Megan Fox Will Kick Your Ass At Mortal Kombat
Also, the interviewer is an idiot.
Tekken 6 Released October 27th; Pre-Order Details
Exclusive Samurai Pack, Also Bundle With a Wireless Arcade Sticl
GT5 London Street Circuit driven.
With a car that will make you spray your shorts. GG did you see it?
Rumored PS3 Firmware 3.0 Details Emerge
New features said to include grief reporting, rep, and patch background downloads.
High Voltage on Conduit art style
" We opted for big screen popcorn entertainment with high quality production values. Some may criticize our choice"
Conduit Cheat CC review
"while The Conduit doesn't end up being the Wii's Halo 3 or Killzone 2, it is a pretty good game that will likely be very appreciated by anyone who only owns a Wii "
Conduit Everyview review
"it is a solid shooter with a great visual and audio design and has the best controls of any Wii FPS thus far."
Gamespy Conduit review
3.5 out of 5 "Great, highly customizable controls; fantastic multiplayer mode that doesn't require Wii friend codes; nice graphics."
Crispeygamer Conduit review
"High Voltage's fine efforts show that all it takes is polish and dedication to craft a solid adventure experience for Nintendo's console."
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honestly i had to download crap for over 4 hours before i could play burnout paradise
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
From Wikipedia's Xbox 360 technical problems:
An E74 error is when the lower-right quadrant of the ring-piece indicator flashes red and displays an error message in multiple languages: "E74 System Error. Contact Xbox Customer Support". The error is caused when there's a video problem, either because the audio/video cable is broken or when the Xbox 360 hardware scaler chip is damaged.[67] As of April 14, 2009, the E74 error is now covered by the three-year extended warranty, and customers who previously paid Microsoft for out-of-warranty service to correct the E74 error will receive a refund.[68][69]
It is worth noting that the E74 error is displayed in the Screens of Death article as a "Green Screen of Death" because early versions of these errors had an almost jet-black background with a hue of dark green.
Wow, my decision to buy a gaming PC once I have money is sounding more and more logical. The HD consoles are getting way too close to the PC, might as well buy a PC then!
UPDATE - It looks like there's not one, but TWO Tingle games. The second title is a full-out Tingle title for DS, and it looks to be a lot like a sequel to Title's first DS outing. Check out the scans here.
Nintendo has let loose another surprise on gamers. The Tingle title they were teasing ended up being for DSiWare, and it's available in Japan right now. We don't have any details on what the game is right now, but perhaps you can pull some details from the pics above. Thanks to NintenDaan for the heads up!
More screens here
Wow, Garnett Lee on Conduit controls again:
Wow. What a tool.
This is funny from the Gamepro review, a user mocked this up:
You know you can complain about many things when it comes to this game, from old design to genericness or whatever, but controls complaints are a joke.
Nope, but you can tell it will be like a D or C-.
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, Iga.
One of the reasons why I'm a console gamer is to get away from having to download patches and other irritating nonsense just to play a game on PC, but it looks like Microsoft and Sony are both headed in that dreadful direction.
I'll become a full retro gamer before I put up with stupid crap like 4+ hour patches and faulty hardware. My Atari 2600 is over 20 years old, and it still works like new. I wonder if any of the current gen home consoles will still work 20 years from now?
Gamesradar Conduit review is quite funny to read.
If you’re reading this than we’ll assume you’re a seasoned gamer who knows his or her shit. As such, you’d be completely within your right to say that most third party Wii developers have all but abandoned fulfilling the needs of traditional gamers, and left the console an exclusive dumping grounds of dog-and-pony fashion shows, talking candy, and Majesco.
But remember: The Wii had always promised a different experience, one free of complicated button interfaces and the latest processers, so as to melt our faces off with something we’ve never seen before. Like it or not Johnny Hardcore, Nintendo has - to some extent - delivered on that promise. However, there was an indirect assurance made towards a specific genre that has gone woefully unfulfilled.
Not only had the Wii Remote and Nunchuk seemed poised to revitalize the console First-Person Shooter, some of us thought this was our chance to finally tell the PC mouse-and-keyboarders to STFU… Yet here we stand nearly three years later with nothing but a single FPS worth recommending and that genre seemingly having thrown in the towel. Then, there was Conduit.
“It’s pretty good… for a Wii game.” That’s a qualifier we’re sick of hearing, yet one that’s nearly impossible to escape when talking traditional Wii offerings. Luckily, it’s one we don’t really need to apply to here, since Sega and High Voltage appear to have nominated themselves as the Wii’s hardcore torchbearers. It feels great to say it: The Conduit is fun, controls well, and is, at times, quite beautiful… yes, for a Wii game.
Oh, in case you’re not familiar with how to control an FPS with a Wii Remote, it’s all about "The Dead Zone."
Above: How The Conduit works
Oh LOL, it was the gamesradar review that wrote this. Gamepro owned.
Stuff that sucks about reviewing games #475: You jot down a poignantly hilarious aside, heroically skewering a game for a specific fault… then you check the menu and realize that it’s optional/adjustable and you look like an asshole for not being thorough. The book hasn’t been written on how Wii FPSs should work, so The Conduit leaves you free tailor the interface to your specific liking.
