Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
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Recently Spotted:
I was just doing a search for starfox pics and I came across all this:
EAD on GC:
EAD on Wii:
IGN: Resident Evil 4 was a beautiful GCN title. Rogue Squadron was doing things at launch that developers still haven't done on Wii. Why do you think that is? Are studios getting sloppy on Wii?
Julian: Yes. I'm so disappointed knowing exactly what the Wii can do -- and I still think nobody knows it better than we (no pun intended) [laughs]. I really have to say, boy, am I disappointed! They all have finally figured out, five years into the hardware's life cycle, how to do at least basic shaders and a rim light, but that's what everybody does. But I still don't see enough bump and normal-mapping, if any. I still don't see enough post effects, although you would have insane fill-rates with Wii. I don't see any of that. I was digging out Rebel Strike the other day and was looking at it, and we had some people who were visiting ask, "Why isn't anybody else doing this on Wii?" And I am at a loss. I really am.
^ When I searched Star Fox pics, I got a link to your Smash Bros thread at gamespot that I posted star fox pics in. Hahaha.
I mean I disagree.
"Spray Wii screens. This is from Eko entertainment? So that Mark Ecko guy?"
It'll get RC'd!
De Blob is shaping up awesomely. Hopefully it doesn't give me as much moton sickness as the original. :X
More Starfox pics
Wow Raven is right, this game is photorealistic
Wii's Horsepower continued.
I found these Julian Eggrebrecht links. Always interesting reading his interviews.
"We want to push the hardware. I think for us it's relatively easy for us to push the hardware. It inherently comes. But a lot of it is about exploiting the uniqueness of the Wii. I mean, on the graphical side, we're going to try and do everything to outdo everything else on the platform, the same as we did for the Star Wars games back on the GameCube," said Eggebrecht.
We're at the state where we're almost done with the engine. At the same time, we've also been working on content quite a bit because we had enough running very quickly on the platform that we were able to. But the biggest milestone or mark right now is that we're almost done with the engine and it does everything that the PS3 did and then some, quite frankly. So we're pretty happy with that.
"It's not just what a lot of people were expecting. 'Oh, we're going to cash in on what we had from Rebel Strike.' Which we actually also did. That was a fun experience just to bring that game over and play it on Wii. Nevertheless, we said, well, weighing the pros and cons, why don't we do something completely new based on all the experience we had back then? So, that's almost done."
Will it be a flight game?
"We'd never give up on the idea of making a flying game. Maybe a pure flight game, I don't know about that because it limits you a little bit. Flight can be involved, though -- our engine is strong around it. If it lends itself and the game design to it, it certainly can be an element.
Does Eggebrecht have any final words for Nintendo fans anticipating the company's Wii project? You bet.
"Whatever we're working on will at least blow you away in a lot of the technical aspects. We're really trying to do everything to squeeze the maximum out of the machine," he said. "I'm also hoping we're going to pay respect to what the console is all about, which is the innovation in terms of controls, in terms of accessibility, new experiences, things like that. We're really, really trying hard. I hope it's going to pay off. In terms of what we're working on; is it for third-party publishers, is it for a Nintendo first-party, what title is it? I won't give you a clue."
My complaints were actually about the games which try to go the traditional, more photorealistic route, because there you really have to push it, and they're really not pushing it. Why not? Hmmm I don't know, the hardware is very, very easy to understand. Now the problem might be -and it just might be- is that some studios -or some publishers specially- are discarding the graphical capabilities automatically simply because it is a Wii title and they're basically telling the developers "look, we won't pay for any advanced graphics". Because the Wii, I mean not that you would meet a 20 million dollar budget like on the PS3, but if you want to get really, really advanced graphics out of the Wii, then you have to spend probably more money than basically going for the cheap solution, so that might be an inherit problem, so it might actually not be the laziness of certain developers, but it might be the... inability or the non existent willingness of the publishers to actually give them in a budget to do better graphics.
