Peter Moore talks about EA MMA game and Dana
wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
Starcraft 2 to require online registration
Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game
Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life
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Cursed Mountain impressions from GAF:
"Played trough the second chapter wich was really scary when playing at night, the game is really unique with its Tibetian/mountaineering-scenario and its battle system. Sometimes the graphics were reall rough but the levels are huge (there are no loading-times during the chapters) and the mountain seems so vast that it doesn't really matter.
Some great particle effects and some basic motion blur are also in.
It seems like the gameplay is really varied, once you fight ghost then you must break mystical barriers another time you have to climb trough dangerous places.
Battles and opening the barriers include always some sort of rituals wich are performed with waggling, once you have weakened an enemy or found a barrier (often symbolized by a motion blur fog) you must perform a certain series of movements to destroy them, the harder the enemies the more movement must be done. It's good that the game detects the motion controls precisely."
"I got my copy today and played it nearly two hours. Here are my impressions so far:
So far I'm glad that I bought it. Let's first discuss the technical site. The graphics are great. Yes, most of the textures are ugly when you look at them from a very near distance, but overall the game looks great. There are completely no loading times and it's for sure one of the better looking Wii games. The sound is also awesome, the only con: Some voices in the German synchro sound a little ridiculous. Overall both, the graphics and the sound, build a great creepy atmosphere. Additionally the story seems to be very good and interesting. The controls are working also fine. You need some simple gestures for fights. The fights are in the "gameplay point of view" nothing special, but they are thrilling staged.
I really love the game so far, sometimes it reminds me of Eternal Darkness."
"By the time I was done with Cursed Mountain, I wanted to just take the debug unit home with me. The game has all the makings for one of the best horror titles on the Wii. The game really feels like an evolution of the horror genre onto the Wii. Many of the tones and elements seem familiar, but there's a clear level of care put into the title to make it for the Wii that comes across and really helps the title. I've got very high hopes for the title, and can't wait for the release that'll be happening at the end of the month.
Also, for all you Collector's Edition lovers, Cursed Mountain's will be giving you a soundtrack, making-of features, and some extra content for the title. So, you might want to buckle down and shell out the money for this tin-encased edition of the game. "
Normally I'd say that Sony have to pack it in with a really great incentive game that everyone will buy like Wii Sports Resort for instance. Or have it cheap enough that they can pack it in with games like Tiger Woods, Red Steel 2 etc.
I suppose it has to be popular enough or, Sony might issue a mandate that all games must use it or something?
I think the answer firstly lies in Japan where Wii is the dominant console, Ju On and Calling are very japanese and japanese horror cinema is quite prevalent. Secondly the remote allows you to do some horror type things like waving a torch about but mainly because its cheaper to make games on the system. We heard it from SEGA when they said that the lower costs of the system allow them to take more risks, Climax said the same thing about Silent Hill, the cost and new audience and unique controls allow them to reinvent things.
Do you guys remember Joyer from Gamespot? He posted in the forums after I spotted him on GAF. Welcome him or face my fury.
So whats this NIER Square game?
Metroid Prime Trilogy changes
Metroid Prime now shines -- literally, I suppose -- with full bloom lighting throughout the entire adventure, an unexpected addition that layers more polish to an already-beautiful game. Unfortunately, the same technique could not be applied to Echoes, which utilizes different rendering methods. But, Retro took a look at some of the common complaints of Prime 2 and found that many users said it was too difficult and particularly unbalanced during some key fights with bosses like the spider and boost ball guardians, both of which have been made just a little more manageable in Trilogy. Meanwhile, the developer made some random tweaks to all of the games, omitting small technical glitches once and for all (try that speed run to the space boots in the original game now, suckers!), replacing blurry textures with crisper ones in certain areas, and even quickening loads in Corruption. On top of everything else, the achievements system from the third game now encompasses all three and yeah, you can still trade your medals with friends over WiiConnect24. The entire package is just much more thoughtful and comprehensive.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Sounds like the did more than just slap all three games onto a disk w/ Wii controls. Nice job, Retro!
MvC2 - is something I've played countless of times so I knew what to expect. I only downloaded it because it's such a classic.
Shadow Complex - although a good game, it's making me wish for a new Metroid game to be honest. It's still fun but I'm not blown away like I thought I'd be. The aiming is different and definitely NOT like Metroid. I'm a huge fan of the side-scrolling Metroid games so I was pretty critical while playing SC. Epic and Chair still did a admirable job but it's making me wish even more that Nintendo would finally make that modern-day Super Metroid, the way it's meant to be made!
