Icahn Buys EVEN MORE Take2 Stock
Positioning himslef for huge payday when company sells.
wsj.com news
EA May Sue Southpark Over Tiger
Probably just trying to get some publicity.
dailyinformer.net news
Pachter: EA to Sell DLC Before Release
DLC will sell before game comes out.
gamasutra.com news
Japanese Gaming Industry Pay Rates
To convert *roughly* divide by 100 for USD.
andriasang.com news
Descructoid Fragile Dreams review
Farewell Ruins of the Moon is beautiful. I thank the developers for making it. I resent the developers for not making it good enough.
destructoid.com impressions
FFCC Crystal Bearers Siliconera review
"a failed and extremely disappointing experiment"
siliconera.com impressions
Super Street Fighter 4 Interview
Yoshinori Ono interviewed about upcoming game.
thetechjournal.com editorial impressions news
Epic Opening Japan Branch
Suda 51 appearing at ceremony - will he run studio?
andriasang.com news
GameCrush lets gamers pay to play with girls
Somebody actually greenlit this idea
news.com.au news
Examiner Red Steel 2 review
Ubisoft has finally shown us what kind of games can be made for Wii and has set a new benchmark for Wii FPS titles
examiner.com impressions
ONM Red Steel 2 review
" It's a gameplay experience unlike any other, and that needs to be applauded."
officialnintendomagazine.co.uk impressions
Digital Chumps review Red Steel 2
Few other Wii games provide a comparable sense of hard-hitting action fused with the gritty and rugged nature of a true action title.
digitalchumps.com impressions
IGN Reviews Red Steel 2
Red Steel 2 is easily one of the best looking and sounding games on Wii to date.
ign.com impressions
Pachter weighs in on 3DS
"either very cool and advanced, or is a gimmick"
computerandvideogames.com news
In Theory: Nintendo 3DS
What can we expect from this new piece of kit?
eurogamer.net editorial news
Sonic getting into Little Big Planet?
He's like a virus that nobody wants, infecting people.
gamekyo.com news
Analyst on PS3 Move
It will succeed because I can play mature ping pong
industrygamers.com news
IGN podcast summary
Red Steel 2 is One of the best-looking third-party games
nintendoeverything.com news
Silent Hill Shattered Memories canned?
In Australia? Was supposed to release 3 weeks ago
aussie-nintendo.com news
Gaming Nexus reviews Red Steel 2
"Are you a gamer? Do you own a Wii? Then you need Red Steel 2. In fact, this game is a reason to own a Wii all by itself."
gamingnexus.com impressions
Ubisoft: God of War stole the audience
For Prince of Persia
computerandvideogames.com news
Red Steel 2 NWR review
"Plain and simple, this is one of the finest games to grace the Wii console."
nintendoworldreport.com impressions
How to Train Your Dragon Surprise Launch
That's *train* your dragon, not drain your dragon.
gameguru.in news
EA's mouthpiece foiled by Command and Conquer DRM
"DRM fail. We need new solutions,"
arstechnica.com editorial news
Medal of Honour leading on PS3
PS3 lead platform but not using Move
computerandvideogames.com news
PLAY reviews Red Steel 2
Red Steel 2 is a series of hugely entertaining combat skirmishes linked by some slightly formulaic level design.
play.tm impressions
Gamervision review Red Steel 2
It single handedly proves the Wii MotionPlus’s value for adventure games, while providing one of the best action experiences on the system.
gamervision.com impressions
Pachter Watch: he makes more guesses
Halo Reach and Mario Galaxy 2 aren't system sellers
industrygamers.com news
Sony doubts the 3DS will succeed
"8 and 9 year olds playing 3D is a little bit of a stretch given where some of our research is right now."
ign.com news
Prince of Persia movie impressions
Does it sink in the Sands of Time?
bitmob.com impressions
F3AR to be revealed next month.
See that, they put the 3 inside the FEAR, how original.
neogaf.com news
omgomgomg! US can't be far behind!
gonintendo.com news
Cave Story takes #1 position on Wii Shop Channel
Coming from the official Nicalis Twitter account.
gonintendo.com news
Natal should work fine in small rooms
Microsoft has dismissed the claim that 13 feet of space between user and TV would be required.
1up.com news
Composers on Scoring Music For Games
Skylock would enjoy this article, god rest his soul
gamasutra.com news
Red Steel 2 Roboawesome review
" Red Steel 2 isn't perfect, but it's one of the best games to release this generation"
roboawesome.com impressions
3DS - What do the developers think?
" the 3D aspect of the console is just the icing on what is already an extremely powerful system"
pocketgamer.co.uk editorial
New MGS: Peace Walker gameplay video
Pure WIN! Amublance box! Super Co-op Railgun! Nurse Snake!
youtube.com media
First look at Enslaved.
