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robio (1m)
Okay fuck it, I gave in and started looking at some NX related things. Admittedly hardware specs are meaningless to me since I don't know much about that kind of stuff, but it looks like the NX is going to be more powerful than a Wii U and less powerful than a standard PS4. This is disappointing, at least a first glance, but it all depends on how you look at things. I think what I'm seeing is that the NX is less a hybrid, and more of Nintendo bowing out of the home console war. It's the next Nintendo handheld and it just happens to plug into the TV (and likely allow for other playable networking features as well). Once I looked at it like that, I'm kind of excited for it.
We could very well see a golden age of game development if this plays out how I hope. Developers have already been splitting their time and resources between handhelds and consoles for 20 years. Assuming Sony doesn't try another handheld in the immediate future this would even put most developers in a better position. No more debating (or pretending to debate) between a Sony and Nintendo handheld or a Sony/MS and Nintendo console. It's just a matter of deciding to make a handheld game, or a console game. Of course it could very well end up being Nintendo handheld vs. Mobile, but if the recent uptick in sales of Pokemon games inspired by Pokemon Go is any indication, those two ecosystems can work together just fine.
I think success for it will all come down to pricepoint. If Nintendo prices it like a handheld, they'll be golden. If they break the $250 mark with it though, it'll be yet another disaster. Of course now that I've weighed in, all this shit will turn out to be a hoax and this will all have been a waste of time.
So Nintendo is trying to combine their handheld and console business into one. Could be good for them in terms of 1st-party games all being developed for a single machine and not having to split it up between two pieces of hardware. But in terms of 3rd-party support and being on the same level as Playstation, Xbox, and PC.....NX is not going to deliver.
So its a 1st-party Nintendo box yet again, but you get to play ALL their games on it instead of half of them. Great if you're a big Nintendo fan. Not great if you wanted a new age Super Nintendo.
I auto translated this and cleaned it up.
This is telling because the X1 doesn't need active fan cooling unless they are overclocking it or intend to swap out for the X2. The Tegra X2 would be a cutting edge chip - as was rumoured by the Wall Street Journal.
Time to correct these misconceptions - the Tegra X1 is based on Nvidia's Maxwell architecture - it is roughly 3.5x more powerful than Wii U. This would be a monster handheld. The Tegra x2 would be roughly 1 teraflop of power - which is almost as powerful as the XB1, and given that Nvidia flops are better than AMD ones (agreed on GAF by tech heads) it might perform better than that. And have more modern graphical features. It should also be noted that the X1 CPU cores are better than the Jaguars inside the PS4 and XB1.
It can run certain PS3 and 360 games that are 720p 60 FPS (and how many of those are there) at 1080p 60 FPS.
I've only played the eshop demo and I thought it only worked with the tank too. Because when I went back to the arwing section and tried to do the same thing with 3 meteors, it didn't work. Then I realised, it only locks onto actual enemies and then the 3 target lock on worked with the arwing.
For the aiming, try inverting the left stick so it matches your motion controls, i.e press the stick forward to go UP and pull it back to go DOWN.
Otherwise you can turn motion control off and it will only activate when you start shooting.
From what E.Rogers said, the goal of the system was to drastically increase the amount of 1st party games Nintendo could produce each year. And one system will actually do that. Just think about all the 3DS games that could have been on Wii U. On the one hand it wont necessarily get a lot of western 3rd party support, but they aren't there on Wii U anyway and probably wouldn't jump onboard a powerful Nintendo home console either - with Scorpio/Neo there too.
I've flip flopped on the idea of this one console thing. When I first heard about it I wasn't surprised, then I was excited. Then this morning disappointed.
There are so many pros and cons it's hard to decide whether this will be a good or bad thing. I would probably have preffered a normal console that supported the Wii U pad. That said, I do need a second screen these days so I dont have to share TV time. And the Wii U gamepad range could never reach upstairs - so given that, I could actually just take this thing upstairs with a power adapter means good times.
So here are the cons and pros as I see them:
This is all off the top of my head. There are some very good implications of having one system but the con is that the price might mean it sells badly and that's a pretty huge concern. Also one thing said on GAF that might be true, if Nintendo sees the system as a handheld then the games might be more geared towards handheld play. In terms of Nintendo though, only Metroid and Zelda aren't like that anyway. Mario Kart, Mario, Fzero and mostly everything else easily works for shorter term play.
