GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Mass Effect 2 Comes to PS3 and IGN Thinks It's AMAZING! "Sorry, Xbox 360 version. You were good. But this is better." impressions phantom_leo
Magic the Gathering: Tactics Trailer MMO based on the card game. media aspro
[] New Deus Ex is 25 Hours Long Current gen gameplay, last gen value. news aspro
[] Ass Creed: BroHo Update Kills Multiplayer 360 Version only -- don't update! news aspro
[] PC Gamer Names Deus Ex Best PC Game of All Time World of Warcraft gets second place. news aspro
[] Interview with Tactics Ogre Developer "so different in comparison to the original" news aspro
[] Detailed Analysis of December's NPDs "The launch of Xbox Kinect has changed the balance in the console market." editorial impressions news aspro
RipTen Reviews Little Big Planet 2 Campaign "short" and "floaty" but has been improved in every other way. editorial impressions aspro
[] Sony's Hacking Lawsuit Slowed on Jurisdiction Will likely have to sue in nation where hacking took place. news aspro
[] Cliffy-B Calls PC Gamers "Grumpy" Tweets his way into the hearts of the PC community. news aspro
[] Microsoft CEO: "360 is Not a Gaming Console" Didn't Kaz say this about the PS3? news aspro
[] Quick Look at Black Ops New DLC "First Strike" Video with development team. media aspro
[] EVE Online Drops Support for Older CPUs About 1,040 dudes will no longer be able to play :( news aspro
[] Study Links Pathological Gaming to Depression, Anxiety In children. editorial Nintyfan17
[] Vintage Gaming Collection Washed Away in Aussie Floods Update: Not Aspro. Some guy by the name of Lawrence. That was scary! news phantom_leo
[] Akuma is in MvsC3 Too... SHOCKING! news phantom_leo
[] Some Dude Robio likes Formally Announced for MvsC3! Moon Knight? Skeletor? media news phantom_leo
[] 3DS Snippets - Cases are Thinner Also compatible with DSi power cable, more details... aspro
[] UK Weekly Sales Chart DC Universe makes it into top ten. news aspro
[] "Gran Turismo Anywhere" Coming February Feature lets you control B-Spec from any PC. news aspro
[] LittleBigPlanet 2 Gamespot review 9.0 impressions news Dvader
[] New Screens from Uncharted 3 media aspro
[] Expect Surprises at the NYC 3DS Event on Jan. 19th Metroid? phantom_leo
[] Majesco to Publish "Pet Zombies" for 3DS Animal zombies. Finally. news aspro
[] Pilot Wings 3DS Hands-On Impressions impressions aspro
[] Police Quest 1-4 Will Arrest Your Attention at Sierra's adventure classics, now available. news aspro
1UP Review of Mass Effect 2 (PS3) "isn't quite the definitive version" editorial impressions aspro
[] Conduit 2 Dated March 18 UK, March 22 US news aspro
[] Buy Portal 2 on the PS3 get the Mac and PC version Free news Nintyfan17
[] Gears of War Collection for $29 Coming Two games plus all DLC. news aspro
[] Modern Warfare 1 & 2 Can't Be Patched on PS3 Activision says due to hackers they can't patch security holes in MW1&2. news aspro
Mass Effect 2 Retail Screenshot Comparison Compares 360 to PS3 version. media aspro
[] Major Square Event info and trailers in one place. FFXIII-2, Agito, KH, etc. media news Dvader
[] New FFXIII Versus trailer Looks AMAZING!!! media Dvader
Kingdom Hearts 3DS full name announced KH 3D: Dream Drop Distance news robio
3DS Users in Japan Feeling Sick After A Few Minutes of Use Now watch the media run with this news robio
[] Final Fantasy XIII-2 Announced for 360/ PS3 Toriyama, director of FFXIII, will direct the game again. news aspro
[] Dissidia Duodecim Prologus is a Paid Demo And it has Aeris. Available now in Japan. news aspro
[] Cannon Fodder 3 Announced by Codemasters. Series from 1994 returns, retains isometric view. news aspro
[] 3DS Region Lock Rumor Confirmed With Nintendo Regions are NA, EU/AU, Japan. news aspro
Q Entertainment Announce 99 Nights MMO If 99 Nights can get an MMO, we can get an MMO. news aspro
[] PS3 Portal 2 Will Have Cross-Platform Multiplayer Play (and talk) with PC players from the PS3. news aspro
[] New Tales of Xillia Screens media aspro
[] Hacked Firmware is Bricking 60 GB PS3's Welcome to Sony's world hackers. news aspro
[] DLC Hits New Low Modnation Racers selling $3 "unlock everything" cheat. (Remember when you could read these codes for free). news aspro
[] RedLynx (Trials HD) Unveil the first MotoHeroz Trailer A game ending with a z is actually pretty damn good? Let's hope so! media news Agnates
[] Epic Mickey Easter Eggs Itemized The ten best. news aspro
Team Silent disbanded by Konami Artist claims Konami is to blame for the mess that is now Silent Hill. news Dvader
[] Pokemon Black & White Allows In-Field Healing Dumbing down, or nice convenience depending on your view. news aspro
[] Bethesda Talks About Skyrim Engine Also releases first screen (non-magazine scan). news aspro
[] How the Human Face Could be the Future of Gaming LA Noire! Faces? Meh! I want a game with realistic Bulge Physics! Who's with me?! editorial phantom_leo
[] First Look at X-Men Destiny From the makers of Too Human! Hey. Is that Aspro Jumping INTO the flood waters?! media phantom_leo
[] iDOS Emulator Back on Apple App Store Emulate away on virtual DOS-box. news aspro
Psychonauts 2 Still On The Horizon Time for Schaeffer to offset his recent success. news aspro
