Gamebrit review Boom Blox Bash Party
'Buy Boom Blox, and let yourself have a lot of fun.'
Tiger Woods 10 Wii Crispygamer review
Improved far more than the other versions
Crispygamer reviews Staff of Kings
"Memorable moments, surprises & tons of unlockables"
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Adds Trophies and Gameplay Tweaks
More of LucasArts classics could be on their way.
More liek LucasFarts, amirite? Put down that shovel, GG. I was only joking. No! NO!
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No, this has nothing to do with Trauma Series.
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Can they handle Activision pressure?
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robio (7m)
I love the setting. The visuals are okay, the art is great. But then you get some bone thing and start shooting monks with energy beams, or wafting the wii remote around to make prayers.
Not sure, that video looks pretty great though, the sunlight looks very real and the location is large.
Because Krome studios would be making it it and it would be shit. They are making Clone wars though so thank the lord for mercy.
If Lucasarts wanted to do a lightsabre game it would be Force Unleashed 2, that game sold 5 million or something ridiculous including a million on Wii. But now Natal and Sony have ball on a stick. They would probably make it for those systems anyway.
I would much rather have Rogue Squadron PS3/360. We have RS Wii, its RS GC.
I want to see what they can do when they can put like a thousand ships fighting each other in a true recreation of Endor.
We already have Rogue Squadron PS3. It's called Lair
BTW Factor 5 already said in an interview that their Wii engine could do everything their Lair PS3 engine could do and then some.
(See the Factor 5 thread here)
So it wouldn't neccesarily be any better elsewhere anyhow. The Rogue Squadron games have a heritage and fanbase on Nintendo consoles from N64 to GC.
You had Lair!
Here I dug this Wii interview up. Firstly Factor 5 were going to innovate and wanted to use pointing for the design, it was their main focus. Can't do that on PS3/360. Secondly they were going to push the engine and it could do everything the PS3 lair engine could do already.
"We want to push the hardware. I think for us it's relatively easy for us to push the hardware. It inherently comes. But a lot of it is about exploiting the uniqueness of the Wii. I mean, on the graphical side, we're going to try and do everything to outdo everything else on the platform, the same as we did for the Star Wars games back on the GameCube," said Eggebrecht. "But one of our main focuses is the innovation around the controls. Everybody is always talking about the motion control, but I think people are overplaying that a bit. I really, really love the pointing aspect of the remote. Although we're going to use everything for what we have in development, I think the pointing stuff is probably the biggest innovation which we're working on right now."
Asked about the Wii game's state of completion, Eggebrecht responded: "We're pretty much at a state where we're almost done with the engine. At the same time, we've also been working on content quite a bit because we had enough running very quickly on the platform that we were able to. But the biggest milestone or mark right now is that we're almost done with the engine and it does everything that the PS3 did and then some, quite frankly. So we're pretty happy with that.
Both of you at the same time.
Lair sucks ass, Rogue Squadron does not.
I just dont see any benefit that the wiimote gives RS. I also dont see where else they can go with that gameplay on that level of graphics. So just make it all pretty and shiny, give us Hoth again and I am sold.
Upstairs in the interview they say otherwise. For a start you can get super fast accuracy with a remote. Pointing and shooting? Plus things like using the gyros for flight? Also F5 were tech wizards on cube and they've taken a good look at Wii tech, if you read through the thread and what they've acheived. For instance their wii engine could do everything the PS3 engine could do and more they say.
The graphics would be better. Even assuming that the rendering was the same (which it wouldn't be) having a system twice as powerful with all that memory would allow them to do great stuff. "Incredible fill rates" as they said and all the next gen effects you normally see on other systems.
This is a pic of one of their cancelled Wii games:
Developing for the PS3 is one of the reason they went bankrupt.
Okami get!
What a gorgeous game!
True. Too bad the gameplay became boring after only 5 hours or so.
10 hours, don't be mean.
Nah I have to actually get back and complete this thing someday. I think I'm at the smog covered city, did the mini Honey I shrunk the world bit. Oh, finished Oni Island.
Yeah I'm not expecting BC to be a "comeback" game but I'll certainly hope and try to cheer it on to do so. It's such an exhilerating experience swinging around in the game. Yeah Blazblue looks great. I totally still love my 2D games, especially fighters.
That's good to hear it's doing well.
I'll go so far as to say 15 hours. But I don't know many people who will say they loved the entire game. The first half was enough for most people.
People who made it to the end say its well worth it. So I want to complete it. At the moment I have many games that need completing, I just cant summon the effort to do it. But I guess a game has to be compelling enough and paced well enough that I want to keep playing. So I dont know if its a legitimate complaint or not.
I just checked it, and the site is down.
Came to post this. Everytime I go there I get the Roadrunner webpage search (which usually means that the site doesn't exist). Is the site going through a major revamp? Has the site *gasp* closed down?
One of the site's forefathers.
I mean W.A.N.G. could have stood for "We Are Now Gamers".
One of the site's forefathers.