Breaking Down Ouya, Steam Box, And Other New Wave Systems
The new Indy systems can they survie? editorial news
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate demo launching Feb. 21
Wii U version will support voice chat
Don't be Afraid Of PC Gaming.
If you're curious about the PC as a gaming platform, here's why you shouldn't hold back. editorial
Rumor: Monster Hunter 4 coming to PS Vita
3DS release delayed to launch with Vita version
Wii U Memory Bandwidth investigated
A great read, most of you probably wont read
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You should consider giving it a try Angel, it is a gem of game. Completley batshit crazy story, some just great boss fights. And you have to jerk off the wiimote to power up... trolololol win.
I loved No More Heroes (though it has flaws... minigames....yuck!)
Never got to play the sequel and likely never will.
I tried playing the sequel. It definitely seems like the better game. Same wacky bat-shit crazy boss battles, but none of the annoying mini-game sidejobs and no empty open world to get lost in. However I wasn't able to stick with it. Probably because it lacked the novelty of the original.
I was actually thinking it's like a 50/50 cut between NMH and Killer 7. NMH in character design and shot selection, Killer 7 in colour and visual story and the tone split halfway down the middle.
Such as it being a Wii game.
Naval battles are still awesome btw.
I finished Dust: An Elysian Tail tonight then thought I would start up The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile with plans of playing through that next...
...I almost played through the entire game tonight...!
I haven't done THAT in a long time!
Most likely will be finished first thing tomorrow morning!
Okay, maybe I should get one.
I always wanted to play that.
Which one?
I really liked No More Heroes. I hope Killer is Dead hits the Wii U.
Check out the Pikachu pimp!
Oh the villains. While it was legitimately expected that Aliens Colonial Marines way on Wii U at the same time on the other versions (for mid-February therefore), the Editor tells us it will have to wait until the end of March to find out this edition that will take part of the GamePad.
Ah ha! So I was right?
The original Wii game, not the U game. Its not BAD...but it just feels souless compared to the old classics. Granted I'm not far in, but if this feeling persists I probably won't bother with the sequel.
That looks awesome.
Kind of pointless...who will buy it now? This should have been the FIRST game of the 3 released, then maybe people would have cared. Nobody wants the worst game of the 3 now, with a successor console already out to add insult to injury.
The Last Story is the best selling game that Xseed has ever released, and it still continues to sell. Just a month ago they printed another run of copies. So I sort of understand why they're willing to give Pandora's Tower a shot. I doubt if it'll be as successful, but I think if they can break 100K copies they will be happy.