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I'm still early in the game, but as it kicked off with a small level that functionned as a tutorial, I figured that'd be it as far as tutorials go. I'm just walking to one lever, walking through whichever bit of the level it opens up towards the next lever. Even the dragon bit, while visually very cool, required little more than walking.
It feels like he uses me as a punching bag and I can't have that for next however many years I live for.
You have to navigate a puzzle and walk to the next section I guess. In general you have to time it right if there are guards or bullet bills. You have to hide from enemies, take them out with radishes. There are a few levels with touch screen capability to alter the path you can take. There are a few levels where you have to manipulate switches and rotational gears that alter the level.
The dragon and bird levels you have to duck behind cover to avoid projectiles. Also you have to fend off enemies with your torch. Do first person minecart sections. There is a train level where the challenge is to guide the football player into smushing all the zombies.
But for me the best bit is doing the challenges on each level which can change how you approach a level. I really like it.
Just wanted to thank you all for getting an outside perspective on the whole brotherly situation. I have actually printed out what you said and I re-read it when I need to and it has helped me a lot.
Sometimes you get neck deep buried in your familys' BS and it feels like drowning in confusing hypocritical BS. Listening to you guys has brought a certain level of clarity to the situation. It's still very, very hard emotionally but I feel just that much better listening to what you guys have said. It's hard when you grow up in a situation that feels like you're trapped in a submarine and that's the way the world works just because you haven't experienced anything else.
The game reminds me a bit of Zack & Wiki in its laid back style. Though Zack & Wiki was a bit more difficult if I remember right.
I liked sports when I was 12....I still like sports. I liked girls when I was 12....and you all know how I feel there.
I have an uncle who's 60 something and he still plays games.
Your brother sounds like the typical person who chooses to pick out things that are easy targets to belittle to make himself feel superior. Tell him being a loudmouthed dickhead is also like being a 12 year old. And tell your family straight out you don't want to hear about the dumb shit he has to say. Don't talk to you unless they have something positive to say.
Go full asshole mode GG. Tell your parents you're fed up with his douchebaggery and that he can go fuck himself, that you don't give a shit anymore. If you and he happen to be in the same room, yell "FUCK OFF" at him and leave.
Or yell "LICK MY BALLS!"
That's always a crowd pleaser.
I moved on from letting people bully me when I was twelve years old, so I don't give a shit what assholes think about me.
$15 a month seems alright for PS Now. Better than the per game rentals they were doing. As long as the library continues to grow I still find the fact that they could stream PS4 games onto a PS3 (or PC) to be one of the more interesting conundrums a tech company with proprietary new hardware for sale has to deal with. You have the technology which you can stream over most devices, (so long as you can connect a controller and has appropriate bandwidth) and could demonstrate the power of it by releasing your newest games over it.. but you also don't want to stop sales of your new big expensive proprietary boxes.
It kind of indicates to me the direction this will all ultimately go. We've seen it with music, videos and books (death of propritary hardware), now it's our turn.
Ok, grab a pen and paper and take notes!
Are you ready? Ok here it goes.
First you charm his wife.
Then you get her to suck your manly member, be sure to take a pic while see is gorging on your manhood.
Now pay attention.
Wait a few days end then sent your brother the following sms/app
"Did you kiss your wife today?"
Then send the picture where she is chocking on your sausage
And follow up with the following text
"How taste my peepee?"
That should deal with that.
Or you could do the more sensible/boring thing and do this..
Or this
"There may even be times when you forget what your goal is because you're doing other things on the side."
Sooo... the subtitle will be Dodongo Age: Inquisition?
The price is good, but the library doesn't impress me yet. I'd like to see more of the older PlayStation libraries. Ultimately the jury is out until the performance is proved. I do hope it works out. It'd be a great way to mess around with older games in only want to spend a couple hours with.
But...but Zelda will still be fun after 100 hours.
*gasps* Heretic!
I think Darkspawn would be more appropriate here...
My brother is not an asshole but he is kind of crazy and he always has to be right. When he gets something in his head there is no way to change his mind. I still don't know how to talk to him about certain stuff. It's just what it is, some people are just hard to get through.