GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Studies Reveal Less Time Spent on Gaming Core is playing more, but they are minority. news aspro
[] New Batman: Arkham City Screens media aspro
"The Games Industry is a Mess" Says CEO of developer n-Space. news aspro
[] New Mega Man 9 Easter Eggs Found Ties in with Mega Man 10. news aspro
Medal of Honor Rep Speaks about Taliban Change Says it's a sad reflection on how gaming is perceived. news aspro
[] Ars Technica Previews Infamous 2 Pre-release version still a bit rough. impressions news aspro
[] Japanese Get Cool Bonuses on Castlevania: Lord of Shadows Sony gets Symphony, MS gets Harmony of Despair. news aspro
THQ Reports Loss UFC sells 2.7 million copies. news aspro
[] CastleVania: Lords of Shadow Sequel in the Works Gabriel's Quest? news phantom_leo
Rare Vintage: Part One The History of Rare editorial gamingeek
[] Spector on Epic Mickey The most serious third-party Wii title in the history of mankind news gamingeek
[] Iwata Defends 3DS Pricing Think of all the money you save by not buying a TV. news aspro
New Game Releases Oct 10-16 Medal of Honor, Lufia, Canada Hunt! news aspro
[] Weekly UK Charts FIFA holds lead, Enslaved makes appearance. news aspro
Totally serious. 5 Steps to Fixing Sonic editorial isntchrisl
[] Vote in the VGPress Game of the Decade Tournament First round starts today. news aspro
[] Patent Application Hints at Vitality Sensor's Games IT'S REAL?! news phantom_leo
MTV's Super Meat Boy Review! It's MEATY! impressions phantom_leo
[] Shantae Game Approching Highest Metacritic for DS It is at 92 right now. news aspro
[] Tony Hawk Studio Gets Staff Cuts Robomodo made Ride, Shred. news aspro
[] Dante's Inferno Sequel Not Determined And Dead Space won't be annualized. news aspro
3DS "Too Expensive" for 80% of Japanese Gamers 1,000 gamers surveyed in poll. news aspro
[] Ars Technica Reviews Medal of Honor 6-8 hours campaign. editorial impressions aspro
[] High Impact Games Moving Away From Sony The PSP specialists are moving to Wii. aspro
[] Ars Technica Reviews Super Scribblenauts Fixes problems of the original. editorial aspro
[] NPD No Longer Releasing Hardware Figures Other changes as well. news aspro
Square Tries New Marketing Method for Lord of Arcana Rewards players for sharing SWERY's game. news aspro
[] Inafune: "I Hate My Job..." news aspro
Castlevania Easter Eggs Revealed References to Portal, MGS and more. news aspro
[] New Black Ops Trailer Single player looks "intense" media news aspro
Phoenix Wright Director Talks About Series It's the tenth anniversary of the franchise. news aspro
[] Ars Technica Reviews Wii Party "Grab four controllers and some kids". editorial impressions aspro
[] Layoff's at Raven Oh snap! news aspro
[] *Single* Player Hacks Get You Banned From Starcraft 2 Not as crazy as it appears. news aspro
DOTA 2 Announced Valve's "new" IP news aspro
[] Grasshopper's New Game Announcing Tomorrow Suggests tweet from Suda 51. news aspro
Weekly Japanese Charts Pokemon up to 3.9 million. news aspro
[] Last Window: 'making of' featurette Pretty cool rotascoping animation shown. Real life actor weirdness media gamingeek
[] GT5 Delayed.  Again. news SteelAttack
[] Crytek Crysis 2 interview Also - they are impressed by 3DS news gamingeek
[] New Conduit 2 trailer media gamingeek
Was Medal of Honor Rushed to Market? editorial isntchrisl
[] Medal of Honor review scores hit 76 Metacritic average news gamingeek
[] Duke Nukem Forever '3 times the size of MW2' news gamingeek
[] Sonic 4 ONM review 88% impressions gamingeek
[] Yakuza of the end pics media gamingeek
[] VIDEO: Using Kinect for a FPS Rare was right, it is possible media gamingeek
[] The First Templar screens PC/360 media gamingeek
[] Making Dead SPace 2 interview gamingeek
[] Dead Space Ignition launch trailer media gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review A Shadow's Tale 5/10 impressions gamingeek
[] MOH Frontline is free with PS3 MOH Special edition See what Digital Foundry thinks editorial news gamingeek
[] Wada and Kimura leave MMV Join Grasshopper news gamingeek
Kondo on Sountracking Mario games news gamingeek
EDGE mag Medal of Honor review 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey video doc The story of Oswald media gamingeek
[] EA and Spielburg game cancelled news gamingeek
[] Resistance 3 details news gamingeek
[] Kinect sells out at Amazon, Play, Game news gamingeek
[] Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection 20 pics in one click media gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey screens media gamingeek
[] Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wii Hands-on impressions gamingeek
[] NWR Review Last Window: Secret of Cape West " Their last game is one of their best games, and also one of the best for the Nintendo DS platform." impressions gamingeek
[] PDP's Limited Edition Call of Duty: Black Ops Wii Headse Great, show us the headset but NOT the game news gamingeek
[] Naka explains how Mario Bros birthed Sonic news gamingeek
[] Goldeneye writer talks script changes news gamingeek
Rare Vintage: Part Two editorial gamingeek
[] Goldeneye classic characters 2 trailer media gamingeek
Famitsu review No More Heroes 2 9/9/8/8 impressions gamingeek
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Screens media aspro
Resistance 3 Details Leaked Maybe Resistance isn't futile? news aspro
[] In Depth Analysis of XBLA Sales What Gamasutra does best. news aspro
[] EA Spins Bad Reviews "This is a marathon, not a sprint." impressions news aspro
[] EA Stocks Drop on Medal of Honor Reviews Ouch. news aspro
[] PSPGo Going Going Gone? Price cut down to $200 USD coming. news aspro
[] Jaffe on Medal of Honor and Taliban "Where's the surrender button?" news aspro
[] Valve Announcing New Game Tomorrow Only at news aspro
[] Nathan Fillion wants the role of Nathan Drake Uncharted Movie suddenly gets awesome news Ellyoda
[] NPD Summary Kingdom Hearts #6? Overall sales down 8%. news aspro
[] 360 Best Selling Console Four Months Running Redmond races readily from red ring ruins. news aspro
[] Move Beats Expectations Sells 1.5 million in EU so far. news aspro
[] Blizzard NOT Banning Single Player Cheats So shut up already. news aspro
Nintendo Shuts Down NY Nintendo World!!! Closed for renovations until Nov 1. :P news aspro
Conduit 2 Release Date and Trailer news aspro
[] EA Confirms Disc Release for NBA Jam All platforms. news aspro
[] Netflix on PS3 Now Discless Gets 1080p and 5.1 surround as well. news aspro
New Tactics Ogre Screens media aspro
[] Dead Space Ignition ($5 DLC Game) Reviewed by Ars "Ugly and boring" editorial impressions aspro
[] Red Dead's Big DLC Dated 5-7 hours of single player content. news aspro
EA Pleased With Day One Sales of MOH No specifics given. news aspro
[] THQ's New DLC Policy Outlined Pay $10, get free DLC for life of the game. news aspro
[] FIrst Halo Reach DLC, 3 maps, Nov. news Dvader
[] Dragon Age 2 pre-order and get Special edition for free. $20 value for free if you preorder. news Dvader
[] Pirates of the Caribbean game cancled, team layed off. Some still working on Tron. news Dvader
[] Dead Space Ignition Eurogamer review 3/10 impressions gamingeek
[] PS3 Castlevania save patch "incoming"  Save file corrupt - press X to overwrite news gamingeek
[] The Humping Peripheral is Laggy Awww... :( impressions phantom_leo
Vanquish dual boss fight media gamingeek
[] Six solid games doomed to die in 2010  Gamesradar predict doom for Vanquish and more editorial gamingeek
[] GT5 delay 'inexcusable' says Yamauchi news gamingeek
[] 'We didn't copy BioShock, Assassin's' - Deus news gamingeek
[] Donkey Kong Country Returns screenshots explode media gamingeek
[] Behind The Scenes of Final Fantasy XIII editorial gamingeek
[] Axed Fable III Kinect content detailed Food fights and statue making gamingeek
[] Visceral grows, working on four new titles news gamingeek
[] Fan made Duke Nukem to be free Made on UE3 news gamingeek
[] SEGA to follow Nintendo's Mario model news gamingeek
[] EA: MOH "exceeding" US shop forecasts news gamingeek
[] Saints Row 3DS info today? news gamingeek
[] SEGA confirm new Sonic for 2011 news gamingeek
[]  Fable 3: a new video Could it be an assless chaps video? media gamingeek
[] Lost in Shadow MSN review " A Shadow's Tale is an outside bet for Game of the Year" impressions gamingeek
[] Kirby's Epic Yarn - Pyramid Sands Gameplay media gamingeek
[] Goldeneye motion capture video news gamingeek
[] The History of Call of Duty A tale of many grenades, falling at your feet editorial gamingeek
[]  First Bit.Trip Fate Screenshots media gamingeek
[]  RESIDENT EVIL Deck Building The next AAA Resident Evil game news gamingeek
Rune Factory Oceans pics and details Agnates, post news when you got it plz media news gamingeek
[] Solatorobo - Japanese Magical Journey Trailer media gamingeek
[] Zack & Ombra - Japanese Story Trailer media gamingeek
[] Fable 2 free on XBL Probably a mistake, hurry and get it. news Dvader
[] XBL Launches in Nine New Countries Sorry, "Claude" is already taken, how about "ClaudeMilkXY4811" news aspro
[] Aussie State of Victoria Starts Giving Game Grants Up to $100,000 per project. (Maybe someone should tell Krome). editorial news aspro
[] Ars Technica Reviews Kirby's Epic Yarn "The graphics look like nothing else in gaming..." editorial impressions aspro
[] FF14 Extends Free Trial By One Month Square tries to make nice with flawed MMO. news aspro
US Spent $2.9 Billion on Used Games 1st Half of 2010 Gamestop says, "Hi" news aspro
[] Gameinformer Kirby's Epic Yarn review 9.5 and the Second Opinion is 9.5 too! impressions gamingeek
[] Gamesradar review Kirby's Epic Yarn 9/10 impressions gamingeek
A New Perspective on Game Addiction editorial Ravenprose
[] Joystiq review Kirbys Epic Yarn 4.5 stars out of 5 impressions gamingeek
[] IGN reviews Kirby's Epic Yarn 9.0 "an amazing looking game " gamingeek
[] Kinect's sitting down woe finally over? news gamingeek
[]   Dead Space heading to iPad Full adventure, new story, not on rails gamingeek
[] GT5 images media gamingeek
[] GoNintendo Kirby's Epic Yarn review 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Trauma Team TV show may happen Whaaaa? news gamingeek
Mario Sports Mix media and details impressions gamingeek
[] Krome studios closing Aussies, mourn news gamingeek
[] Namco apologise for Mr Driller Miner gag Oh for godsake it's not like anyone died news gamingeek
[] Gametrailers Kirbys Epic Yarn review 8.4 with a staggering 9.5 for presentation impressions media gamingeek
[] Ex-SAS man: Gamers should pilot drones news gamingeek
The Press Room Episode #77 Yoda and Vader return with amazing hands-on impressions and news. editorial impressions media news aspro
[] VGPress Game of the Decade Vote NOW! news aspro
[] Medal of Honor: Frontline teaser trailer Comes free with MOH PS3 media gamingeek
[] Killzone 3 - 10 minutes of gameplay media gamingeek
[] NGamer Epic Mickey preview "Disney, you've every reason to be proud." impressions gamingeek
[] Vanquish trailer slides in media gamingeek
SFIV 3DS touch controls explained news gamingeek
Sonic Colours pics impress media gamingeek
[] Dark Void dev making "triple-A" games news gamingeek
[] Hands on Okamiden at Eurogamer " It's inventive, playful, funny" impressions gamingeek
[] Splatterhouse images media gamingeek
[] Tales of Graces PS3: new images media gamingeek
[] F.E.A.R. 3: new images and video media gamingeek
Force Unleashed 2 Wii screens media gamingeek
More Conduit 2 screens media gamingeek
[] Mercury Steam want to make 3D Contra news gamingeek
1up review Kirby's Epic Yarn A - impressions gamingeek
[] Kirby's Epic Yarn - Dino Jungle Gameplay media gamingeek
[] Lost in Shadow dev documentary media gamingeek
[] Wii Ghost Recon video demo media gamingeek
[] Smash Bros style game includes Sonic news gamingeek
[] History of Goldeneye trailer media gamingeek
[] Halo Reach Sells 3.3 Million Copies Joins Halo 3 and MW2 in 3 million in first month club. news aspro
[] CVG: What Wii want in Wii 2 editorial gamingeek
[] 15 DC Universe screens Holy bat cave Batman media gamingeek
[] PS3 And Wii Sales See Double-Digit Declines Sept NPD analysis news gamingeek
[] Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis retrospective On Steam and Wii if you want to play it editorial gamingeek
[] Gorgeous Resistance 3 scans media gamingeek
[] Kirby's Epic Yarn NWR review 10/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey Choice and Consequence video interview media gamingeek
Gamepro Kirby's Epic Yarn review 4 stars out of 5 impressions gamingeek
Gamepro: FPS's need a tactical nuke editorial gamingeek
[] IGN's Favorite GoldenEye Memories editorial gamingeek
[] Kirby's Epic Yarn Gamespot review 8.5 impressions gamingeek
First Sonic Colors review... “Colours rockets Sonic closer to the stratospheric heights of past glories and hints at a great future. Welcome back, old friend. It’s been too long. - 86%" impressions Punk Rebel Ecks
[] Halo: Reach Stats Over 16,000 years played so far. news aspro
[] 360 User Gets 500,000 Cheevos How does it feel? news aspro
[] Blizzard Suing Hacker Entrepreneurs Clamping down on Starcraft 2 non-licensed maps etc... news aspro
Vanquish PlanetXbox360 review 8.9. 6-4 hours long. impressions Dvader
OXM Defend 10/10 MW2 Score One Year Later The first stage is denial guys... news aspro
[] Guitar Hero 6 Sells Only 86,000 in First Week Compared to 500,000 in 2008. news aspro
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 13:02:51

