Gravity Daze PS Vita load times worry
But developer aims to make it seamless.
Dark Souls (80%) *crap!* Review
Fancy yourself a hairy-chested gamer? impressions
Battlefield 3 Beta Backfires
34,000 pre-orders cancelled, and numbers rising news
NOE: Make a Xenoblade video and win free games
You win Last Story and Pandora's Tower
1up preview Super Mario 3DLand
Super Mario 3D Land -- at least in the early going -- seems to be short on real innovation but big on pure, simple entertainment. impressions
Japan Review Check: Ace Combat, Dead Rising
Plus: Rage and Super Scribblenauts touch down in Asia. impressions
1up preview Skyward Sword
The game is loaded with detail on both a large and small scale. Complementing the re-envisioned game structure are dozens of minor details that really make the adventure shine impressions
1up review Aliens Infestation
A - "WayForward's interpretation of the classic films will thrill fans of Metroid, Aliens, and cool action games in general." impressions
JAWS Ultimate Predator Wii screens
Be afraid, be very afraid... of the graphics media
Battlefield 3: Plays Like Terrorist Whack-a-Mole
"Less Bad Company and more Call of Duty."
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Recently Spotted:
That would be awesome!!
Holy shit guys, I just got the coolest thing from Capcom. It's a tea mug for RE4 and RECV. On one side it has the two logos for the game. On the other side it has a picture of the green herb and says, "it makes me feel good." And it comes with a bag of "green herb" tea leaves. I wonder what green herb tea tastes like.... and how much of my energy will with revive?
Swag to the maximum.
If I don't find a good Resident Evil cosplayer this weekend, that mug and tea will be up for grabs to my friends. Do we know any Resident Evil fans?
Hmm, I think Steel is in love with RE4.
Poor guy is younger than my parents. Sad.
Leaf green Luigi Mansion 3DS?
And you thought the slider pad was a bad add on^
PS3 game Witch and a hundred soldiers
Intelligent Systems 3DSware game
Super Mario 3DLand videos, some have no sound so don't freak out
Vader, check out the Sonic Generations preview in Thursdays updates.
Home console and handheld previews, you might want to look deeper into getting the handheld version too, as they say it's been overhauled and now looks spectacular. The games are different too, levels wise, but you already know that.
"The focus is on fluidity and in that respect, it's one of the best Sonic games for years. And those 3D recreations of classic 2D levels really do give gamers like me something they've wanted for even longer than that.
So you could argue that this is an even bigger fan-pleaser than the big versions"
Nice Dragon Quest X info. Though sometimes these reporters just need to shut up and save themselves from looking dumb.
"Dragon Quest X is auto saved, so you can stop play whenever you want. However, you can also visit church and can offer prayer to save your game as well. Why you'd want to do this is unclear."
For a restarting point in case you die perhaps? Schmuck...
R.I.P. Steve were a good man.
That PS3 game looks interesting, hmmm.
Resident Evil coffe mug....oh man that is fucking awesome. Possibly even cooler than my Iron Maiden coffee mug.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Where have you been?
Good stuff, I need to check this out.
Intro with sound:
Reveal trailer
Bravo Ubisoft