Japanese mag scan collection
Darkside, DQVI, Tower of Shadow and more
true-gaming.net media
Men Dressed as Mario and Luigi Assault Taxi Driver
"First they jumped on my head" the taxi driver said, "then ate my mushroom lunch that I vomited up from the shock and pain."
gamepro.com news
Pre-Order Lost Planet 2 and get a Wesker Costume
Vader is putting his money down as we speak
blastmagazine.com news
Gamepro review Rabbids Go Home 4/5
"Rabbids Go Home is a very special game, and when I say special, I mean special like that kid in your second grade class"
gamepro.com impressions
1up review Darkside Chronicles B+
"this will probably be the closest thing to a complete RE2 remake in our lifetime"
1up.com impressions
1up review Call of Duty Modern Warfare Wii
A- wow, a review that doesn't half ass it?
1up.com impressions
Class-Action lawsuit being investigated on MS
Relating to Xbox 360 bannings
abingtonlaw.com news
Phantasy Star Sucks Up To Gaming Mag
Famitsu logo appears everytime you block.
andriasang.com news
Wii no Ma details: paid shows coming
Service will come to US eventually
andriasang.com news
Capcom Releasing RE5 Bluetooth Headset
Of course. Makes perfect sense. To Vader.
andriasang.com news
Brad Pitt Gets Film Rights to Dark Void
Capcom sci-fi game comes out Q1 2010.
newkerala.com news
Ubisoft Not Publishing No More Heroes HD
But they are still publishing NMH2
g4tv.com news
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robio (7m)
So you're planning on building my PC?
Yeah, but without the porn, that what this computer is for!
My PC hath no porn!
Fucking Devin Townsend is touring in 2010!!! BAD FUCKING ASS!
Steelattack should like this news, I think you like Devin and Strapping young lad right? Probably the most diverse talented guy in all of hard rock/metal today! And he's nuts which is awesome too.
You going to watch him live? I'd kill for a chance to go to one of his gigs. If you do, take pics, asshole.
True that. Jeff is not a good reviewer.
I picked up the first out out of spite, and I can't wait for the giantbomb review of the second one.
So...how was it?
like so many of my other games... it is still sealed.
My fantasy is that it is as good as the John Woo directed Stranglehold, which is an amazing third person shooter available from the vgpress amazon store.
Hmm, Stranglehold. That's another hobo priced game I should pick up soon. Did you like it?
So far I only have two games shrinkwrapped: Mirror's Edge, and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
Hell yes I'm going! Gonna be a hell of a show, I can't fucking wait! I'll take pics asshole!
The funny thing is, the sequel could be great. IO Interactive are normally a great developer [Hitman series, Freedom Fighters, Mini Ninjas] which people seem to forget when talking Kayne & Lynch.
It's got good potential for a great sequel IMO. The same thing happened with the original Hitman. Good concept for a game, but with a lot of problems. Lo and behold the sequel was great.
I also have to say that compared to other Mario games, they played it extremely safe. I had very few 'holy shit' moments- which were very common in previous Marios. I know it isn't fair to compare this to Mario Galaxy, but that game pretty much blew my fucking face off with every level, the creativity and originality exhibited was just off the charts- I guess it just set my standards for future Mario games to an incredibly high level.
I am not alone. This game still feels like safe Mario with moments of pure brilliance.
Are you kidding? You're kidding right? Right?
After playing 3 COD games I think that I dont really need impressions. Let me guess, it half feels like its on-rails, it tries to fake you out with sensory overload. It's rigidly scripted, tries to be like a Bond movie. Is cinematic to the point where it can detract from actual gameplay. Oh and grenades constantly fall at your feet and shit explodes every second. And the AI is cheap as fuck.
Oh and it relies on invisible trigger points.
Just post your Modern Warfare review and put a '2' after each Modern Warfare!
And the DS game was just safe. Only ugly and sparse too. Good game but not what I expected.