I was sorta excited for DKC returns, but I spent the last 3 weekends playing DKC 1 and 2 and getting my ass handed to me.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 13:52:06
gamingeek said:

I was sorta excited for DKC returns, but I spent the last 3 weekends playing DKC 1 and 2 and getting my ass handed to me.

Don't you look forward to doing that again?

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 14:29:54

The CVG article about: 'What we want of Wii 2' is complete and utter trash. Seriously the points they give are highly unimaginative. HD, 3D new IPs and achievements? Really, can't they think of something original? Oh wait the new Wii should also innovate. But how? They can't really say. Oh great, just great. The Wii 2 has to do all the stuff the HD consoles do and something totally original. Wow, brilliant, why did no one else think of this?

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 14:32:25
travo said:
gamingeek said:

I was sorta excited for DKC returns, but I spent the last 3 weekends playing DKC 1 and 2 and getting my ass handed to me.

Don't you look forward to doing that again?

GG is a pussy now. He used to be a Rugby playing stud that shat in your mouth if you looked at him funny. Now he can't even crap in the toilet.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 14:37:45
Iga_Bobovic said:

GG is a pussy now. He used to be a Rugby playing stud that shat in your mouth if you looked at him funny. Now he can't even crap in the toilet.


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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 14:41:45
Iga_Bobovic said:
travo said:
gamingeek said:

I was sorta excited for DKC returns, but I spent the last 3 weekends playing DKC 1 and 2 and getting my ass handed to me.

Don't you look forward to doing that again?

GG is a pussy now. He used to be a Rugby playing stud that shat in your mouth if you looked at him funny. Now he can't even crap in the toilet.


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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 14:54:16

OMG, this last climb on Prince of Persia is insane.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 15:32:23
gamingeek said:

NGamer - review scores

          shaun white skateboarding 53%

So I guess NGamer doesn't like sticking it to the man by putting up Stride Gum ads and liberating Wendy's?

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 15:39:28
That's pretty much what I want to see in the Wii 2. I don't really care if it's innovative or about it doing 3D but it should be HD capable, have a mass storage device, better online infrastructure, and of course beefier specs. What's with Nintendo's cheapness when it comes to RAM? I mean seriously Wii is like 88 MB's and the 3DS is quite paultry as well.


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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 16:04:07

88 MB ought to be enough for anybody.

Seriously though, how much RAM does the 3DS have?

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 16:08:43

^No ones knows, we only have IGN rumours.

But who cares really? We already seen what the machine is capable of.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 16:48:31
By comparison the 360 and PS3 have 500 MB's of RAM, 88 is nothing these days.

I think the 3DS has 68 and sure there's some great looking stuff but it could be much better and that's likely the reason that Epic's engine might not be compatible with the 3DS. Even the iPhone or whatever has more RAM so why not put more in.


