"The next console generation will be a whole new game"
Robbie Bach, Xbox founder
VR is currently 'pretty expensive, relatively primitive'
admits Oculus Rift creator
New Uncharted Collection PS4 bundle
includes the first three games in Naughty Dog's series
Star Wars: Uprising is the first game sequel
to Return of the Jedi, and it's out this week
Rise of the Tomb Raider lets players 'compete with friends'
MS clarifies - but how?
The Most Anticipated Games of Fall 2015
Really? We're still supposed to get excited over Assassin's Creed?
metacritic.com editorial
Animal Crossing:HHD Network details
Update lets you share designs and other stuff
Why Game Consoles Should Not Fear Apple TV
"Limited hardware, limited controls"
arstechnica.com editorial
Train Simulator Controversy
Steamed gamers are railroaded out of US content.
eurogamer.net news
Konami Issues Urgent Save Corrupt Warning
You'll never believe how to avoid it. (:lol:)
eurogamer.net news
Apple Steals Wii Waggle for Apple TV
Touch, buttons, and waggle. Casuapacolyse.
eurogamer.net news
Shovel Knight Expansion Coming Next Week
Why are they wasting their time on this? Oh yeah, money.
pcgamer.com news
Wii U Title Bombing Bastards Becomes 'Bombing Busters'
on PS4, at Sony's Request - kiddy consoles... pfft
MGSV Mod allows you to bring Quiet as a companion
All the time - boobs - constantly
New Xbox One dashboard rolling out
to select Preview members this month
videogamer.com impressions
Nintendo sells 7 million amiibo in U.S. since November
3DS increases, Splatoon grows 30 percent increase in sales for 3DS for the first eight months of the year
NPD - Aug. 2015 top 10, plus industry-wide figures and more
Game sales down 10%
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So...do you guys think we will see a day when the servers are shut down for 360 and PS3, and you can't go online with them anymore? I was thinking about this because in a few months the 360 is going to be 10 fucking years old. INSANE that they lasted this long.
But what I'm wondering is, if they shut down the online for these machines, you won't be able to go back and earn trophies or achievements anymore, right? Because they are tied to your online account. This would suck because I still have so many old games to play...maybe I should play them before its too late.
Sorry, but. Of course. Another reason the internet sucks.
I love how you feel the need for the qualifier.
Leo's story on the Dreamcast. Funny I was just thinking that on the way to work today. You could be a 16 year old and someone bring up the Dreamcast and them have no real understanding of what that meant. "Oh yeah, that's when SEGA went bankrupt right?"
Apple finally reveals the Ipad Pro
What a joke. It's basically just a larger Ipad with official Keyboard sleeve and a digitizer. Both of which do not come in the box. This certainly isn't going for the same market as the Surface Pro. It doesn't even work on a desktop OS, just the same iOS as their other mobile products... Perhaps Apple didn't want to cannibalize on their small Macbooks?
What a waste of potential. I wonder who they think will buy these, because I don't see this becoming mainstream even with Apple enthousiasts.
Shovel Knight Expansion Coming Next Week
Why are they wasting their time on this? Oh yeah, money.
**Ummm... Aspro... buddy... it's a FREE expansion...**
I have yet to play this game but I'm picking it up physically on the PS4 in about a month. After so many great things I've heard I can't wait to play it. It looks exactly like something I would have bought as a kid on the Genesis or Snes just based on the name and the art alone and it would have ended up being one of my favorites.
View on YouTube
Pokemon GO could be a colossal failure or MASSIVE success!
It'll sell to all those spoiled kids with ipads of their own. Will that be enough to mark it a succes? Not sure.
Also, after seeing that trailer, I'd rather opt for a mature, live action Pokémon movie.
smart move going mobile but that's not a Pokemon game.
It shows Catching, Trading, Battling and interacting with other Trainers. How is it not a Pokemon game?
Actually thanks to Microsoft making the Xbox One backwards compatible I don't see that happening any time soon, well at least for the 360 that is.
I was interested in Assassin's Creed but I hated the first one so much I refused to play the sequels.
I'm excited for Shovel Knight DLC next week.
Instead of letting Nintendo nintendo. Thanks to complaints, the 9 day unlocking of content in Mario Maker has been removed. What was intended to have fledgling creators learn basic mechanics little by little so as not to get overwhelmed, has now been replaced with: "Throw everything at them at once or they're gonna whine some more. Hope you don't get lost, Suckers!"
At the very least, it would have kept the game interesting for a week and two days. Now, users will be able to create dick shaped levels to their hearts content using all the types of blocks and enemies day one, and will go back to playing Metal Gear on Saturday. Brilliant.
It is, because you can choose not to use that stuff, and not download the dick levels, whereas the people who want to do everything (and make dick levels) couldn't becaues of Nintendo's strategy, which appeals to you. This way everybody wins.
P.S. You're not interested in dick levels? I'm disappointed in you, man.