Enslaved: First pic of new game
From Ninja Theory - this guy is nearly nude
Gamepro Scribblenauts review
An incredibly charming and interesting gaming experience; puzzles are brilliant and the dictionary is massive. Tons of potential here.
EA stock drops 25%
Pachter watch! He says they are overeacting - Wii HD coming
1up review Mario and Luigi 3
"Mario & Luigi is quite simply the best Mario RPG to date -- and I say this as an ardent fan of Paper Mario"
Pachter Watch - 360 will be last place this holida
Wii HD coming soon! I get paid for this shit!
Shantae prequel announced for DSiWare
WayForward, creators of Contra IV and Boy and His Blob, is making a new Shantae game for DSiWare. Awesome!
1up Hands on Rabbids Go Home
Rabbids Go Home actually has the potential to be enjoyable all the way through
Dammit Reggie (Interview)
Reggie mentions Kid Icarus in passing reference, taunting fans
New Genesis Game Back On Track
Pier Solar - Pre-order, get your name in the credits.
1up says Yakuza 3 is in fact being localized
Through sources, localization is in development, though not officially announced
1Up.Com Ratchet and Clank Preview
How would you know if it's getting 'long in the tooth' if you've NEVER played it before, fucktard?
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One thing to note with Scribblenauts: You have the option to change from handwriting recognition to a keyboard. DO THIS! The recognition is pretty bad. I wrote a capital "N" twenty times in a row and got "l" and "c" and "j"... everything but!
It's a fun little time-passer. No complaints. It's a great idea but there's only so much you can do with a game with so many potentialities.
It DEFINITELY has charm going for it!
Nah, the buffering is about the same on my connection.
The Rabbids first level looks fun-ish. Is it a driving game or platformer?
The music is great though
The rabbids are jazz scatting.
Okay I'm off, you guys do the updates. Must be lunchtime US?
i know it's been said many times over and over but, seriously microsoft ... how about you do one that doesn't break so soon?
is that out of the question?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
i think someone said that they did. maybe it was ASK_story. i seem to remember something about a $15 voucher for scribblenauts, and a $10 voucher for M&L 3. i may be wrong though
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah they will need to do better than that. M&L is $35, $10 off is still $25. Scribblenauts is $15.
Eh doesn't matter, I just got Deadly Creatures for $10 at Gamefly, free shipping this week. Its used but the cover and manual come in perfect condition.
True, but aren't 360s streaming videos HD, though?
Ugh those rabbids videos.
This is not a platformer, its a loose wacky driving game. Not sure about it now. What the hell are they doing?
i think M&L at $25 is much the better value than DC at $10 but maybe you were just looking at absolute values
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Platformers are waaaay too challenging for Wii owners. Wii owners can't even comprehend such complex games. It's much better to have a couple Rabbids driving a grocery cart around a level instead.
I never did like those rabbids, it's probably the artstyle but everytime I see them I find them just so repulsive.
I love the artstyle but those first two levels are you running about over circular markers and little else.
Its suppossed to be an open world game. But it looks like a wacky racer with no time limit.
Yeah, I bet they wouldn't be so repulsive on 360, huh?
Just kidding. I actually agree with you; they are repulsive. They're clearly designed for little kids that still find fart jokes funny.