just shows how absolutely slow Japan is to adapt to things and change their ways. These guys are a small developer and can't afford to make high-production PS3 games, so the PS3's power means little to them. On top of that, the Wii is slaughtering PS3 in sales anyway. They should have been working on Wii from day 1.....instead they're just "considering" the move now.
You are so wrong.
Not that I'm aware of. I would want special sections for the platforms to cover the E3 period. Yodariquo isn't online much this week from what I can see
Must be awfully busy. We're still waiting on a couple of things/tweaks.
Well, yeah you can see that there are a lot of specialist japanese developers who literally don't have the money or skill to get involved in making a proper big budget next gen game with a 3 year development period. They were okay on the PS2 generation but now, portables and wii are their only options, especially given how the wii is performing in sales.
Star Fox pics:
Updates done. I will do another one in a few hours. Oh everyone watch the AVGN Superman 64 review. The game is beyond shit!
Did anyone apart from me actually watch the Conduit gameplay video? It looked pretty good, smooth as hell and frenetic too. It's still up at IGN:
Spray Wii screens. This is from Eko entertainment? So that Mark Ecko guy?
De Blob looks better. Did everyone see that trailer Edge linked to? Game is looking great now, I mean that.
"We got our hands-on the latest build of de Blob this week and we've got some excellent news to report. The platformer has come completely and totally together. Blue Tongue has very clearly been busy for the last couple of months, as those framerate and visual deficiencies that frequented early incarnations of the title are all of a sudden nowhere to be found, a truth that has us very happy. Not only is the game's fluidity locked at 60 frames per second (sadly, you won't be able to see this in our videos since all of our footage is captured at 30 frames -- you'll just have to take our word for it), but out of nowhere, de Blob now boasts some of the prettiest particle effects we've seen on Nintendo's home console, from gorgeous shimmering water to beautiful heat distortion and extremely detailed paint splatters. Furthermore, the once-disobedient camera now shoots the action smartly and coherently. And to top everything off, the dynamic musical soundtrack will rock you. "
Fatal frame IV pics:
Again, why couldn't suda do these visuals for NMH? :?
Wario and FE scans:
Because Fatal Frame is developed by Suda, Techmo and Nintendo jointly. No More Heroes is only done by Suda 51 and his merry band. Suda hasn't got the technical skills. He is artsy, and we all that artist are useless. Engineers FTW!
The Conduit Wii Interview
Just when it started to look like epic, mature core games for Wii wouldn’t be coming anytime soon, all of a sudden there’s High Voltage, with a visually stunning FPS. When did you decide: “we’re going for Wii and we’re going all the way”? And what lead to this decision, since not a lot of developers were taking that direction?
(Tom) Our goal from the beginning was to leverage every bit of graphical and game play power possible from the Wii console. The Quantum 3 engine, being the core of our development process, allowed for some amazing results. The reason we went the direction we did was actually because no one else was going that way. We wanted to develop a game that no one else has for the Wii.
Are some of High Voltage’s developers sometimes frustrated with Wii’s graphical power? The game surely looks great, but I´m sure a lot of your developers have the artistic drive to deliver the best possible result. Is there no one that said “what if we made it for 360…”?
(Tom) I think what we have been able to achieve so far has pleased everyone on the team. It is extremely challenging to push the limits of the Wii as far as we have, and it’s very rewarding to see the results. There is a limited amount of memory and CPU power available, and we have to work within those constraints. There is no way around that. The team is always up for a challenge, however, and I’m very proud of their progress on The Conduit. I think the game looks even better every day!
Just to continue the discussion, with some relevant news, Treyarch and what they are apprarently doing with Wii on COD5 sounds promising. The creative director and senior producer have said:
- Wii version will support everything that is in the other versions
- there is a secret concerning co-op play, which is to be revealed later
- CoD4 engine on Wii reconfirmed
- camera and controls are taking a top priority “For example, if you’re climbing on a hill, in a game, you’d have to adjust the point of view manually… but that’s not as in reality, where you would instinctively look a bit higher over your head. That’s the kind of adjustment we’ve obtained working on cameras on Wii version.”
- more fluid movements for shooting
- Zapper support reconfirmed - details unclear, but you’ll be doing typical Zapper stuff (aim off-screen to reload)
- Main game runs at 60FPS, online is 30FPS
This is an example of a developer that seems to be putting some effort behind the wii version, it uses the COD4 engine for craps sake, earlier they said that all the effects etc of the next gen versions would be seen on Wii too. And that comparitively it would seem a lot closer to the next gen versions than other multiformat game has in the past. They also said that COD 5 will push wii harder than any other game - a fricking bold as hell statement considered Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy.
They state that the wii version will support everything that the other versions have. So far we haven't seen a single video or screen from the wii version so all of this for my money so far is hearsay till they prove it. But if true what you have here is an example of a Wii FPS with nearly no comprimises, fully featured, tech pushing and it's going to have those sweet controls from COD3 to boot.
If there were more games that aspired to making this effort on wii, I would honestly choose the wii version simply because I like shooter controls using IR so much more.
Exactly....its not really a SUDA game.
Yes I watched the Conduit video. I'm buying it.
Yes de BLOB looks awesome but nobody cared. People suck. That Spray game looks ok but kind of kiddie.