[] Disney Shuts Down Propaganda Games They made Turok and Tron. news aspro
[] 3DS Hardware Impressions and Launch Software Demos Mii Creator and Face Blasters impressions media phantom_leo
[] More Hands on Impressions of Kid Icarus Uprising With Video! Looks kinda awkward. Almost like Metroid Prime Hunters. impressions media phantom_leo
[] Retailers: Pikmin sprouting on the 3DS It isn't confirmed yet by Nintendo news Nintyfan17
[] Nintendo UK: 3DS is Definitely Worth the Money! So. Yes. Now you have legalized soft drugs. Better health care. Legal prostitution of the highest caliber. AND an affordable new Nintendo console that's WORTH the money! impressions phantom_leo
[] SMT: Devil Survivor OverClock is in the 3DS Launch Window Why should you care? It's an AWESOME game! That's why! news phantom_leo
[] Retailers Reveal 3DS Game Prices $40-$50 in US, 33-40 pounds in UK. news aspro
2010 Japanese Sales Summary Hardware down 19%, Software 2% news aspro
[] Asura's Wrath New Trailer! From Capcom and CyberConnect2 media phantom_leo
[] MS Brings Back "Boot to Disc" Games will automatically start if in tray. news aspro
[] Nintendo Provides a 3DS FAQ Full of all the specs you wanna know! news phantom_leo
Bethesda Confirms Mod Tools for Skyrim Expected, but these days you never know. news aspro
[] Nintendo's Official 3DS Press Release news phantom_leo
[] PSN+ Subscribers Get into SOCOM Beta Non-members can get in by buying Killzone 3. news aspro
[] Ubi-Soft 3DS Assets Lots of Images! What is James Noir? media phantom_leo
[] Capcom on 3DS--Trailers and Interviews Ono on SF. Mercenaries Movies! media phantom_leo
[] Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3DS Fact Sheet news phantom_leo
[] Samurai Warriors-Chronicle 3DS Trailers! media phantom_leo
Last Story Famitsu Review Partially Translated "battle system is revolutionary" editorial impressions aspro
[] ALL The Ubi-Soft 3DS Game Fact Sheets That's Convenient! news phantom_leo
[] THQ: New Console Generation "Would be horrible" Development costs are already too high. news aspro
[] PES 2011 3DS Fact Sheet news phantom_leo
[] Riiiidge Racer 3DS Faaaact Sheet! news phantom_leo
[] Will Samus Appear in Dead or Alive Dimensions?! Magic 8-Ball Says: Signs Point to Yes! news phantom_leo
[] As Expected, Bizarre Creations Set to Close Activision makes formal the closure of the venerable studio. news aspro
[] Amazon is Taking 3DS Pre-orders news aspro
[] Go Grab your Wii! Nintendo Channel Updates with a TON of 3DS Videos! media phantom_leo
[] On the Spot 3DS Press Conference; Taped Live, Archived! Grab a drink, it's over 2.5 hours long! media phantom_leo
[] The 23 3DS Games You can Play in the US by June Starfox? Zelda? Kid Icarus? Mario Kart? Animal Crossing? Paper Mario? None of the above? news phantom_leo
[] Nintendo Confirms You CAN Transfer DL's from DSi to 3DS More Details Coming Soon! news phantom_leo
[] Hands On: Pilotwings Resort 3DS Uhhh... 3 Modes of Flight. 3D not impressive? Uh-oh! impressions phantom_leo
[] Improving Perfection with Ocarina of Time ...but my initial worries about Gyroscoping may be true! editorial phantom_leo
[] Madden 3DS Mainstream Multiplayer Madness... IN 3D! impressions phantom_leo
[] Pachter Predicts 3DS will Outsell PSP2 ...but he doesn't care if he's wrong! phantom_leo
[] Hands On: Steel Diver 3DS The Game that Let's You Sit and Spin while Shooting Your Missles at Steel! impressions phantom_leo
[] 5,000 Demo 3DS Units Coming to a Kiosk Near You! You'll be trying it yourself, soon enough! news phantom_leo
[] Hands On: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS Much more detailed than N64 version! impressions phantom_leo
[] A Glut of 3DS Screens and Videos media phantom_leo
[] Nintendo's 3DS Site Goes Live All the Official Stuff, All in One Place! phantom_leo
[] Kid Icarus Uprising Impressions from the Event Painfully? Good? impressions phantom_leo
[] Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D Screens Check out Chris Redfield's GUNS! media phantom_leo
[] GameSpot Details Super Street Fighter IV: 3D impressions phantom_leo
What's Included with the 3DS? Nicely Summarized by 1Up. phantom_leo
[] Demonstration of 3DS Augmented Reality Cards Cool! impressions phantom_leo
[] 3DS: Dead or Alive Dimensions Marks Series Resurgence Errr... Yay? news phantom_leo
[] PES 2011 for the 3DS European Launch One single hurrah! (from Foolz!) Edit: Oh! US too! news phantom_leo
[] 3DS Launching in Europe on March 25th, 2011. Price to be determined by RETAILERS! (Uh-Oh!) news phantom_leo
[] And the Launch Titles for the 3DS Are... ...pretty much exactly what you expected! Oh. Resident Evil: Mercenaries. (Vader!) news phantom_leo
[] 3DS Launching in the U.S. on March 27, 2011. Price is $249.99! news phantom_leo
[] New Yuji Naka Game Announced for Wii and 3DS Edit: IGN Messed Up. Said it was Sonic. Has since corrected their mistake. news phantom_leo
[] Kotaku Live-Blogging Already (7:45AM EST) Here! Live from New York! news phantom_leo
Live Nintendo 3DS Event (Europe) Here! Starts at 3PM CET news phantom_leo
[] Gears of War Triple-Pack for US Only MS says "Naff off!" to UK. news aspro
[] Reports: PSP2 To Be Announced January 27 "according to two people with knowledge of the plans" news aspro
