Bandai Namco Games changing their name to: Entertainment
So they can do non-game stuff
Level-5 working on big new mystery project
confirms Yo-Kai Watch anime for localization
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Every game full stop.
Its been lost to me since three years ago when I found out that Santa wasn't real.
I can do that, but when I do I still wrap it and wait for Christmas. Otherwise all the fun is drained out of it.
Grown ups are so boring.
You said before you were at the hybrids episode? I assumed you meant Dublith. So.... you were talking about the dog one? I don'ts like that episode, or the Liore one, that fecking priest is so lame. You're not far from the proper hybrids episode. Good news for you, Kill La Kill is high priority in my rental list now its out. But only the first 9 episodes are released here. WTF?
That tree wants some serious fucking revenge!
I was on episode 4, which is chimera episode with that disturbing as all hell story about the dog and the little girl. I've been watching it here and there since. I just finished watching the episode where Edward is in the hospital, and Al starts to think he was just a puppet, so Winry smacks him around with a large wrench to bring him back to his senses, lol
As far as Kill la Kill, they are releasing episode packs every couple months here. We get the third pack on December 23rd.
Seems like Activision has given up quite a few licences lately. I wonder why?
Do they just want to create their own IP? Or do they really find it THAT hard to make a good game based on tv, books, or film?
Been super-incredibly busy, but between the holiday events, functions, parties, late nights and entertaining guests, I've been able to sneak an entry or two, early morning or late night, into my countdown... Almost there!
You said you were getting 5 parts? I think it's 3 here.
I think they make more money and have more control over their own stuff. Wish someone good would take up the Bond licence.
Anyone had any luck removing mysterious brown spots that appear on stored clothing?
Happy Frigay holiday edition!
And with that, vacation begins. Let's see if one week of vacation (surrounded by family) can make the stress of a shitty year go away.
I dont get home till sunday. Sigh. Anyway happy frigay!!!
I'm already feeling better. One thing that I certainly need is rest. I haven't been sleeping well lately.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to sleeping past 7:00 for the first time in a month. But I'm also expecting my biological clock to want to keep waking up early.
Oh and BTW you're right about Captain Toad. So much fun. I've been holding off on playing it until vacation started and its been worth the wait.
7:00AM? Rookie! Why don'chya join Travo, Edgie and me for the 5AM early morning site visits! 7AM is totally sleeping in for me!
...and I'm drunk, and at home with nuttin' to do for a change!
I'd love to sleep until seven. My body is so used to 5:30 wake ups. Maybe by Monday, I can sleep till 6:30.
WTF are you people doing up at 5:30am. That is inhumane.