Dragon Quest 8 Mobile Trailer
"... it doesn’t appear to be too dumbed down from the original PS2 version"
gematsu.com media news
Scribblenauts Unmasked Digital Comic Book Now Available for Download
Reggie says 100k signatures needed for Sakurai
To consider adding Reggie to Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS
Call of Duty: Ghosts gets another Wii U update
Improved texture resolution in Campaign,
CONFIRMED: Cranky Kong in DKC:Tropical Freeze
Fans of Cranky, rejoice. What's the sound of one Hamster clapping?
Telltale is making a Game of Thrones game based on the Books
Joe Danger studio, Hello Games, new game is called No Man’s Sky.
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SupremeAC (9m)
Steam sale has some games on sale. I am thinking of one of these: Stanley Parable, Antichamber or Paper's Please. All are about $7-$9
I played a bit of antichamber, it's seriously something else. I think Foolz here likes it a lot.
The Stanley Parable has a neat demo, but I dunno about the actual game. It's topping the best selling chart on steam, though. It's gotta have something.
I just realized antichamber wont run on my laptop, so thats out. I am leaning toward Stanley Parable.
GOTY easily.
Wonderful 101 review finally up. I started this review before I got the PS4, I finally finished it.
Just messing.
I see....you hate the controller. Fair enough.
On another note.....TUESGAY!!!!
Brave man
I just used the pipe.
PIKMIN 3 dlc pics bugs may want to hit the hide button
This is actually the free Christmas themed bonus level (Fortress of Festivity) received with the update from today

Sucks to be you at the moment GG.
Just got home from work and I'm fixing to take a massive dump now as I've been putting it off for some time now as I had many consecutive classes at work. Swapping Animal Crossing for Zelda and taking the 3DS with me. I love my handhelds so much!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Antichamber does not have native controller support, which may be a problem for you. I love Papers, Foolz loves Antichamber and the demo for Stanley was legitimately funny, so you should be good which ever one you pick.
Set up the PS4. No unpleasant surprises, which these days is as much as you could anticipate.
I just found out the Atlus is allowed to use Dormant SEGA IPs that is awesome news; I don't know why I'm just finding it out.
I put in Pikmin 3, thinking it would prompt to download some new content, instead a message popped up saying data installed. And the DLC was already integrated into the game. Love this auto download and background installing.
You are a disgustig pig! Who in his right mind shits in his own house?! The place you sleep and eat?! No sir, you should shit at the place you work! There is no better feeling that being paid while taking a dump. Playing your handheld while taking a dump at work is like the best thing ever!
Disagree. I much prefer the comfort of my own bog and the option to take a shower afterwards. Also, I need to be able to take my time ... and my breaks at work are not long enough for that.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu