Red Steel 2 Aussie Nintendo preview
Is this writted by our own lovable wang-head?
Gamepro Little Kings story review
"a fun-filled and wholly engaging experience for even the most jaded gamer"
Little Kings Story review from CheatCC
"one you absolutely won't want to miss"
Little Kings story had 2 player mode cut
IF a sequel happens, it will be there
Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition Released o
10 Bucks. Can Switch Between New/Old Versions. GO GO GO
FFCC My Life as a Dark Lord review
The best Wiiware game since World of Goo
Order by:
Recently Spotted:
Microsoft accidentally uploaded the forthcoming Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection to Xbox Live Marketplace late last week for half its planned cost.
"Earlier this morning, the Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection Game Add-on was briefly made available on Xbox Live for 800 Microsoft Points," the company said in a statement about it (thanks Joystiq).
"The content has since been removed and will launch on Tuesday, July 28th worldwide as planned, together with the Dark Corners Game Add-on. Pricing will remain as originally intended (1600 and 1200 Microsoft Points for All Fronts Collection and Dark Corners, respectively). - Eurogamer
Well, I guess you could've had Dark Corners for two-thirds the normal price then.
(btw, the LOL smiley in my original post was directed at Microsoft's mistake, not at you missing out, 'cause that sucks. I don't think I was as clear as I should've been)
Golden Sun DS

NostalgiaAlthough I'm excited for Dragon Quest IX (and hopefully VI) the most, this new RPG from the creators of FFIII and IV remakes and Avalon Code is another title I'm real excited about.
It's called Nostalgia and it looks like it's inspired from Skies of Arcadia. With exploration and airship battles, it really looks Skies of Arcadia crossed with a Miyazaki film.
Looks great! And the art-****looks more cartoony than rendered polygons!
Check it out!
Sands of Destruction
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I'd like to say I'm looking forward to Golden Sun, but I'm not. I gave the first installment a few tries but I could never force myself to go more than a few hours with it. It just felt too generic.
Nostalgia caught my interest until I saw the screens. Ugly. Too many DS games have raised the bar and have dumped the polygon look. Not sure why anyone would make a game like that these days. There are better directions to go.
Sands of Destruction looks great. That'll have to go up on my radar.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I want single player levels, not multiplayer
I also want wireless on 360 as well as a hard drive.
Death to Hamsters and associated Wii whores. The Little King decrees it.
Just dont talk to me anymore.
rabbids DS looks good
muramasa <3
prof layton movie <3<3<3
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
How did you know it was me?
WTF is this?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The Wii is just beating the crap out of the other consoles, even in software.
if only they were buying the good games and not just the wii fits and the carnival olympics
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
There is a Carnival Olympics game? Is Sonic in it? SOLD
Interesting how software in 08 had a wii spike and now its much lower and how the software was being beaten by 360 in 07. So basically wii launched end of 06, then did okay software wise, then as the userbase grew it spiked in 08 and now has come down but is still just in the lead.
LMAO at the prince of persia movie.
Oh shoot, I started doing more updates but it looks like someone else is doing it too. I will halt my nefarious activity.