[] 3DS Hands-On Cites Need for Steady Hands Screen blurs if you move it too much. news aspro
[] Activision May Shut Down PS3 BLOPS Servers Because of security problems, no more multiplayer on PS3. news aspro
This Week's Flying Get Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit Agnates
[] Bill Trinen explains about 3DS battery life and other things battery will increase when 3D is turned off, brightness is decreased and wifi is turned off news Iga_Bobovic
Blizzard Adds "Master League" to Stacraft 2 Only 2% of players in each region allowed in. news aspro
[] Capcom: Gamers Have Abandoned Handhelds Don't you guys make MONSTER HUNTER? news aspro
New Yakuza 4 Trailer media aspro
[] New 360 Mandatory Firmware Has Piracy Features So far, pirated copies of 2 games stop working. news aspro
[] Pachter: Apple Will Surpass Nintendo in 3D Entertainment editorial aspro
[] New Earth Defense Force Trailer media aspro
[] Emails Reveal EA and Infinity Ward Conspiracy They delayed map pack until after BBC2 was released. news aspro
[] Multiple Retailers Date LA Noir - April 5 Three different retailers. No confirmation from Take2. news aspro
343 Continues to Hire More Staff Halo studio is ramping up for something. news aspro
Oh Smurf! Ubisoft to Smurf a Smurf Game Likely to involve a dam bursting at some point. Wii and DS. news aspro
1UP Preview: Red Faction Armageddon Something old, something new. impressions aspro
Sega releasing yet another Genesis collection Apparently people still buy them news robio
Kinect hacked to control surgical robot and the early reports are positive news robio
[] Sakaguchi Plays The Last Story So you like to watch huh? Go ahead! Agnates
[] Majesco Loses $2.1 Million in 2009 Still better thatn the $6 million they lost in 08. news aspro
Earth Seeker's Release Dated For Japan, obviously. Also a superb new trailer! It looks sweet, despite the shitty video frame rate. media news aspro
Konami Set To Buy Hudson Prepare for Snake/ Bomberman cross-overs. news aspro
[] 200-300 Line up for 3DS Pre-orders in Akihabra They are worried about launch shortages. news aspro
Pachter: Nintendo Will "Regret" $249 Pricing He thinks it should have cost MORE. news aspro
Grateful Dead Game in the Works Will it come with a bong controller? news aspro
[] IGN Reviews Dead Space 2 "a new gold standard in horror" 9.0 editorial impressions aspro
Killzone 3 open beta from Feb 3-15 I will make sure to ruin the online. impressions Dvader
[] Tiger Woods 11 Features Topless Female Player EA is investigating. news aspro
[] Media Molecule Working on Little Big Planet Glitches Particularly the endless load problem. news aspro
Nintendo: "We Are Not Moving Away From Core" Did anyone suggest they were? news aspro
[] Rumor: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection in the Works It would be a PS3 exclusive. news aspro
[] Sony May Use Serial Numbers To Resolve Piracy Would reportedly allow 5 activations per game. news aspro
Duke Nukem Forever Dated May 3 for US, May 6 everywhere else. news aspro
The Press Room Episode #85 Yoda, Vader, Homer and Foolz. editorial impressions news aspro
Final Fantasy IV PSP Unboxing news aspro
[] First Look at Devil Hunter Zero impressions aspro
[] Hands-on Earth Defense Force: Armageddon Sandlot did not develop, but new dev captured feel of original. news aspro
[] Dead Space 2 Has Dragon Age 2 Bonus Content Early buzz is strong for Dead Space 2. news aspro
[] The Last Story's Battle System Watch Sakaguchi play & explain it all. Agnates
[] Kojima Shows Design Docs for Metal Gear Very cool stuff. news aspro
[] 3DS is Marked Up 27% in UK Over Retailer Cost Unlike other territories, Nintendo does not require a set price in the UK. news aspro
Pachter: Nintendo has "Completely Blown" Wii 2 "So it's over – I don't think they can ever recover." news aspro
[] EA Talks About FIFA 12 Improvements Set pieces, improved AI among changes. news aspro
[] US New Releases Week of January 23 Dead Space 2, Two Worlds 2, Lord of Arcana... news aspro
Nikkei: PSP2 to Have 3G, But No Phone Enables easier multiplayer connectivity. news aspro
[] GameStop Dates and Prices many 3DS Titles Some of the info contradicts Nintendo's. Let's hope some of this is wrong! news phantom_leo
[] Do You Own Darksiders? Have You Played It? In one week thevgpress community will play it together. news aspro
Minecraft Documentary Coming Bunch of white dudes looking really awkward. news aspro
Direct2Drive Introduces PC Rentals $5 for 5 hours of play. news aspro
[] LA Noire leaked trailer Get it while its up. media Dvader
[] Gear of War 3 Multiplayer Shown on TV Looks finished to me. media news aspro
Killzone 3 Trophy List Released news aspro
[] EFF Blasts Sony For Suing Hackers They say it's a free speech issue. news aspro
[] Nintendo Dismisses Need for Achievements They say basically if a game is good, then you'll be satisfied enough. news aspro
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Ultimate Character Guide All the characters broken down, plus a preview of the game. impressions news aspro
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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 18:58:32
Agnates said:

