Mario Tennis Ultra Smash - video review
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travo (7m)
I never finished Skyward Sword.
That's a pitty, the penultimate battle was very cool. Could have been the one before that one too though, it's been a while.
Me either. I got to Ganon human form, couldn't be sacked. I think that's why I haven't replayed it.
I haven't finished it either. I'm not sure how far into it I've even gotten. It might be better if I just start again from the beginning.
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I got to Ghiram, but the motion controls for the downward sword notch wouldn't take and they made me redo the whole trip down the canyon every time. So I didn't play it for ageeeeeeeeees. Then I tried again and beat him first time, got to Ganon and he electrocuted me to death.
Gave up again. Well, actually I forgot about it...
I need to beat this thing.
From the EG Mario Tennis review:
Mario Tennis Ultra Smash feels stingy. It's a disappointment akin to visiting a favourite restaurant and ordering your usual, only to find the portions are half the size they were last time you came. It tastes as good as you remember, but you still come away feeling short-changed.
I skipped the GC and Wii game because they seemed to gimmicky. Might have to skip this one on account of their not being enough actual game.
Blech... Just played The Stanley Parable for 20 minutes and had to stop because I was getting queasy. I don't know why I have this with some games but not others. I can play borderlands 2 without a problem, but something like Portal I have to acustom myself to for over an hour.
I have a 5 day weekend coming up so I'm going to put my pre-order money towards something else. Trying to wait and see what Nintendo offers on the eShop for their Black Friday sale. Last year didn't they offer up much. Not sure why I'm expecting anything to be different this year though. I probably should just go ahead and pick up Yoshi or finally grab Bayonetta.
If Stanley Parable and Portal are a problem, perhaps it's something to do with the Source engine?
You could play the 20 minute, superior-to-the-actual-game, demo of The Stanley Parable instead.
^I have the same trouble with the source engine.
I just man up and play through the pain, but seriously, all the source engine games have this effect on me.
Strange. So far my experience with Source Engine games was limited to Portal/Portal2. I figured it was more down to how these games, as well as the Stanley Parable, take place in small enclosed area's, which means you're experiencing a lot of FOV distortion a the corners of the screen. Which then gets made even worse due to the first person viewpoint and how you're constantly moving/turning.
Perhaps I should try Team Fortress 2 to see if it has a similar effect on me.
EDGE mag reviews
Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One/Xbox 360, Square Enix): 8
Halo 5 Guardians (Xbox One, Microsoft): 8
Yakuza 5 (PS3, Sega): 7
Assassin's Creed Syndicate (PS4/Xbox One, Ubisoft): 6
Need for Speed (PS4/Xbox One, EA): 4
Guitar Hero Live (PS4/Xbox One, Activision): 9
Tales from the Borderlands: Season One (PS4/Xbox One/PS3/Xbox 360/PS Vita, Telltale): 8
Broforce (PS4/PS Vita, Devolver Digital): 8
Life is Strange (PS4/Xbox One/PS3/Xbox 360, Square Enix): 8
Rodea the Sky Soldier (Wii U/3DS, NIS America): 2
Minecraft: Story Mode - The Order of the Stone (PS4/Xbox One/PS3/Xbox 360/Wii U/PS Vita, Telltale): 6
Anyhow, since I was bannished to my PC last night because the wife had one of her friends over for some girltalk, and since the Stanley Parable was clearly a no go, I ended up starting MGS: Revengeance, Played only the opening level so far. It's clearly a Platinum game. Remarkable how similar their games feel. Lots of style and cool stuff going on, even if I myself didn't really know what was going on. It's nice so far, looks good as well? My only beef with it so far is that you can't manually change the button layout. I'd rather switch some of the bumpers and triggers around. But now the game will have to wait untill I get my Steam Link around Christmas.
Man....Sonic just punked the fuck out of Mario. If only his games were able to do the same.
Rise of Lyric.
I told him his birthday was in two weeks maybe he would get it for his birthday. Also I was spending my money on Man of Steel 3D edition and saving the rest for Super Mario Maker which released three weeks after the event occurred.
My excuse for not purchasing Rise of Lyric was I'm not wasting my money to purchase a terrible game. I told him that in the store. He than refused to move from that spot until I purchased the game. I still refused to purchase the game. I called his mother on the phone and she said take him to the car. I said to my nephew I'm going to the car and he said so you're going to leave a child alone in the store. He then followed me to the car crying the whole time it took to walk to the car.
The terrible part is he is 10 well he was 9 when that happened.
Damn, at least when they're younger you can stuff em under your arm like a sack of potatoes and march out the store.