And bring you more:

Nintendo Voice Chat podcast summaryWii Sports Resort
- Craig gave it a 7.7
- Matt pretty much agreed with Craig’s score, was hoping it wouldn’t be overrated
- Game does insane stuff for the casual crowd…Bozon’s niece got addicted to swordplay, family didn’t want Bozon to take the game home
- Some games in there that aren’t super great
- Really good compilation of mini-games but in terms of polish, doesn’t have everything you’d expect out of a really awesome Wii title
- Feels like step 1 for the mini-games
- Matt thinks that not having a Mario Bowling is a missed opportunity
- Ideas you’d expect Nintendo to use but then they don’t really use it that often
- Craig thinks the airplane controls well, skydiving portion is actually fun
- Can tell which games are tacked on and which are good efforts
- Bicycling isn’t fun
- The more Craig plays Wii Sports Resort, the more he understands what MotionPlus actually is - More like a glorified tilt sensor
- MotionPlus still not 1:1 but makes Wiimote much better controller
- Cycling is Bozon’s least favorite game, Craig thinks it’s the boxing of Wii Sports Resort
- In terms of controls, basketball isn’t the best
- Review scores have been all over the place
- Wii MotionPlus already over 150k+ sales
- Tiger Woods selling very well with the pack in
- Also showed up as multiplatform (NPD), Matt wants to know how well the Wii version sold
The Conduit
- The numbers are out there but IGN can’t say exactly
- Less than 100,000 copies sold
- Released in the middle of June so it only had a few days of sells
- In its first true month, Bozon thinks it’ll sell over 100,000 in its first true month
- It’ll gain speed, has a huge ad campaign behind it
- Bozon thinks it’ll do fine
- Matt thinks it’s very sensationalist to say that the Wii’s last hope has bombed at the retail
- It’ll have legs
- There’s been issues with the online component, Craig’s heard that the online experience isn’t too protected
- High Voltage would love to release an update in the future but not sure if the system is in place for them to do that
Metroid Prime Trilogy
- Trailer released last week
- IGN has the game, can’t say much about it
- Bozon played a little bit of it
- Matt going to visit Retro Studios
- Trailer a compilation of the three games, can see a little bit of the interface
- Great value but many people have played these games before
- It’ll get a high recommendation for those who haven’t played the games
- Slight downer is that widescreen mode is sort of faked - zoomed in/cropped for cutscenes
Club Nintendo
- Prizes announced
- Platinum members can choose between Mario hat or Doc Louis’ Punch-Out!!
- Will send members a code to download the game
- Won’t need the actual game
- Still a demo but pretty cool
- Craig a little concerned that they might have pulled out Doc Louis from the actual game just to put him in here
- Just fighting Doc Louis
- Gold members get a calender
- Craig/Bozon don’t think the prizes are crappy but want stuff from Europe/Japan
- Good first start
- It’s free
- Need to start changing the prizes like the classic controller
Might and Magic
- Really cool
- Sort of has a match three element to it
- More about strategy then plying a bejeweled game
- Line up units that are the same color/type, freely move them around
- Certain amount of moves for each round
- Can build walls or do attacks
- Based on unit you have, wait a few turns, then launches attack
- Level up units
- Becomes hybrid between strategy and RPG
- Original IP that has Might and Magic name attached to it
Mega Man Star Force 3
- Craig liked the series when it came out on the GBA, now getting sick of it
- Capcom is remaking the original Battle Network game for the DS
- 3D mechanic isn’t as good as the 2D one, doesn’t look as clean
- Matt played it
- Have to go in knowing that it’s a straight up brawler
- Doesn’t have a gimmick/hook which is kind of disappointing
- Not a bad game
- Looks really good
- Has a nice art style, good tech behind it
- Matt thought the controls worked pretty well but has more waggle in some cases than Matt would like (can turn it off, it’s in the finishing attacks)
- Good that you can switch between characters and play with co-op
- Better looking than a lot of Wii games
- Look isn’t too gritty or adult but it has aged up, Matt thinks it’s more visually appealing
- Controlled camera
- Fight armies of bosses and characters
- Eventually fight the big epic boss that ends the level
- Can use IR to point over things that look like they’re cloaked
- The title is horrible
Reader questions
- Daemon Hatfield is not on the IGN Nintendo Team anymore - he’s in charge of the downloadable content
- Nintendo Team would go with Punch-Out!! over the Mario hat for Club Nintendo
- Matt recommends avoiding LCDs for playing Wii, plasma has a softer look
- If Nintendo chose not to include Wii Sports in the box, Matt/Bozon don’t think the system would be the sales juggernaut that it is today
- Craig’s Wii Sports Resort review score is the average of the UK + Australian IGN scores (it was a coincidence) - going to sell a lot
- Bozon didn’t get a chance to play Fossil Fighters but it’s basically like Nintendo copying other people’s dig up copy of Pokemon - animation is terrible…Might end up being a good game but Craig isn’t impressed (he hasn’t played it yet either)
- Not many Wii games that have truly stronger controls than 360/PS3/PC
- Bozon played Darkside Chronicles again, has hope, comes down to the levels/how much shaky cam there is, better than Umbrella Chronicles, depends how much the bar has been raised
- Drift/lag isn’t a huge deal in Wii Sports Resort but it’s not perfect
- Wii does have a technical edge over the GameCube but it’s not as gigantic as some people were trying to say when the system first came out
Where is everybody?
Steel sucks balls.