So where's GG?

We are all dead to him.

I blame Vader

The VG Press
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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:09:20

Dragon Quest VI preview -

This sort of slipped by me last week, so I'm not going to post it as news just in case it was already up there, but here it is to read if you haven't already done so. Nothing earth shattering here, but it confirms a lot of what was expected. I got to say, I'm not nearly as enthusiatic about the title as I once was.  Not a whole lot has been added to this game, so it's very much just a graphically enhanced port. That's a little scary to me, as DQVI from what I had read and experienced first hand was a bit of an odd duck.  Storywise it was a little on the generic side, and a clear step backwards from DQV. The main draw for the game was the class system, which was eventually replicated and expanded upon in DQVII.  

So what we're left with is a game with an average story and a class system that's less varied than DQVII and lacks the customization of DQIX. Now I'm wondering if there will be anything of interest in the game aside from maybe a Puff Puff room.  I'm sure I'll still pick it up, but until I read a little more about it, it's probably not a day 1 purchase anymore.

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:16:26

No updates for you today, Aspro. I think I have pretty much EVERYTHING covered... least 3DS-wise. I don't think anything else is being reported today in the video-game world...

...kinda reminds me of E3 all over again!

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:21:33

Thanks, yeah, I'll just skip the 3DS stories.  From scanning, it looks like the big news is $249. So that's a first day buy... but what will I play -- NONE of these appeal to me.  If only paper mario was coming out.

