Books No Match For Violence, Says Concerned Parent
Sacramento public library won't "think of the children" news
Pachter: Nintendo's Online Strategy Is Hurting Wii Sales
"I think everything Nintendo has done online has been bad" news
PS3 Bioshock Infinite Won't Be a Cheap Port
Like the other Bioshock games. news
Lengthy Interview with Splatterhouse Developers
"The 2D parts of the new Splatterhouse are some of the most fun." news
The Press Room Episode #81
Homer and Foolz give impressions of the latest games and comment on this week's news. editorial impressions news
Sakaguchi Reveals Final Fantasy 9 Design Document
Can you imagine what else he has? news
Double Fine Updates Their Company FAQ - Funny
Addresses Nintendo hate, and what games they can't make sequels for. news
PALGN review Epic Mickey 6.5
A wonderful love letter to Disney art and memorabilia, but a disappointing gameplay debut from Junction Point, set back by unpolished and unrefined design. impressions
Sony Starting Label in Japan for Western Games
"Western Game Buyer Selection" includes Castle Crashers for PSP. news
Weekly Japanese Sales Figures
PSP has another good week, BLOPS tops the charts. news
Activision: COD Multiplayer Will Always Be Free
"we will never, ever charge for the multiplayer." news
Mark Walberg to star in Uncharted movie
Oh well, there's always the Halo movie to look forward too news
VGD Gran Turismo 5 review
8/10 "What PD have delivered is unquestionably a phenomenal achievement and will represent countless lost hours for petrolheads the world over, but the GT series is no longer the gold standard." impressions
thegamershub Gran Turismo 5 review
4/5 "the bottom line is the title has a lot to offer and is not to be missed by any PS3 owner." impressions
Adam Sessler "More Creativity, Less Penis!"
We are all playing giant penii that yell "Ohh look at me" editorial
K-Mart offering big bonus for Splatterhouse
$30 credit towards another game news
The Guardian reviews Epic Mickey
4 stars out of 5 "Epic Mickey proves satisfyingly original, fun and absorbing – it's a pleasant, and at times interestingly twisted world in which to immerse yourself" impressions
Valkyria Chronicles 3 Video
Introduces characters for next PSP game. media news
Meristation review Epic Mickey 8.5
"If you're looking for an incredible experience and something by the like, bear in mind you'll have to be patient." impressions
Darkzero Epic Mickey review 9/10
"Junction Point have managed to create a game that is finely balanced, well crafted and visually wonderful." impressions
Last Story music samples
Hear Nobuo Uematsu's take on Chaos and Order. media
How the Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Plot Was Created
Heavily directed by Capcom. news
Arkham City Won't Have Batmobile
"There aren't any playable vehicles in the game" news
Sakaguchi's Design Files for FF9 Now in English
A look into how the game was made. news
Duke Nukem Gets Site, Forum and Podcast
It's a "fan" project to remake Reloaded using Unreal. news
New "Warning A Huge Podcast" - Japanese Gaming New
Japanese developer tweets translated, Tactic Ogre and more. editorial impressions news
Zombie Nation B+ Review
Or, Why Vader Needs to Get a Working PS3 SOON! impressions
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The Epic Mickey review from that gaf guy was very well written. I hope I end up disgreeing with him, seems like my early worries about the game came true.
The early reviews for Epic Mickey isn't very encouraging. Hope the major sites like it though.
That is very strange. The games are quite cinematic and they're good Indiana Jones type of stories. All they had to do was follow the games.
This movie is going to suck.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
The movie was going to suck anyway. All game movies do.
Edit: The difference now is that it'll suck while spending more money.
Mortal Kombat does not suck.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYes it does. It's a shitty game movie among shitty game movies.
I said it once, years ago, I'll say it again:
*Oops! I mean...*
The 20 mins is a lie!
Really, this GT5 install is NUTS!
It said 20 minutes something like 50 minutes ago, and has read "45 seconds remaining" for the last 10 minutes!
Yeah, lots of people at GAF have complained about the lying status bar of the GT5 install.
I was interested to find out that the Metacritic for GT4 was "only" 89, GT5 Prologue was "only 80" and GT3 was 95. I thought the GT's had always enjoyed the 95 kind of level of review.
Looks like this one will land around the same place -- 88ish.
I got to say, and this is kinda weird the thing that makes me want this game is the NASCAR inclusion. I don't follow NASCAR, but I've always enjoyed the game versions of the sport.
The game is very entertaining but the gameplay is shit.
In other words, the game is very fun, but if you want to play it competitively then it isn't ideal by any means.
One of the site's forefathers.
We're talking about game movies.
Not to say that MK the game isn't shit, but that wasn't being discussed at this time.
Really all the non-cell shaded textures look like shit.
One of the site's forefathers.
If I actually drove, I would probably be saying right about now: Gran Turismo 5 is one of the most realistic driving simulations out there. I don't have much of a basis for comparison, but it FEELS really good at least! Each of the cars I have tried handled differently. The game goes out of its way to make you corner, brake and accelerate well. The analog control of the gas is also the best choice for a "pedal" in a game like this.
Graphics have been a little mixed; from spectacular to rather boring. Overall the game feels like a inifinitely deep, Car Lover's erotic dream.
That being said: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is a much better game.
...Oh. I've also decided that I want to buy a Dodge Charger...
Why exactly, I don't know. I just am attracted to the way it looks for some reason and it seems like it would be fun to drive.
I wouldn't be so sure you would, if you'd played one of those hardcore sims on PC.
I'm too scared to play them, but from watching the gameplay they look a crap tonne more realistic than Gran Turismo and Forza and the like.
Not even Boogie Nights?
You're saved by a -1 only because of your Orgazmo avatar.
Thanks again! The quotes mean I don't have to come up with a humorous description.
One of the site's forefathers.
I hate Black Firday sales, it just shows me all the money I could have saved had I held out. Little King's Story is $14, Mega Man Collection $18, Peacewalker $19 and on and on... All these games I have that I have not opened yet...
how so? you don't have even have to brake or change the position of the steering wheel much
just enter with your fastest car ... and be patient
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu