Gamebrit review Boom Blox Bash Party
'Buy Boom Blox, and let yourself have a lot of fun.'
Tiger Woods 10 Wii Crispygamer review
Improved far more than the other versions
Crispygamer reviews Staff of Kings
"Memorable moments, surprises & tons of unlockables"
Bionic Commando Rearmed Patch Incoming
Adds Trophies and Gameplay Tweaks
More of LucasArts classics could be on their way.
More liek LucasFarts, amirite? Put down that shovel, GG. I was only joking. No! NO!
Wii being used to help doctors.
No, this has nothing to do with Trauma Series.
Infinity Ward rejects MMO styled system for MW.
Can they handle Activision pressure?
Shigeru Miyamoto E3 2009 Interview
Miyamoto enjoys working on two Mario games at once, as it allows him to share ideas between the two...and Nintendo loves making games for traditional gamers
Little Kings Story video interview
The Producer plays with a toy firetruck
Let's Tap TVG review
"Let's Tap is a compendium of pure mini-game joy."
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Archangel3371 (8m)
GGD? Forgive my ignorance.
Goo goo dolls? Game Guide Daily? GaminGeeks Dad? Go Get Drunk? Garrys Great Dong?
Explain. What are they saying?
GGD is the General Games Discussion board at the Gamespot forums.
i was referring more to the differences in attitudes from people based purely on brand loyalty. for example a business model practiced by nintendo which was treated with contempt by a sizeable section of the gaming public is now apparently about to be microsoft's newfound strategy. so i am saying it will be interesting if not entertaining to watch how the attitudes of those very same people who were contemptuous towards nintendo for this very same strategy, now change.
you are an honest gamer, well capable of thinking for yourself and without any unreasonable or unhealthy loyalties towards particular brands (and certainly not with unhealthy hatred or prejudice towards others ... hell you are even ready to welcome the prodigal "ubishite"
). a lot of gamespot users aren't like that (hence why we aren't there any more ... at least one of the reasons), the reactions of those is what i'm saying will be interesting/funny.
personally what i'm thinking is that copycat strategies are even more risky than renegade strategies since evolution/innovation/surprise is no longer part of the package, so unless, like you say, there is something substantial there i.e. good games at affordable prices, then they could be in trouble
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
They hate the new pops-looks of Payne, they think it's going to be another run-of-the-mill 3rd person shooter, that the Noir themed setting is a thing of the past, now that it's going to be located in Brazil.
They want constipated Payne back.
Yeah there will be a lot of people who are suddenly accepting or even loving the new reveal despite the moaning several years ago. What I would like to do is somehow read through those posts from people who said that they would give up gaming if motion controls became standard. I would love to call them on that.
They can't do another noir payne, they do need to do soemthing different, but going from cold to hot, in game terms reminds me of the beggining of Tropic Thunder and the Scorder parody. If you haven't seen it, in Scorcher's one to four there is a hot world and he has a shotgun and a baby in his arms. For the fifth movie it's on an ice world and he has two shotguns and two babies in his arms. It's unintentionally the most accurate parody of gaming blockbusters I've seen. Even though its suppossed to be ribbing action blockbuster movies.
Where is Vader?
^ I quit that addiction, you are not getting me back in.
Nice MM though.
You say that but one day I will have my Zelda room and you will cave.
Did some updates.
It's a game I will definetely buy, but it should be out at the end of this year, not now. The original has 300+ levels which I didn't get through. I completed it 85%. I've put it up on ebay and if it sells I will get the new one as a replacement.
This new console thing does make a lot of sense. I figured that both Sony's and Microsoft's next systems would be less of a jump from this gen as they were from last gen to keep costs down. This could actually be quite good because now I would imagine would be a good time for MS to make the Blu-ray jump. The prices for it are cheaper and you can get lens for it that have a faster read rate. If they can deliver a Blu-ray capable machine with some beefier specs plus Natal at a decent price I'll definitely hop on board.
I don't believe this 'new, slightly upgraded 360' nonsense at all. Why would Microsoft split their market in two like that? They are not that desparate . . . yet. If anything, I could see them releasing an Xbox 360 Slim with Natal next year, but that's about it. They won't change the CPU/GPU for a long while yet.
They wouldn't be splitting the market.
The rumor is that its going to work like PC, where Natal will be released on both 360 and the newer machine, and all future games will be playable on both but will run and look better on the newer machine.
So the games will recognise the specs limits of both systems and adjust. This way nobody is being left out so there's no split in the market.
Hmm, that's interesting. I still don't believe it, though.