RG: So maybe we can blame the publishers instead of the studios?
JE: I think that at the end of the day it's a mixture of both, because as a developer who is working on a more photorealistic title I think they also have to step up to the plate. They've to take a look a bit deeper and then go to the publisher and say look, just because we've done ten comic book type graphic titles, this one needs different graphics, so let's take a look a bit deeper into the hardware. You're giving us millions of dollars to find out how our assets end in the 360 GPU's work, we want to take a look a bit deeper into the Wii GPU because obviously you can do more. Many have proven... Resident Evil 4 clearly from Capcom or our own Rogue Squadron series has prove that you can do a lot more with the hardware, so it's not secret that it's in there, somewhere. But developers need to step up to the plate and the publishers as well... or they need to be open about it and if they're really willing to do it then they need to find the graphical style which is simply different, I mean that's another solution they have there.
RG: Can it be because of their tools? That it would be easier if the Wii had standard shader effects... or is it a matter of work because you have to prepare the shaders for yourself?
JE: The one thing which makes it probably harder for developers who are coming from the traditional direction is that the shader system inside the hardware works quite differently, you have something more right about that than the traditional AGI and the video pipelines. Because the thinking back when the basic graphics hardware structure was developed was to get very, very efficient, that hotwired a lot of things. But there're many possibilities in terms of how to use that hotwiring and actually rewire it, if you're clever about it. If you connect you can get a lot of shader effects which would've been on the 360 or the PS3.
RG: If you "create" them on the Wii
JE: Yeah, because... on the Wii, you just have to be more ingenious. But the Wii, on the other hand... I mean, think about it: it's got so much more power compared to the GameCube. If even with the extremely similar shader hardware, the system clockrate is so much higher, you can do so much more advanced things, so if people just would look at Rouge Leader, Rebel Strike and Resident Evil 4 and then say: this hardware is significantly faster than those games it should have the very minimum they should get that and then they should build on top of it.
RG: And with much more memory...
JE: Yeah, exactly, and the memory! That is a very good point. Aside from the shaders, our main limitation which we always found on the GameCube was the memory: the memory was a struggle the whole time; it was a very hard struggle. That was actually our biggest struggle. When we got the Wii specifications we were excited because we said "wow, this is actually the amount of memory which we needed"
RG: The memory problem you had before
JE: Yes, exactly, that would've been our "dream memory". (laughs)
Shows how godly we are.
Huh? There never WAS an original.
Wow check the news a new Soul Calibur fighter is revealed. And he has no boobssss!
^Holyshit.....its Vincent from Morbid Angel!
I assume you've all heard of Fallout 3 being refused classification here due to prescription (morphine) drug use.
So it's basically all downhill from here?
Well you have to look at the gaming situation in Japan more closely. Yes the gaming market therein terms of hardware and software sales is better then ever, but looking closer gives you the real picture. In terms of being anything non-Nintendo and especially non-casual it is an absolute fucking nightmare. Just go to Neogaf and look at the top 100 half year media create sale thread. Most of the games are in 100,000's, not only that but look at the games on it.
Serious gaming has been on a downward spiral in Japan for years. So developers and publishers are too scared to switch to anything because they are already on pretty thing ice as it is. As I've said before serious gaming has been leading towards this there ever since the PS2 launch. Why? Well I give 3 reasons:
#1 Quality and Quanity Seriously Dropped Big Time - If you want to see what I mean think of all the good/great Japanese games you know that came out during the Saturn/PSone/N64/Arcade/Dreamcast life-span now think of all the good/great Japanese games that came out during the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox/Arcade life-span. This is really a no brainer, less of everything.
#2 The PS2 Just Didn't Reach a Bigger Audience Thus Alienating alot of People - This similiar to what the PS3 and 360 are doing in the West. Basically they are further concentrating on what the highest buyers of the previous generation want. Basically big huge epics, however those are too immitating towards the casual player or people who want to explore gaming in general. This is just like the PS2 last generation, what new mass market Japanese game was there that appealed to many people in the same case Grand Theft Auto III, Guitar Hero, and World of Warcraft did? All I saw was more games aimed at teenage and young adult males. If you stay with the same audience and don't attempt to reach out your audience will only get smaller as people will tire of the same ol' same ol'.