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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:05:00
Archangel3371 said:
By comparison the 360 and PS3 have 500 MB's of RAM, 88 is nothing these days.

          I think the 3DS has 68 and sure there's some great looking stuff but it could be much better and that's likely the reason that Epic's engine might not be compatible with the 3DS. Even the iPhone or whatever has more RAM so why not put more in.

Yoda, this is your domain. What is your opinion about this matter?

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:17:04
Archangel3371 said:
By comparison the 360 and PS3 have 500 MB's of RAM, 88 is nothing these days.

I think the 3DS has 68 and sure there's some great looking stuff but it could be much better and that's likely the reason that Epic's engine might not be compatible with the 3DS. Even the iPhone or whatever has more RAM so why not put more in.

360 has 512M, the PS3 has 256M.  iPhone 3 had 128M, iPhone 4 has 512M.  Why not put more in?  Keep in mind that the iPhone 4 unlocked launched at $549 for the cheapest version in Canada.

RAM is relatively cheap, but for a company as cost-careful as Nintendo, they don't want extra anything.  If you threw 4GB of RAM in the 3DS, it would be a waste, because the bottlenecks would be elsewhere.  Just as if you put an i7 in there, the bottleneck would be elsewhere.  It's no good going overkill on one part of the system.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:38:04
aspro said:

Did you finish it? And I'll remind you, you are under oath Mr. Vader.

Of course I did.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:45:14
Agnates said:

I want to see some later levels, all the ones I've seen are too simplistic, have too much hand holding or too many nearly control-free sections with all sorts of loops, super jumps, rails, etc. Coupled with the homing attack where you just tap a button repeatedly to get through enemies and, well, where's the gameplay? It's almost like a long chain of QTEs... And they know it cos half the time the camera zooms in to show Sonic and not what's ahead.

Haven't played Unleashed have you. A lot of the gameplay comes from perfecting the execution of the level. The video showed many paths and areas that could be reached with the perfect timing. Look at how well the player played and didn't even get an S rank. The game under a good player does look like its simple, but it takes a ton of practice to get to that point. I know that in Unleashed it took every single bit of my skill as a gamer, my very best reflexes, to get the S ranks. It is intense.

Edited: Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:47:05
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:52:37
gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

It means that the 360 can live on for who knows how many more years cause its getting better sales than it ever has. The wii on the other hand is on the way out, it shows that Nintendo needs to move first, as we all predicted, the Wii had to be the first console out.

NPD is good for predicting future trends, but I believe that its numbers should always be taken in context. And that is why the gamasutra analysis' are always good to read. If you do the math, see the difference between the monthly sales, then see the install base gap, you can do the math and estimate how long it would theoretically take for 360 to catch up with Wii's sales. Saying that the 360 is the number 1 console like you just did is exactly the impression NPD gives.

How useful is that figure when the 360 is in third place worldwide and millions of units behind Wii in install base? That's why I would prefer 6 month reports, or even yearly reports and the figures should then be added to the LTD sales to give an accurate picture of what is happening.

Think about 2009 NPD, Wii was dragging all year in monthly reports and that is what the monthly NPD sales showed. Then Wii has a record breaking Christmas which shoots it back to the top as selling the most for the whole year. Look at the recent 2010 Japanese report which showed that PS3 had beaten the Wii for this year. PS3 is in the lead, it's the number 1 console!

And then a week later install base figures are released for Japan showing that PS3 had sold 5.5 million in Japan, compared to Wii's 10 million. So when you take the whole figures in their totality it's much more enlightening than monthly North American figures.

Last generation the PS2 absolutely spanked the GC and Xbox with 100 million sold. And instead the media concentrated on the losers race pissing match, painting the Xbox as some huge winner against the GC when there was only a worldwide 4 million difference between the two. Hello...... PS2 sold 5 times as much either console.

I love figures, but they should always be shown in context to show the whole picture and not just a snapshot. Otherwise they are misleading.

