Metroid Other M 1up Interview
Takes place between Super and Fusion, will have Adam in it, action and exploration are in
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Archangel3371 (3m)
So is the 360 MG a Raiden game. Maybe the PS3 one will be a BB game.
I bet Miyamoto will show up after all.
I posted some Red Steel news above. The game looks amazing!
I just watched the video walkthroughs, which are around 14 minutes long each(basically the same video; one with dev commentary, and the other without).
The dev commented that there are several bounding-box control settings. IGN expands upon that in their text hand-on preview:
"At any time before or in-game, you can semi-customize your controls between three different options: beginner (huge bounding box; drag the screen to turn); standard (the dead zone is a little tighter) and expert (feels exactly like Metroid Prime 3's advanced setup). On expert, the infrared pointer feels almost right in the same way that Retro's title does. Games like Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and more recently The Conduit harness more customizable control schemes, but don't worry because the developer admitted to me that it looked at High Voltage's shooter as the new control benchmark and as a result, Red Steel will boast a fully customizable scheme -- bounding box, turn sensitivity and all. These customization options were omitted from the E3 build to keep players from fiddling and instead stay them focused on shooting and slicing." --Matt C. IGN Wii.
I really like how you are constantly switching between your gun and sword during a fight: run toward a guy while shooting, quickly switch to your sword and slash him a few times, and then dash backward and shoot him in the head. Just awesome!
Shooting doors open! It's like Metroid Prime. Heck it bears more resemblance to Prime than RS!
Seriosuly though it really is looking great.
agreed that it looks awesome. the colour pallete and style in that screenshot reminds me of another ubi game, the recent prince of persia which i always thought looked pretty amazing. if it plays anything like MP3 then it could be something really special. i also can't help but like how it's a single player game focused on just that
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah, it seems this can be the Wii's superhero game, like inFamous on the PS3 and Prototype on the rest. There is really a Zelda, Fable vibe coming out of it. The english voices suck though, please let there be Japanese voices too.
Voice acting sucks ballz though. Does looks great, apart from some assy textures here and there. It has that swashbuckling vibe about it and the Han Solo type character. They need to just get the guy who does Indy voices for games to play him.
Red Steel 2 looks good, must go read/watch this stuff.
EA Sports active, 600'000 in two weeks?
The world is ending, THQ is right.
and it's all our very own steel's fault.
for shame
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
That fat, lying bastard.
"It's for my wife"
Lay off the pork pies fatty!
Ubi is planning an eight-to-twelve-hour game with Red Steel 2 and the title has shot up like a bullet to the top tier of my most wanted list. The developer seems to have taken note of all the complaints surrounding the first game, started fresh with a stunning new engine and incorporated MotionPlus support for truly engaging sword combat. Asked why readers like you should be so excited, Vandenberghe's honest enthusiasm was hard to miss. "This is the game that will finally give you first-person sword-fighting the way you wanted it, man," he said. "And I'm absolutely delighted to be able to say that and feel like it's not bullsh%@! If you like swords, this is the game for you."
HOLY SHIT, I'm literally just watching the bit where he's dragged along the desert and into the city. All of that is realtime according to the commentary?
Oh you could see the fade out, uses assets probably.
Wow, check out the new stuff in the thread:
No More Heroes 2
IGN: We love the No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle trailer. Tell us about the storyline in the game this time around.
Suda 51: Thank you. NMH2 picks up three years after the events of the original game. Travis lives in his same motel room, but Santa Destroy has changed and the city has been overtaken by an industrial conglomerate. Travis finds out about a terrible tragedy that shakes him up. His thirst for revenge pushes him to once again fight his way to the top of the UAA (United Assassins Association) rankings.
IGN: How has combat changed and improved for this sequel?
Suda 51: The sword system will remain consistent with that of NMH1, with improved accuracy. Travis can fight with a beam katana in each hand in NMH2. Having 2 katanas will certainly make him more dangerous and have an impact on the gameplay.
IGN: Are you using Wii MotionPlus at all for swordplay?
Suda 51: We'd surely like to.
IGN: Travis can dual-wield weapons now. How does that work?
Suda 51: That is correct. It is too early to discuss how exactly it will work at this time. It is safe to say that having two swords makes Travis much more of a deadly fighter.
IGN: In the first game, Travis had a bunch of wrestling moves. That's obviously something you love. How have you expanded the melee combat system for Desperate Struggle?
Suda 51: Expect some really cool new wrestling moves in NMH2. You will hear more about this later on.
IGN: How has the open world changed or been enhanced over the first game?
Suda 51: Rest assured that the city of Santa Destroy has been much improved and will offer you many more interesting opportunities. Sorry but I can't discuss the details yet, you will find out more about this soon.
IGN: What would you say is the biggest difference between Desperate Struggle and the first game?
Suda 51: The story will be much more deeper and the overall volume of the game is bigger. Everything that you liked in the first one is back and even better. There are also many cool new additions to the game that you will learn more about in the near future.
IGN: How have you enhanced the graphics over the first title?
Suda 51: We certainly think the graphics are better, you can be the judge.
IGN: Desperate Struggle seems like a bigger game than the first. How many assassins do you have to kill this time around?
Suda 51: NMH2 is definitely on a far bigger scale than the first. It's too soon to say too much, but expect a lot more boss battles this time.
IGN: Will the game be as violent as the first, or more violent?
Suda 51: As with the first game, it will be a mature game in the US.
IGN: Any final words for those eagerly anticipating the game?
Suda 51: Travis strikes back! Look forward to some old favorites returning along with some other really cool surprises!
Wii gets its own Project Natal? Co-developed by Nintendo?
Ubisoft Reveals Camera-Assisted 'Your Shape' for Wii
New fitness game bringing new camera peripheral to Nintendo's console.
By Kris Pigna, 06/01/2009
If you recently scanned your living room and concluding it needs one more Wii peripheral, here it is: During their E3 press conference, Ubisoft announced Your Shape, a new fitness game for the Wii. But more interesting than the game itself is how you "play" it -- with a new Wii camera peripheral that reads your body positioning.
Evidently Ubisoft worked closely with Nintendo to develop the camera, which reads your body shape, and tracks whether you're performing exercises properly. It seems very similar to a PlayStation Eye game, and even sort of reminiscent to Microsoft's big Project Natal reveal earlier today. But this camera raises a lot of interesting questions that weren't answered: It's not clear whether this camera is officially branded and made by Nintendo, or whether it's specifically a Ubisoft-made device. It's also unclear how other games may potentially use the device in the future, or if it'll even be sold separately from Your Shape, but it seems to open up a lot of new possibilities on the Wii. Hopefully we'll hear more about it later on in the week.
New Super Mario Bros Wii?
I'm not a fan of these camera perpherials; I am certain the governments are using them to spy on us. I put duct tape over my built-in laptop camera. Cameras are evil.
Like in Fringe.
Or 24.
Don't know. Never watched either of those shows, lol.