Like I said above, it depends on what you mean regarding 3rd party games. It's not going to get Assassins Creed, GTA, and Madden. Short of Sony being swallowed up by a tsunami or earthquake I'm not sure that is ever going to be possible again. It's literally been decades since Nintendo really had that kind of 3rd party support, and it's not coming back no matter how powerful the system is. But all the developers who made games for the 3DS and Vita will probably are still coming along. That's not a drop in the bucket.
Yep, the third party ship sailed back during the GameCube days. Nintendo needs third party exclusives, not Madden, GTA, AC etc. Open up that war chest and woo those developers.
Thanks Youtube.
Arkham is the one who said the Wii U CPU was shitty before Wii U launched
I have no interest in using the NX as a handheld, so I'm just looking at it as being a console I use with my home theater setup.
As long as the controllers aren't totally lame, this could be a nice secondary console for the Nintendo stuff and also I'm sure it will get a lot of cool niche games like the Wii got back in the day, since it's going to get all the handheld devs. As long as it sells well anyway, which it should if its replacing both the 3DS and the Wii U. Xbox One level power isn't bad at all....its really not much worse than the PS4. I thought it was at first, but I've been using it a ton lately and the system has good performance....the worst part about it is honestly the install times which have nothing to do with the horsepower anyway. The only way this would be bad is if they actually intended this to compete head on with the other machines for 3rd-parties...which obviously they do not.
I don't get why people have been claiming the NX could bring back casuals.....that scares me. Is it just because it's part handheld and is to compete with the smartphone business? Other than that, I have nothing else to say about this fucking thing until they show something.
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I have no clue what you are talking about GG, there is no three lock on for the arwing. I tried it, I watched expert player videos, you can only lock on once.
So I went through the map, got to the end and now the second half of the game is you playing all the levels again on hard. This stupid game. There was this amazing spider Walker boss where you need to transform from tank to wing to beat, pure platinum awesome. Then you get to more meh moments and the controls continuously suck.
I would've bought this, but those controls....
I hope Nintendo is done with silly controls.
NX should just pack in two X1s for 1 teraflop of power, that's barely behind what XB1 is.
EDIT: So wait, if this chart is true than one X2 Parker chip could be either 4 teraflops or 8? That would be PS4 Neo power or more than Scorpio if it's 8? But there are 2 unknown Pascals in there too. EDIT 2, wait this pic is out of context.
It works in the demo for the arwing. I'll try it again later .
One thing is that the design is supposed to break off two controllers from the unit. The speculation is that you then snap those parts together for a normal controller when the NX is docked. But the other idea is that the two controller halves can be used as individual controllers for 2 player games.
So the concept diagrams from GAF for instance show the NX with the controllers broken off for 2 players and the NX screen has a kickstand like MS Surface. So I could see casuals breaking this thing out at coffee shops or in parks, playing multiplayer together. And I guess the system itself would work wirelessly with at least 4 controllers, maybe more seeing how U can use 5 controllers. So it's feasible you could bring the NX to a friends house, put it up on their HDTV and people could break out cheaper NX controllers to play 5 player games.
For me, being able to just pick this thing up and play on any tv in the house or at a relatives house, or just being able to play full console games in bed will be cool. And in terms of Pokemon it will be near impossible for TPC to make another shitty looking Pokemon without AA.
The controls are great fun.
The controls are awesome. The demo is up on the eshop, try it for yourselves. It took 4-5 times playing the training levels for each vehicle, to click, but once they do its awesome.
You get thruster control, braking, boosting, you can turn the ship on its side, or barrel roll, do loop de loops. And motion control gives you a great sense of aiming freedom. The other vehicles are great fun too and very accurate to control.
And all a pain in the ass when the level is flying by you. Also looking at a pad is boring.
I never look at the pad in the demo. BTW you can simply press minus to switch the cockpit view to the main TV screen so you never have to look at the boring pad screen if you don't want to.
You can also turn off motion control and it plays like classic starfox.
Only the arwing demo has a level like structure and the controls work great there. I wouldn't know what other levels are like.
Four to five then the controls are awesome?
To me, yes. There is a lot of depth to the controls, see my post a few days ago.