#3 They Treat 3D as if it is Still the 32/64 bit Generation - The fact that Devil May Cry 4 has as many problems as it does is just flatout ridiculous, the game plays like it was made 7 years ago. No More Heroes is ridiculous, I don't know what is worse the 1st generation Dreamcast graphics, the PSX A.I. (Vagrant Story has better A.I. then this game), the uncontrollable and awkward controlled special modes during fights, or the fact that Suda is still having trouble figuring out what simple things don't work in 3D (A.I. enemies attacking BEHIND YOU WHERE YOU CAN'T SEE THEM!). I could easily go on but I think all of us have played enough games to make this clear. Whether it be lazyness, the "copying" factor, or just not caring because they know that people will still pay this is just ridiculous. This applys to last generation as well. With an exception of Skies of Arcadia, Dragon Quest VIII, Final Fantasy XII, and Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne JRPG's were HORRIBLE in 3D. And it took until Resident Evil 4 for the survival horror genre to reinvent itself. I am very sure Japanese gamers grew tired as they didn't have an option to play Western games due to them not being released or them not knowing of their exisitence.
These things combined made the Japanese market the gaming capital of the world to some obscure country towards gaming that isn't even a shadow of what it once was. Add this along with overseas sales being a record low due to these reasons plus Western developers/publishers moving out of PC and into consoles and you get one hectic situation.
One of the site's forefathers.
There sort of was, it was a demo made availible online for free by some students.
I heard of the ban, I didn't know it was for such a crappy reason.
edgecrusher said:
Mind blown. Where's Trey? I demand to see Trey in that game too!
Schweet the mechanic just called. $800 to fix the car. Then $220 on road tax.
In the meantime, do you walk to work?
Well I heard tight jeans are the fashion in Japan. Suda really needs to work with more technical people. They are basically running the Starship Enterprise without Scotty. You can't run a ship without him, it will run like shit.
Ha, be glad I did not post Sonic cosplay, now that is really disturbing!
Hoi, some more news from Ngamer magazine.
Stolen from Neogaf:
“Sadly, we still can’t name the mystery game that has us more excited than any of the others on this page. Capcom promise to maul us into our graves should we spill the beans, despite the fact that by the time you’re reading this the game could well be announced. Needless to say, it’s worlds away from the fluffiness of Zack & Wiki…”
Oh and Ngamer is very credible. They were the first to break the news of Resident Evil DS. The first to say Zelda was coming to the Wii.
So Megaton
PS Punch-out as good as confirmed, why is no one talking about it?
FLuffiness of Zack and Wiki? Zack and Wiki>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wii's entire library.
In the spots that No More Heroes looked good (okay just the models) it looked great!
Nah, Act 2 and Act 4 are just as good or better than Act 1 from a gameplay standpoint, and Act 3 and 5 still have really great sections. The story runs too long after you've beaten the game, but otherwise the game is fantastic. If Act 1 blew you away you will love the rest of the game.
Act 4 alone is worth $60 to me. It is my favorite of the bunch.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
YES! My awesome movie blog is now in a readable state. Head on over for trailers, reccomendations and more.
True, the best areas for me were the boss battle with the schoolgirl and the subway level. Oh and that boss battle with the granny and giant gun.
Mark Green used to work for nintendo so he probably has some inside sources. I couldn't care less about punchout. I'm glad that capcom seem to be making a more adult game for the wii, if it was spyborgs level of cartoon friendliness I couldn't cope. It better be good because Monster Hunter 3 will not be at E3. So we have factor 5's game next week which should technically blow us away, then capcom's mature title, plus animal crossing on wii.
Got a lift then bus.