Gunman shot by Pokemon GO player he tried to rob
Now they're fighting back
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robio (9m)
Eurogamer has a full breakdown of the dev kit. Gaf going crazy.
Power is the big story, it will not be PS4 level at all. The chip has to sacrifice graphics for better power management.
This is the best reaction I have seen.
Not during boss fights or certain objectives.
Huge news, some good some bad. The good is combining the portable and console sides of the company to one, imagine how many more games will be hitting the one device. Finally a console Pokemon game.
But the power sucks, as always they have basically said fuck off to third parties as no one is making a game to work on this thing. Well unless it's a cell phone game, all third party games will be cell phone ports I believe.
The key to the entire device is how this will fit into the mobile culture. Will it run on 4G when there is no wifi? Will it play stuff from the major app stores. If I have a phone why do I want this thing, I speak about those that don't care for game consoles. Or it can be the Trojan horse for mobile players to play consoles, I get this mobile thing and hey it hooks up to my tv. Will it have Pokemon go support? Will Nintendo mobile games just be NX ports?
The aiming on the tv doesn't match the pad at times, I miss a ton when aiming at tv. Lock on is total shit, shouldn't I be able to lock on to more than one enemy?
Well this whole console/handheld hybrid thing has been touted from the beginning so no surprise there. Nice to see the cartridge/high capacity data cards be the system's format. This really shouldn't have been a surprise either because it lends credence to the system's portability. Less moving parts makes the system more stable and the cost per unit cheaper. Disappointed by the system's lack of power though. I guess we should expect yet another gen of very little third party support especially in cross platform games.
Big article on the graphics chip. Euroganer has one source so it's not exactly a solid story. The dev kit has a big loud fan cooling down the chip so it maybe a placeholder. It could be a next gen chip but who knows. Still for sure it won't be that powerful, these graphics are meant for pads not blown up on giant HDTVs. Could Zelda NX be worse than Wii u Zelda?
Wake me up when Nintendo releases a SNES mini.
Oh and no backwards compatibility.
Who cares for backwards compatability these days? PS4 isn't BC, and neither was Xbone on release.
My opinions on the Eurogamer articles so far:
Damn, I jokingly said the NX was a machine to play Pokemon Go. I could be closer to the truth.
I would have loved for backwards compatibility however given the option of dropping the ability of reading optical disks I think I can live with the lack of bc.
That worked with the tank but it doesn't seem to work with the arwing. Unless I am having an Aspro moment playing this.
GG do you have the game or the demo?