Level-5 Vision 2015 set for April 7: Yo-Kai Watch 3
Fantasy Life 2, “next generation cross media project,” more
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FFXV is a sausage fest. No hot chicks = no purchase!
You --DO-- know this is the Cid of the game, right?
**Page breaks ruining my jokes... GRUMBLE!!**
Hi Leo!!
Wow! Glorious photo!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I am convinced everyone is lying to play a big joke on me.
Is it download only? When is it out in Europe? I want Majora's Mask and this game for the 3DS though goodness knows when I will get to play them (or anything else).
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
This deserves a Nintendo themed group face-palm...
Coming out in May in Europe. Don't know if you have been paying attention to it or not. It got some good reviews and some pretty bad ones as well. I --LOVE-- it, but not everyone does. Try to play the demo first!
One day you'll get drunk and finally break down and play it. And then you'll fall onto your knees and start crying because you spent such a long time denying yourself it's pleasure. And all I can say is when that day comes, please don't have a loaded weapon in the house because I'd hate for you to do something drastic in an attempt to cover up your shame.
No, I haven't been paying attention to it, nor to any other games news for that matter. I have you to thank for even knowing what it is and not thinking it's some kind of PC only indie game. Having loved Intelligent Systems' (hated realising I am no longer able to abbreviate this) games before and your comments are enough indications to make me want to play it. I need to start using demos when they are available though, that's a good idea.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
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This is probably the most optimistic review out there; I chose it more so you can see the gameplay style than anything else, though.
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Anybody interested in Ukelele onXBO? Arch?
I don't even know what that is.
I'm going to take a wild guess, and say Travo's post is another victim of auto-correct?
I enjoyed the look and "feel" of it. I never played an RTS where you didn't have a "chessboard" view of the battlefield. Looks like it may possibly be a little too involved or deep for a casual player ... though maybe one can get away without having to dig too deep.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
007 Quantum of Solace is utter shit. I seriously had to check this was not a PS2 game.
But I will keep going.