Splosion Man - I haven't played much of it but I find myself loving this game! I was quite surprised at how good it really is! I need to play some more before I can say more about it. And I'm glad the game is pretty lengthy, which is great for a arcade game.
Trials HD - Who'd have thought I'd enjoy this the most! This is becoming my favorite XBL Arcade game. It's just so much fun to play! I had doubts about this game though, even spending my last points on going the safer route by purchasing Marvel VS Capcom 2 instead. But once I played the demo to Trials, I was so hooked I went and bought more points just to download it! I'm still happy about downloading MvC2 first, but I think I should've downloaded Trials first. Anyway, I have both so I'm stoked!
Anyone here on the VG Press who doesn't have Trials HD yet or has yet to play it, I highly recommend it! Seriously, I like it more than Shadow Complex, Marvel VS Capcom 2, and Splosion Man. It's just fun to play!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
The guy looks very westernized, if you know what I mean. Is Square-Enix trying to make another God of War wannabe?
So far, we have:
-God of War 3
-Dante's Inferno
-Castlevania Lord's of Shadow
Oh, it's from Cavia...I'll pass!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
So what have I missed? Just got back into town so I'm trying to get caught up on all the gaming info. I also really enjoyed the Trials HD demo and will likely be getting that sometime soon. I'm going to grab Shadow Complex first though I think. Time to surf the nets and get caught up. I really can't wait to try the Lost Planet 2 and NHL '10 demos either so I'll download those today as well.
So essentially, TMNT is free! Which is a good deal.
I'm going to use the remaining pts for the Call of Duty W@W Map Pack 3!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
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I still claim Super Metroid as the best of the best when it comes to this type of gaming style, but Shadow Complex is also great and it does fill that Metroid-drought.
This really is the next best thing to Metroid. I hope SC motivates Nintendo to make that next 2D Metroid game. That's really the only thing that can top Shadow Complex.
By the way, Epic and Chair did an amazing job with the lighting. The lighting is amazing in this game.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I was quite surprised at how fun Trials is. It's definitely one of the best XBL Arcade games I've got so far!
This whole month was great! Shadow Complex is obviously the best one. Splosion-Man is also surprisingly good. Trials HD is surprisingly a blast! And I don't care what the reviews say, TMNT Re-Shelled is also good.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
"But, Retro took a look at some of the common complaints of Prime 2 and found that many users said it was too difficult and particularly unbalanced during some key fights with bosses like the spider and boost ball guardians, both of which have been made just a little more manageable in Trilogy"
Fuck no.
The challenge was one of the best things about MP2. A nice chance from 1 which was pretty easy. Hopefully they don't make them as easy as the boss battles in 3. :X
I downloaded the Shadow Complex demo tonight, and it is a great game so far. It feels like a cross between Super Metroid and Flashback. Looks like I'll have to get another MS Points Card soon.
Bring back 2D Metroid, Nintendo!
Okay I might need to explain this, because most of you have no fucking clue who Tim Sylvia is.
This is really funny BTW
from Sherdog user jmac98
He had the flu during his fight against Ausserio Silva on UFN a few years ago. The winner got a shot at Arlovski.
Tim was leaning against Silva who was against the cage... Silva then wrapped his arms and legs around Tim, so he was kind of holding on to Tim while Tim was standing/leaning. Ausserio's legs ultimately kept pushing down on Tim's hips while he slid down. The more he slid down, the more Ausserio re-adjusted his legs. Unfortunately, the more slipping and re-adjusting Ausserio did... the more Tim's pants kept slipping lower and lower. Oddly enough, while Tim's shorts kept falling, his tighty-whitey's stayed firmly in tact. This then, led Joe Rogan to draw attention to what appeared to be a big old bacon strip up the back of Tim's underoos. For the duration of this lacklustre fight, there was really nothing to talk about in terms of action, so Rogan made a few references to the brown landing on Tim's garments.
After the fight, Tim mentioned on the mic that he shit his pants in the first round, which was the only noteable thing to happen in the fight.
Dan's right hand dropped him like a cartoon. He hit him so hard that even gravity got scared. Bisbing hung in mid-air for a moment while gravity screamed at inertia, "Did you see that shit!?"