GTA4: The Ballad of Gay Tony
Rockstar announces the FABULOUS new GTA4 expansion...
New website teasing Kojima Pro's other game.
Code named "MASK", probably Lords of Shadow
Uncharted 2 Beta
IGN is getting ready to give away a fortune in Beta Keys.
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robio (7m)
E3 sucks ballz!
No U!
E3 doesn't suck. It's just stupid. I'd much rather each company did their own separate conference throughout the year rather than trying to cram all the info into 2-3 days.
Just watched that Kizuna trailer. Very mixed feelings on this. The boss battle against the giant monster looked good, but the regular combat looked very boring and very weak. Seemed like in every encounter they showed the main character was surrounded by about a dozen monsters that weren't doing anything. It would have been a lot more impressive if they were. . . oh I don't know. . . trying to attack him maybe???
Did this game get ripped apart by Famitsu? I know their reviews aren't always the best thing to go by, but generally when a game scores in the 50% area you can assume that the game isn't just getting a slightly lower score due to the reviewer. That's usually the sign that the game is genuinally not good.
PSP GO! Has been leaked. It's sorta the PSP's DSi but only way more revamped. Downloadable only games (no UMD drive) way smaller and lighter, etc.
Oh and Wii Fit Plus and Super Paper Mario 2 pretty much confirmed for the Wii at E3.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yeah, they managed to inlcude a lot of stuff...except for, oh I dunno, the themes.
All this time I thought it strange that Steel was a doctor, but now it's finally clicked!
Wait, what?!
Steel has a wife and 2 kids?!
OMG, I had no idea that Mexico was so progressive.
Not only do they allow gay marriage, but they also allow a gay couple to adopt children! Wow I am impressed, Mexico is awesome.
WTF at those Ubi videos. That's like watching a 5 second star wars clip
What have they done to Sam Fisher BTW? Weird face and hair do.
Yep it got 5s. But Arc Rise Fantasia got 8/8/8/8 and still no one cares...
Why paper mario?
PSP Go, LOL what a secret. Looks good though.
Not sure about UMD less. People with existing games can't play them?
So give me the breakdown on E3. I usually try and chill at E3 and soak it all in. Well apart from the mega threads of old.
It starts Monday? What time are the conferences?
I finished watching Indy 4 this week. It actually isn't as bad as I thought it would be from impressions. It manages to capture the spirit of the other movies. And suprisingly after years of tepid boring roles, its great to see that Harrison Ford can still do the gruff Han Solo act with verve.
But they make silly decisions that take the movie down many notches. The CGI is awful, just awful. Why do we need fake CGI monkeys and gophers? Or Atomic Bomb proof fridges? Why does Indy try and save the British guy again even after all the betrayels? Why, why in heaven did they have UFOs and aliens?!!!!
The fencing between two jeeps was awful, the effects were so bunk. My favourite part was when Indy flew from one jeep to the other to take out 3 guys at once. And they managed to nail the comedy of the old films, although John Hurt was completely wasted in his role. Oh and the stupid guys in masks doing Caipora... ugh.
personally i'd be happy with either, as long as they were making both eventually
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
No one looked at the EDGE mag scores?
Infamous - 7
Ghostbusters - 7
The Sims 3 - 8
Punch-Out - 8
Boom Blox: Bash Party - 8
Velvet Assassin - 4
Fuel - 8
Damnation - 3
Muramasa: The Demon Blade - 6
Knights in the Nightmare - 6
Excitebots: Trick Racing - 4
Zeno Clash - 8
Terminator: Salvation - 3
But Galaxy will be more welcome.
What do you guys think this is?
I am Loic Gounon from Ubisoft Montpellier working on Rabbids Go Home. Here is a special gift from our team. If you are a Nintendo fan like us, you shouldn’t miss the Ubisoft E3 press conference on Monday We will have a little surprise for you!
You think the suprise is some joke FMV with Rabbids and Nintendo stuff?
I cant remember if I posted these pics.
Does anyone else notice that the character models in this game have awful textures?
This guys mo-cap face animation was impressive in the level walkthrough video. So was the the animation in the Silent Hill trailer.
i think you did post those extraction pics. i seem to recall the jokes about the wiimote condoms on the heads of those characters. this game has nothing to interest me. it's on-rails, and i don't thing it looks good.
here's hoping the ubisoft surprise will be a rabbids playable demo, but i doubt it.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
NIER trailer
Lordy, the Cavia made action game for Square Enix.
More generic than the Conduit.
Rabbids will defintely be playable at the show. Interestingly this seems to be the first conference where nintendo has enough decent third party software to put on a proper showcase for once.
I saw those Edge scores too. Pretty rough. Then again in a way I kind of appreciate how Edge reviews their games. They still go by the concept of "5 is an average game, and anything higher is a good game." At some point both the reviews and gamers both got it in their head that 7 is an average score, and anything less than a 7 is bad. Edge actually uses the whole 1 - 10 spectrum and it is appreciated. That Excitebots score is a little lower than I'd like to see though.
And if that really is the PSP Go it's abosolutely doomed. It needs to have some kind of UMD slot. It's not just a matter of playing older PSP games either. If there isn't some kind of hard media it won't allow for a secondary market. How long will a system really last these days if you can't get used games for it?