Japanese mag scan collection
Darkside, DQVI, Tower of Shadow and more
true-gaming.net media
Men Dressed as Mario and Luigi Assault Taxi Driver
"First they jumped on my head" the taxi driver said, "then ate my mushroom lunch that I vomited up from the shock and pain."
gamepro.com news
Pre-Order Lost Planet 2 and get a Wesker Costume
Vader is putting his money down as we speak
blastmagazine.com news
Gamepro review Rabbids Go Home 4/5
"Rabbids Go Home is a very special game, and when I say special, I mean special like that kid in your second grade class"
gamepro.com impressions
1up review Darkside Chronicles B+
"this will probably be the closest thing to a complete RE2 remake in our lifetime"
1up.com impressions
1up review Call of Duty Modern Warfare Wii
A- wow, a review that doesn't half ass it?
1up.com impressions
Class-Action lawsuit being investigated on MS
Relating to Xbox 360 bannings
abingtonlaw.com news
Phantasy Star Sucks Up To Gaming Mag
Famitsu logo appears everytime you block.
andriasang.com news
Wii no Ma details: paid shows coming
Service will come to US eventually
andriasang.com news
Capcom Releasing RE5 Bluetooth Headset
Of course. Makes perfect sense. To Vader.
andriasang.com news
Brad Pitt Gets Film Rights to Dark Void
Capcom sci-fi game comes out Q1 2010.
newkerala.com news
Ubisoft Not Publishing No More Heroes HD
But they are still publishing NMH2
g4tv.com news
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You the man
25th November and you should pre-order it now. i did so months ago and for only 23 quid!! game is practically being born in the hobo-bin
robio's idea sounds good for BAHB. 12 quid would be about right
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Anniversary Cake
Europe: Nov. 19th to Dec. 3rdI like the sound of Rupees. Sounds awesome. And about puny money, I was in the former Yugoslavia once. In think it was 93, during the sanctions. I think it was like 1,000,000,000 dinars were like 0.17 DM.
Hyperinflation is a bitch. Ask the hungarian pengo:
The pengő lost value after the Second World War, suffering the highest rate of hyperinflation ever recorded. There were several attempts to break down inflation, such as a 75% capital levy in December 1945. However, this did not stop the hyperinflation and prices continued spiralling out of control, with ever higher denominations introduced. The denominations milpengő (1,000,000 pengő) and b.-pengő (pronunciation: bilpengő) (1,000,000 milpengő, 1,000,000,000,000 pengő or one billion pengő (long scale)) were used to alleviate calculations, cut down the number of zeros and enable the reuse of banknote designs with only the colour and denomination name changed.
The adópengő (lit. "tax pengő") was introduced on 1 January 1946 as an accounting unit for budget planning. However, from 8 July 1946, it was allowed to be used as a legal tender. It was intended to retain its value as the pengő's fell. However, although its value rose dramatically relative to the pengő (finally reaching 2 × 1021 pengő), the adópengő nevertheless suffered severely from inflation. In July 1946, the adópengő became the only circulating currency as the value of pengő fell to such an extent that even the 100 million b.-pengő bill was effectively worthless.
The Hungarian economy could only be stabilized by the introduction of a new currency, and therefore, on 1 August 1946, the forint was introduced at a rate of 400 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 4 × 1029 pengő, therefore the total amount of circulating pengő notes had a value of less than 0.1 fillér. The exchange rate to adópengő was set at 200 000 000 = 2 × 108 (hence the 2 × 1021 ratio, mentioned above).[4] The exchange rate for the US dollar was set at 11.74 forints.
Inflation on the Zimbabwe dollar was as of last year, 231 000 000%

Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWhy do people keep saying that Zimbabwe is poor? Everyone is a fucking billionaire there.
Games are expensive here. Dvader picks hobo games up for the price of a good burger over here. This is only a small part of the reason I hate him.
The other small part is his penis.
Those better be some damn fine eggs!
Then come and sit on papa GGs lap. Jesus would want you to. Mama Leo will cook Turkey. Papa GG will spurn Mama's Leo's port fuelled advances.
So yeah...more Kane & Lynch.
The teaser shown definitely is interesting.
That's about the degree of enthusiam it deserves to be met with. Now if only it causes the same amount of controversy at Gamespot as the original.
I'm half tempted about picking the first one up now that it should be dirt cheap. Never cared about the lame-ass review controversy anyway, other than the grueling task of dealing with butthurt simpletons at the GS boards (back then I was still a mod). People deserve to be butthurt if they care so fucking much about reviews from outlets at a conflict of interests with publishers of the products they're reviewing.
It's a shame the first game is going to be forever tainted by that shit instead of being weighed by the actual effort of the development team behind it. But that's the fickle nature of the internet hivemind, I guess. It can be a good/bad/mediocre game, but instead of that, people just go "LOL, Eidos, Gamespot, Gerstmann, LOLOLOL".
As someone who was not a mod at the time, I found it all to be very amusing.
The game had one thing going for it, it got Jeff fired. I hope the sequel is so bad it get all the Gamespot/Giant Bomb and IGN reviewers fired. Oh, one can only dream!