GTA4: The Ballad of Gay Tony
Rockstar announces the FABULOUS new GTA4 expansion...
New website teasing Kojima Pro's other game.
Code named "MASK", probably Lords of Shadow
Uncharted 2 Beta
IGN is getting ready to give away a fortune in Beta Keys.
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SupremeAC (2m)
That Infamous review, well I guess thats his opinion, its not like anything he said is dead wrong he just seemed to hate everything when most of us love what we are playing. I think the controls are excellent, yes its sticky, but it needs to be to allow you to basically act like spider man. You never have to worry about accidently falling, you never need to worry if you will land on the tiny power cord when you jump off a roof. It feels so smooth, this isn't Mario, the goal isnt to have precision platforming.
Yes most the powers are subsititutes for standard shooter weapons, that doesn't make it any less fun. Imagine a game like Uncharted but instead of small arena areas where all you do is cover and shoot, in this game its a huge open world where you can climb buildings, ride cars, grind of powerline while doing all the shooting. It makes the combat much more dynamic.
Side missions repeat, but most are fun; I guess this is a curse of the open world style of game. Main missions are linear, so, what is his issue with that. Thats the point of a mission, to give you a focused goal to complete. They are above average I would say, not in the GTA level.
I fought one boss and it did kind of suck, so he might have a point there.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Jack Black is awesome so that's a very big reason for me to get Brutal Legend. The other reason is because it's based on heavy metal music which of course is my favourite kind of music. I'm really hoping the game turns out to be totally awesome and does great both critically and comercially.
WTF? FIFTY!?!? Hopefully that does not mean 50 boss fights.
One of the site's forefathers.
He dislikes the way JB lifts his eyebrows.
Hopefully that DOES mean 50 boss fights!
Maybe one fight will be thirty at once like the Crazy 88's.
Sweet, Wolfenstein is going to come out in August. I'll have to see what other games will be available around then but that seems like a good month for it to come out in for me. July is looking pretty full with Blazblue, King of Fighters XII, and the All Fronts dlc for Gears of War 2. I imagine things will start getting pretty full in Sept. onward with stuff like Halo 3: ODST, Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2, etc.
I loathe Jack Black because he's not funny. Yeah the hyper-active fat man routine? Really funny when John Belushi did it 30 years ago. Funny for about 30 minutes when Chris Farley did it 15 years later. Sorry the joke isn't funny anymore. The funniest thing I think he's ever done was Nacho Libre, but that was more because it was written by Jared Hess and he's freaking brilliant.
And if you insist on bringing up Tenacious D please reach up your skirt, find your balls, and be a fan of Steel Panther instead.
It just seemed weird to me. Most reviews are 8s and 9s and this guys seems to think its mediocre. My definition of mediocre is very different.
I dont loathe him, but the only film I've seen him in that was funny, was School of Rock.
Rabbids looks tops.
Whoa whoa whoa.
- GTA competitor for DS to be unveiled - Technology wise, Matt thinks it’s better in many ways than what Rockstar did on DS with Chinatown Wars
- Probably will have something on the game tomorrow - Neat open world game, go inside buildings, gunplay inside buildings
Bold words. I've heard the phrase "better than GTA" many times since 2002, but I can't recall it actually happening. While I'm not really a fan of the series I will admit that there really isn't anything out there doing a better job in the genre. In this case it's being used against the best rated DS game of all time. Not holding my breath.
They are just talking technology. Should be really interesting to see.
Listening to the IGN podcast now, today and friday are suppossed to have all top stories booked. Really good stuff. Watch out.
The hell is this?
"Diabolik: The Original Sin" is a third person adventure game blending the heritage of the point-and-click genre with fast-paced combat and stealth sequences. Its engrossing story casts the player as a master thief called Diabolik, out to rescue his beloved Eva, in a fascinating world mixing 3D real-time graphics and 2D black & white comic-style animations.
The main character, Diabolik, is an anti-hero, a skilled thief and a master of disguise who loves luxury, expensive cars and hi-tech gadgets. He can be merciless and he has no concern for anyone but himself and his one true love, Eva.
87% in that other review for Conduit?
I expected between 8.2-9.0
That's more encouraging.
I just saw this:
Recently, I was privileged enough to have a one-on-one with the game (courtesy of developer High Voltage Entertainment) and was blown away by what I saw and felt while playing The Conduit. This is the real deal, and the closest a game has ever come to feeling like Goldeneye or Perfect dark -- yeah, you can quote me on that.
Intrigue with tight game play and ultra smooth execution and we might very well have a classic on our hands!
The biggest advantage for The Conduit is in the way this game plays. I was sold from the moment I jumped into it, and it left me wanting more (in a good way!) Never before have I seen such a flexible control scheme, and it is MORE than welcome. It's the primary difference between "you playing the game" and "the game playing YOU".
The Conduit is an absolute marvel on Nintendo's experimental system. The game uses an engine known as Quantum 3 that pushes the console to the limit without jerking the frame rate. The result is an onslaught of impressive effects never-before-seen on the Nintendo Wii. Gimmicks include bump-mapping, reflection and refraction, light and shadow maps and projections, specular and Fresnel effects, missive and iridescent materials, advanced alpha blends, gloss and detail mapping, motion blur, interactive water with complex surface effects, and animated textures.
This game feels like a complete evolution of everything we've come to love about gaming. This is not just a first person shooter. This is an experience.
Lol. Talk about pants jizzing.
It's for "Killing Day", surprisingly enough, and the application was made by one "Ubisoft Entertainment" in connection with "Game software and electronic game programs, namely, software games".
If you've forgotten everything about it, check back to the Killing Day screenshots from E3 2005. Back then it was shown at Sony's PS3 conference, but whether it's single-format any more is unknown. As indeed is whether it's in full development. A trademark's just a trademark, after all.
The same, then, must go for Driver: The Recruit (filed late last month) and its new friend, also belonging to Ubisoft - C.O.P. The Recruit. Again, filed for use as a game. We'll let you know if either goes anywhere.
Job ad teases "next-gen Xbox platform" details
A job listing from Microsoft Game Studios for a software development engineer contains interesting hints to MS' plans for its "next-generation Xbox platform".
It says in the listing: "Microsoft Games Studios is looking for experienced game developers to work on next generation Xbox platform titles and Windows games for the first-party publishing team."
Skipping past all the techie jargon, it later says: "We want to enable millions of people to tune in and watch or play in groundbreaking new game experiences connected to LIVE ... We are building the games, the console interface and logic, and the server support for all of this.
It goes on to hint: "Both the games and the dashboard experience will be deeply paired with dynamic server support to create a compelling, fresh scenario each time.
"We are building an extremely high performance system to extend console games to the server in new ways; creating a completely new set of web services to support dynamic programming information of games and scheduling data; integration with the Xbox LIVE services and infrastructure to deliver an end-to-end architecture with our partners."
It says the new tech must see gamers "interacting with my schedule and my friend's schedules to play together," and applicants will be involved in "building a backend capable of hosting a 300,000 player game in real-time with real money on the line (anti-cheating, etc)," in the listing.
Interesting stuff.