This is one of the biggest reasons that I avoid modern PC gaming (I still pick up 10 year old games and enjoy the hell out of them though). I like being able to plug in a console and play. Plug-and-play. That's one of the reasons consoles became popular in the first place. There was no checking specs, no typing in run codes, just put the game in and play. And it saddens me to see the PS3 and 360 trying to become PC lites. Just hope Nintendo keeps avoiding that in the next gen.
We want more complex systems, and more demanding games, but we won't take the shit that unavoidably comes with that jump. Even the Wii has system and game updates, so Nintendo hasn't exactly been avoiding it. Raven said that his 2600 system still worked after 20 years, well, no shit. The system is now barely more than a fucking toaster in terms of complexity. Outside of a dedicated gaming rig, consoles are probably some of the most complex pieces of electronics you are going to have in your household, unless you have some weird shit like the Haptic dildo or whatever. They are bound to crap out. And this is not me saying that shit like what Microsoft pulled off with the 360 is a-ok in my book. Their shitty engineering and rushing to launch a console that had no fucking Q&A whatsoever cost them over 1 billion, and a crapload of brand loyalty.
This trend of updates and patches on online enabled consoles shows two important aspects that reflect the current state of modern console gaming. One is the undeniable fact that many game developers and publishers choose to release games that are not finished, in their rush to recoup dev costs as quickly as possible. The other, is the undeniable advantage that having an online enabled console gives those developers when trying to fix errors and fuckups that with earlier consoles would have ended up with a game fucked up without any possibility of repair. You can't have all the sweet stuff without tasting shit from time to time. We've become whiny bitches. Nothing more, nothing less.
i played the game to completion and then some more to pick up story bits etc. . by chaotic i believe you are referring to the combat on the top screen? well to be honest with you after a short while i gave up trying to navigate through the arrows in order to build combos and i was just pressing the d-pad left or right (depending on which side your enemies are) as fast as i could. more often than not i would pull off combos without worrying about it or trying. this strategy worked for me through the entire game. it lets you concentrate on the bottom screen where you should be well in control of what you're doing and on the top screen you are attacking much faster than you would if you let the game AI do it for you completely.
it's also very important that you experiment a lot with pins. find not just the good ones but the ones you enjoy using, and also have a good mixture (like one deffensive one which will boost your health if need be, one which you can use many times until it needs charging, and a really powerful one etc). the game is also very generous with its levelling up so you need to manually slide your level down a good bit to ensure the enemies are dropping a lot of money and rare pins otherwise you'll be earning next to nothing. hope this helps you at the beginning at least.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah that was my concern. I'm starting to "get it" though and while I was hestitating at first now I'm enjoying the game. I'm getting a little better at the dual screen battles, but I still suck in general in the fights. So far I'm scoring at the E and D level. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get better as time moves on.
There are various reasons why I am planning to buy a gaming PC.
1) My laptop is breaking down. The joints are both broken and it crashes sometimes. So I need a new PC laptop, so might as well buy a gaming ready machine
2) There was always need to upgrade PC's to play the latest game, but Crysis is two years old and it's still the best looking game. No game comes close. This says to me that there is no economic incentive to increase the graphical fidelity of games. I guess it's just too costly. I am betting if I get a state of the art PC, I could easily get more than 5 years out of it with no upgrading at all!
3) Old games, besides games like Crysis I am planning to buy old PC games like FallOut 2, Planetscape Torment, and Vampire game (Bloodlines something). I will look carefully to avoid games that have DRM. If they have it, I will wait patiently until they are taken off. I will then buy game and install all the needed mods to make the game more enjoyable. Another thing the PC is better at, I do not have to wait until a developer gets of his ass to fix some bugs. I can just download some mods to fix it. So I will only buy games after I know there is no DRM, and I know where to download some mods. I will not buy games at launch, that just asking for problems.
4) Time, I will not buy a PC soon, there are still an assload of Wii and DS games I need to buy. I will watch the development of PC's carefully.
Yeah that sucks about your 360 GG. Hopefully and most likely it will RRoD or E74 and then you'll get a free fix which may end up being a replacement model and since the 360's these days are of much better reliability because they run less hot that would be best. The cost of this this gen has surely been significant to Microsoft so I'm 99% sure it won't be something they repeat next gen.
As far as needing to update my games for the 360 when it's needed it literally takes like no more then a few seconds so that's hardly something that bothers me. The reason I prefer console gaming over PC is that the selection of games on the console side is overwhelming superior. Not that there is some great games on PC that I'd love to play just that there is waaaaaay more on consoles that I can choose from.
This generation stinks in reliability. I've had broken DS Lite hinges that I have to pay to replace. I mean what? Nintendo makes them crappy and I have to pay for it to get fixed? Then I get red and green dots on the Wii thanks to an overheated GPU. Thank God it only happens occasionally and that the games still run at least. And now my 360 has packed in.
What happened to consoles that last?