Xbox Pioneers Past, Present & Future
Reggie Fils-Aimé Robbie Bach, Ed Fries, Peter Moore, Bonnie Ross media
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Yeah, definitely the latter. The Series S does this as well where some of the memory is used for other things.
Sons of bitches. It's got to be fake accounting. No way does a micro sd lose 38gb of useable space for admin purposes.
I was half joking. But yeah I miss him. Bugs too.
I wish they both would come back too.
It's not admin purposes, the text you copied explains it clearly. A GB as noted on a card isn't a true GB, it's 24MB short, because an advertised GB translates to 1000MB instead of 1024MB. So a 1024GB card actually only holds 1000GB. But by that logic your 512GB card should still hold 500GB though.
I hope Edge didn't leave because of that. I made the politics thread in the off topic board, but you could hardly call it a political discussion. It was just a place to roll eyes about the next idiotic thing Trump did. Surely even the most diehard Republicans could see he was comedy gold?
Anyway, sadly I also think Edge left due to politics. The final post he made after a very long absence, at the very least spelled out his beliefs. Weird last note to go out on if nothing else.
Yeah, I remember that post as well... The US always seems a decade or two ahead of Europe in terms of a certain spiral into decay. It's very unsettling. The big difference between the two contintents is that we have a myriad of different political parties across the spectrum, a lot of gray to offset the black and white of US politics. But it's clear that people are flocking away from the gray to the extremes of each political belief here as well.
Yeah, those were some fun matches. I’m sure we’ll have more in the future as well.
What was Edge's last post?
I don't want to put words in his mouth but I think Bugs left due to Edge?
I think both of them left not cause of us, but because of the way they perceived some replies.
I seem to remember that, too, GG. Sad sll around.
I had no idea about that re. Bugsy. I just assumed he disappeared as he always does periodically.
Last year the Biden/Harris campaign shared an Animal Crossing screenshot with their avatars in it. Apparently someone managing their campaign was well aware how popular the game was and made an official Animal Crossing account for them.
The picture got shared in our politics thread, and after a really long absence he popped in and commented that Biden was the biggest pedophile of all time in politics and something about how Harris was pretending to be black.
Anyway, there you go
Edge's last post.
Yeah, Bugs offered his Facebook profile if anyone wanted to keep in touch with him. I added him.
The first two cases feel like a warm up. This feels like a big case and there are some welcome additions.
There's now a British jury sitting below the judge. This means more colourful characters, more interventions, more intrigue and winning over jurors. You can even pit them against each other.
They throw you into this case, so you are working out what really happened in real time. Some of the animations are so much fun. Like the vampire like prosecution pouring himself a glass of wine. Or a pickpocket rolling a coin over her fingers.
Music is pretty epic too, seems orchestrated. My only minus is the lack of voice acting.
I've been playing tons of Halo Infinite multiplayer and am loving it. I've never really gotten into this series even after completing every main game but I'm pretty hyped for this one thanks to the beta. I even managed to get first place on my team several times.
I really want to do the campaign co-op with some of you guys. So fun.