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travo (6m)
(This high quality discussion topic is endorsed by the GGD)
I vote retro Mickey!
i feel sorry for Skylock. He's the only one that ventures into GGD.
They took away 100 points just for that! The mod said I was posting outside of topic! And I'm a frequent contributor to the PSP forums! BS!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
To be honest, I see him in there less and less. I think he's mostly given up. He USED TO make a big difference!
Poll type threads are not allowed in this forum (the GGD).
Yeah, that's what referred to as a "disruptive" post because you are not contributing to the conversation. Same way you get modded for saying, "YAY!" or "Sucks". Most mods would not ding you for that.
Yep. I gave up recently on GS entirely. It's my back-up collection database (beside my own) and I'm dreading moving it to backloggery. Through all the shit at GS I stuck around for the community, but more and more people I hung out with left.
I used to lurk htere quite a bit, and yeah that is pretty much the last vestige of community over there.
that happened to me too.
also skylock, a great guy all around ... but he is a last-word-freak, and being a mod suits him fine for that. many times he moderated me instead of countering an argument. pfft
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
360 Update Bricks Third-Party Memory Cards
I didn't know third-party memory cards existed for 360. Even so, what right does M$ have in intentionally bricking them? If they are used for piracy, then I could understand, but for those people who are only using them to save their games, that's a pretty screwed up thing to do, IMO. Corporate greed knows no bounds.
They are use for piracy.
That makes sense then. I guess I'm not up on all of the piracy stuff these days. I just feel sorry for the people who went to their local game store, and bought one just to save their games. Hopefully, there will be a warning of some kind right before the install happens.
To be honest, Brawl is pretty boring. But I still love it though.
And I just snagged Boy and His Blob at Frys for $27.99! It was on sale. Frys always sells new releases for cheaper the first week it's on the shelves.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
A lot of reasons, actually. Less time, more real-life responsibilities, but overall, the feeling that my time as a moderator had ended. I had to close the cycle and call it a day, and believed (still do) that anything worthwhile that I contributed as a moderator, it was within the first 6 months or so. Besides, I was in disagreement with a good number of issues within the Terms of Use, and wasn't comfortable moderating an increasing number of things.
Like this.
You sure it was him, Bugsy? I know for a fact that Skitch doesn't moderate anyone who is having an argument with him. I followed the same code of conduct while I was a mod.
Yeah, I'd be pissed. Hopefully it's looking for certain things on the memory cad before it kicks in. I doubt it though.
While we're talking about moderations, I had mentioned once that I had tried out the English version of Mother 3. I never said anything about me downloading it or patching it or whatever, but just trying it.
Some fucking mod though that "HURR HE PIRATED IT", based on the way I worded it, and moderated me. I had, but that's not the point. Honestly, fuck GS and most of their mods.
Oh, and Retro Mickey ftw.
God how I hate hackers and pirates. Anyway I only use first-party devices myself so I'm safe. I think it's unauthorised devices they're targeting anyway so it serves them right.
Oh yeah Master Chief all the way. FTW!
I hacked my Wii. Robio hacked his Wii. Do you hate us to?
And I hacked 1up, what about me?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYeah I read about Microsoft and AMD finalising the next gen chipset a couple of days ago. Not surprising given that I expect their next system to be fully bc so they went with the same company that did the 360's chipset. I'm really hoping that we'll see a new system by 2011 and no later then 2012.
Awesome news that Mass Effect 2 is launching in Jan. 2010. I sooo can't wait for this game.