New game by the team that brought us Heavenly Sword.
ign.com impressions media news
Penny Arcade Adventures is Done
Promised third installment won't be coming.
destructoid.com news
GameStop Sued Over 1-Time DLC Codes
Seems frivolous, but raises issue for first time.
ign.com news
EA Won't Sell Before June
Some trading activity indicates stock will remain low at least until June (which means no buyout).
schaeffersresearch.com editorial news
Upscaler Gives Wii HD Output
Add-on upscaler boosts the Wii's video output to full 1080p resolution.
ign.com news
Euro Virtual console - Bumper Friday
Fatal Fury Special Ed - Ogre Battle 64 and more
computerandvideogames.com news
PS3 vaults to the top of the Japanese charts
Yakuza 4 effect
computerandvideogames.com news
Knights in the Nightmare Coming to PSP
Atlus DS cult-fave will be PSN download.
andriasang.com news
Eurogamer Italy review Red Steel 2
9/10 - " don't skip this amazing Wii exclusive, this is the game we've all been waiting for"
eurogamer.it impressions
Fragile Dreams Nintendo Life review
Graphically and aurally the title excels in offering a world unlike any other, and for fans of intelligent, emotive gaming there’s no brighter torchbearer than this.
nintendolife.com impressions
Red Steel 2 Aussie Nintendo review 9/10
"Quite possibly the most enjoyable, adrenaline-charged combat system I've ever experienced"
aussie-nintendo.com impressions
How the Nintendo 3DS Might Handle 3D Display
Give up on the DSi tilting game thing
slashdot.org editorial
Monday Night Combat First Look
XBLA game features 6 on 6 robot action.
destructoid.com impressions news
Prince of Persia Will Control Elements
Earth, Wind, Fire not just for Gormidy anymore.
wired.com news
Extraction Very Likely to Be Ported
Likely to appear on Sony Move says deverloper.
gamercenteronline.net news
Red Dead Will Have Multiplayer
Rockstar announces "surprising" multiplayer.
vgrevolution.com news
Steel Battalion Tournament at PAX
The old XB game is still a sight to behold.
wired.com editorial
Red Steel 2 Wii Italia review
9/10 - how many more until you buy it?
wiitalia.it impressions
Behind the scenes of Dead Space 2 - Live
Watch here at 6pm GMT Saturday
computerandvideogames.com news
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gamingeek (6m)
Sounds more of a "paid beta" scenario to me:
He continued, "EA’s view is that the PDLC costs a lot less to develop (essentially, it’s the first few levels of the full-blown game), and they have the opportunity to fix whatever needs to be fixed in the packaged product that is released a few months later, whether that entails doing more of what people like or doing less of what they don’t like. It sounds like a brilliant strategy to me." Gamasutra has contacted EA for further clarification about the new strategy.
Still shit, in my opinion. Unless the money paid could net you a discount off the final product. Which I don't see happening.
Never been a fan of hubs. All you do is walk around, it doesn't add to the game. In Psychonauts the hub was the worst part fo the game, you could even get lost.
I like the exploration in them. Lots of secrets to find, stuff like that.
This is why Brain Training exists, old man.
Paying to de-bug a game. It's like we are all in an episode of "The Tester".
Galaxy's wasn't as good as SM64 or SMS hubs, but I still liked it.
Bootleg Famicom Disk game: Turbo Dick
So are you going to give me the experience of playing LCS through the internet somehow.
Send me some money I will try it out for you, then send the copy to you, but its probably region locked.
Great game. Extremely atmospheric. Great visuals (perhaps not as great as people say, still some weird character models and stuff). Great audio. I read there are two endings so I'll go back to it after I give it a rest for a while to get the other. It's right up there with the best single player FPS. Certain elements may not be great (hate some damage sponge enemies) but the game's more than the sum of its parts in the end. Personally I enjoyed it far more than Bioshock. If only STALKER was so polished and technically sound I would have loved it as well (games are nothing alike other than setting, just saying).
So yeah, it won't make you feel like a badass or whatever people are into these days, but it's a cool action packed moody story with little explanation but tons of atmosphere. Maybe a rental is best for most gamers given the limited replayability and lack of any multiplayer or whatever people think is a requirement these days, but I loved it.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
ONM scans, of their Red Steel 2 review. It scored a 93%
Just picked up the latest copy of ONM and according to them they have the world's first review of Red Steel 2. Needless to say, they gave it a 93%. They said it looks incredible, controls are well done, combat is perfectly pitched, well balanced but has a few control issues.
That was fast. It sounds great from the review I just posted above. But sadly for THQ, I think it's going to get overlooked given the games it is competing with for dollars and time.
When was the last major FPS released? BBC2? That is probably what they were timing the release off of.
Also, you can post where you want, but some of us prefer that when someone puts as much time as you did into your impressions that you start a thread in the gaming forum about the game. That way it's easier to find later and build a conversation around. Sometimes posts like this are lost in the transitory GGWeekly section.
I'll give you the experience right here, right now.
It's this, only slightly more fun.
Now buy a third party wii game at full price. Or get a PSP and MGS. You're choice, Iga will have your ass otherwise!
is it based on different korg synths/drum machines or does it just have more features? i wish they would do DS versions of more of them. those things have become impossible to afford
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Hey! I called dibs!
Iga has it. His hands are clutching the buttocks.
Vader said: I don't want different genres, I want games in the genres I love only different. Show me an action game as good as etc.
Well here it is, time to see if he meant it.
No doubt several 70% reviews will now show up to save his ass
Official Nintendo magazine
"This is probably the best third party wii game we've played in recent memory. A great deal of thought has gone into every aspect of Red Steel 2. The visual design is stellar, but most importantly its evident that ubisoft has put the necessary amount of time into making sure the controls and the balance are (almost) pitch perfect. It's been a long time coming but finally we have it. After watching Shiggy waggle the wii remote on stage at E3 2006 and having our ballooning expectations deflated, we now have the sword game we all wanted. It's taken new technology and the best part of three and a half years to get it, but precious few will argue that it hasn't been worth the wait. Red Steel 2 is finally here and it's awesome."
Jack the Ripper game confirmed (story above).
I don't think it's appropriate to profit from games/ movies about real world serial killers. I support their right to make stuff like this, it's just not for me.
I know it was from 150 years ago, or whatever, but it's no different if they made a game about Jeffrey Dahmer or Charlie Manson.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.