No one is arguing the total figures, everyone knows that wii is the leader worldwide and that is not going to change. I don't get why you are so caught up in the total figures, that is in the past, the whole purpose of the NPD is to know where we are at right now. The Wii is in third place this month. The 360 is the best selling console in America so far this year and for five months straight it is the leader, this is not some fluke at this point, its the real deal. Right now, the 360 is the best selling console month and month out and I see it continuing until something major changes. Nintendo can't sit around saying "hahahaha" you will never catch up. It's not about catching up to the totals, that is irrelevant, its about always maintaning your lead. It doesn't how much the product has sold, when the product starts to slow down in sales it's time to do something to fix that. A price drop will help, the christmas time will of course bring in lots of sales but overall I think we are clearly in the downward slope of the Wii. Meanwhile the 360 clearly is on an upslope and still have tons of life left.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 18:14:38
Yodariquo said:

360 has 512M, the PS3 has 256M.  iPhone 3 had 128M, iPhone 4 has 512M.  Why not put more in?  Keep in mind that the iPhone 4 unlocked launched at $549 for the cheapest version in Canada.

RAM is relatively cheap, but for a company as cost-careful as Nintendo, they don't want extra anything.  If you threw 4GB of RAM in the 3DS, it would be a waste, because the bottlenecks would be elsewhere.  Just as if you put an i7 in there, the bottleneck would be elsewhere.  It's no good going overkill on one part of the system.

Yeah good points and I do realise that it's not good to go overkill in any one area. I don't suggest they go all that high in fact I wouldn't even suggest they even go into the 500 MB territory at least in the 3DS and the Wii certainly didn't need it but I just can't help to think that 88 for the Wii was just too little and the rumoured 68 for the 3DS seems pretty small.


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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 18:58:35

I pulled out my original copy of Half-Life 1 for PC last night, and decided to give it a go. Sadly, I ran into an error which made the game unplayable; it installed just fine but when I tried to start a new game, it claimed there was no disk in the DVD drive, which there was! Hrm Anyway, I found out that I could register my copy with Steam, and I wouldn't have to play from the disk, so I gave that a try. I never used Steam before, but I have to admit, it's pretty awesome!

When I entered my CD Key, Steam told me I could download the Half-Life Platinum Pack for free, which consisted of a bunch of gameplay modes that I didn't get with my CD copy like HL: Blue Shift, and the graphics have been noticably updated too (1280X800 Widescreen!). That's pretty awesome in my book considering how old my CD copy is.

Anyway, I need to find a good quality dual-analogue PC gamepad. I hate playing with teh mouse/keyboard; it hurts my hands, and it's awkward as all Hell. Valve really should release this game on XBLA/PSN!

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 19:06:41

Now, through first-hand experience I can confirm: The amount of Happiness this new Kirby game will be bring you will be...

*resist! resist! I can't... I can't resist...!*


It is masterful in its simplicity. It just simply brings a smile to your face. Seeing the fabric world in motion is incredible!

The story is typical Kirby, but the gameplay is not!

Kirby is transported to Patch Land because he Ate an Evil Wizard's Metamato. There, sadly, he loses his ability to suck as wind passes right through his Yarn body! He is equipped with a Lasso instead which can be used to grab enemies, grapple points, zippers and other objects in the background, as well!

Seems the Metamato Kirby ate ALSO gave him the power to transform into other shapes "seamlessly" as the game puts it. Double tapping in one direction turns him into a Speeding Car. Jumping in water turns him into a mini-submarine. Pushing down while in the air turns him into the familiar Weight. Pushing the jump button a second time while in the air turns Kirby into a Parachute so he floats slowly down and can control his direction some more. There are other shapes like the Giant Tank that are introduced at certain points in the stages just to break up the gameplay and give you something fun and different to do!

That's not TOTALLY necessary however, as the game in itself gives you quite a bit to do on its own! You can earn one of Four Medals in each level dependant on your Gem collecting. In each level there are Three Treasures to find as well. One is the CD for that stage and the other Two (I believe) are pieces of Furniture you can use to Decorate the Apartment Prince Fluff gives you to live in while staying in Patch Land. This (totally Gay) diversion is SURE to capture the attention of all the (totally Gay) fans of Animal Crossing out there!

It's just one of those TOTALLY RELAXED gaming experiences! The very epitome of a "Nintendo" game, it can be enjoyed by a Youngster who will just be awed by the fanciful world --OR-- the seasoned Gamer who will NEED to collect every last gem, CD, piece of Furniture... Log each and every enemy, find every last piece of Fabric... and 100% each and every Last Stat the game thoughtfully tracks for you.

If you have the Cash, do NOT hesitate! This is the kind of game the inner-Six-Year-Old in you is YEARNING to play!


Edited: Sun, 17 Oct 2010 19:08:46
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