  • Pilotwings Resort
  • Nintendogs + Cats
  • Steeldiver
  • Dead or Alive
  • Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D
  • Madden NFL
  • Super Street Fighter IV 3D
  • Asphalt 3D
  • Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D
  • Ridge Racer 3D
  • Resident Evil: The Mercenaries
  • LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:36:07

Play A link to the Past from the Virtual Console, and the built-in apps and crap. Does it include flipnote and such? I'd get SSFIV personally, that's the closest to a killer app (and not very close) with it being so close to the home versions +3D and having online play etc.

Edited: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:40:06
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:39:03

this link should help agnates:


Phantom Leo: Lots of Images! What is James Noir?

I'd say the most blatant combination of James Bond and Perfect Dark ever.

EDIT: Looking at the screens it looks like Professor Layton inside of an LA Confidential setting.

Edited: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 20:51:57

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:45:22

US Handheld Console Launch Prices

$249.99 Nintendo 3DS

$249.99 PSP

$189.99 Atari Lynx

$169.99 Nintendo DSi

$149.99 Sega Game Gear

$149.99 Game Boy Advance

$149.99 Nintendo DS

$89.99 Game Boy

UK Handheld Console Launch Prices

£219.99-£229.99 Nintendo 3DS

£199.99 Atari Lynx

£179.99 PSP

£149.99 Nintendo DSi

£144.99 Sega Game Gear

£129.99 Nintendo DS

£99.99 Nintendo DS Lite

Shonen Jump had this one promotional line from Square regarding FF 13-2 "In the world where I once existed, time's path is no longer certain..." -- so looks like a time traveller.


Japan sales 2010 is a must read.  So much for Nintendo being dead in Japan:

"In software, Nintendo was by far the most successful publisher, with a total of 11.4 million games sold through in Japan -- and that's not counting Pokemon, which is technically published by a satellite company in the region. Out of the top 100 bestselling games of 2010, one out of five were Nintendo titles."

Edited: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 20:51:02

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 22:15:11


So glad to hear that its one friend code.

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 22:18:03

Screw friend codes! I want a gamertag for my Nintendo systems.

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 22:18:31

So OoT 3D wont have any new additions? What. I am expecting some sort of master quest, with all new remixed dungeons and crap.

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:27:02
travo said:

Screw friend codes! I want a gamertag for my Nintendo systems.

Same here along with some sort of achievement system. Do it Nintendo! Do it NOW!!!


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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:28:23
Archangel3371 said:
travo said:

Screw friend codes! I want a gamertag for my Nintendo systems.

Same here along with some sort of achievement system. Do it Nintendo! Do it NOW!!!

Sorry, but I rather be Bobovic instead of Bobovic_82.

The VG Press
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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:29:59
Ah, I was wondering how much games would be for the 3DS. $40 - $50 sounds about right, I guess.


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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:31:29
Iga_Bobovic said:
Archangel3371 said:
travo said:

Screw friend codes! I want a gamertag for my Nintendo systems.

Same here along with some sort of achievement system. Do it Nintendo! Do it NOW!!!

Sorry, but I rather be Bobovic instead of Bobovic_82.

I'd rather be anything but 5932-642-8532 or however many numbers they use.


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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:33:46
I am not a number! I am a free man!


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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:34:36
Archangel3371 said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
Archangel3371 said:
travo said:

Screw friend codes! I want a gamertag for my Nintendo systems.

Same here along with some sort of achievement system. Do it Nintendo! Do it NOW!!!

Sorry, but I rather be Bobovic instead of Bobovic_82.

I'd rather be anything but 5932-642-8532 or however many numbers they use.

Your ignorance is showing! You are not a number with friendcodes. Yes, you have to fill them in, but you still have a name. That name is shown on your friendlist.

The problem was never the friendcodes, the problem was that you had different one for each game and it was difficult to exchange them. At least they solved one.

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:42:15
Archangel3371 said:
I am a free man!

...and I was gonna offer you money!

Good to know... Good to know...

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:42:36
Iga_Bobovic said:

We are all dead to him.

I blame Vader

Of course you do.

He is alive which is nice to know, he'll come back if or when he is ready.

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:44:12
Iga_Bobovic said:

Your ignorance is showing! You are not a number with friendcodes. Yes, you have to fill them in, but you still have a name. That name is shown on your friendlist.

The problem was never the friendcodes, the problem was that you had different one for each game and it was difficult to exchange them. At least they solved one.

Bah! Gamercards are still much better. I want one persistant name regardless if I'm in a friend's list or in a lobby with a bunch of randoms.


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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:45:01
Archangel3371 said:
Ah, I was wondering how much games would be for the 3DS. $40 - $50 sounds about right, I guess.

You are ok with everything. Nyaa

(Except friend codes it seems)

Edited: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:45:30
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