HOLY CRAP!! Check out the Actors involved with Star Citizen!!
Gollum meets Scully meets a certain Jedi Master!!
polygon.com news
Yoshi's Woolly World - U.S launch trailer
If you buy this over Splatoon I will insta-ban you
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Recently Spotted:
I forgot that I also played with my meat this weekend.
Robio, how are you enjoying Fantasy Life?
Are you at all interested in Yokai-Watch?
I've been playing MGO3 and the mp in Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition.
I played it for about 30 hours or so. I enjoyed it but it was feeling very very repetitious after a while. I made it to the forth chapter and the story just wasn't enough to pull me in any further. Not really interested in Yokai-Watch either.
I ran into the same wall with Fantasy Life...
Yokai on the other hand... My Leo senses are tingling on this one...
Was there any doubt? It's doing great on Nintendo platforms, and is the best representation of the whole Nindie scene. I wouldn't be surprised if his Final Smash actually incorporated other Nindie characters like Commander Video, the Runbow characters, etc.
Let me know. My October gaming time is limited, and I'm going to try and save it for Fatal Frame (and possibly Costume Quest 2 once it inevitably goes on sale). But if it's good I may try to add it to my holiday queue.
OK. So. In the last few hours on this site, I've started a mega topic and showcased a bunch of games people could possibly get into. I've also provided news on:
...I've also given advice to Edge, played MGO with Travo and participated in his horror topic -AND-- posted what I played this weekend. IF I COME BACK HERE TOMORROW MORNING AND FIND ANYTHING LESS THAN 10 NEW POSTS, I WILL PERSONALLY FLY TO ALL OF YOUR HOMES AND SLAP THE SIDES OF YOUR COLLECTIVE HEADS WITH MY ENGORGED MEMBER!!
If I can do it in the condition I am in YOU ALL HAVE NO EXCUSES!!
That is all!!
You've given us all a fantastic incentive not to post anything at all for the next 24 hours.
Nobody post anything!
Damn I just posted something. DOH!!!
HOLY CRAP!! Check out the Actors involved with Star Citizen!! Gollum meets Scully meets a certain Jedi Master!!
... Or in other words: we've received so much money so far that we have no clue how to burn it all on the development of this game.
Yup. first thing I thought.
Been playing:
Undertale (PC). Awesomeness.
MGS: Twin Snakes. Awesomeness with clunkiness + old game is old.
Made a thread, check it out
The Best Splatoon Plaza Miiverse messages: Trust me, it's good
A look back at Retro's cancelled GameCube RPG, Raven Blade
How many times must we look back at Retro 2001 demo's?
Look back, dammit!
Amazon and Best Buy have Splatoon for $45.