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Ellyoda (10m)
And do you all play as Mr Dreadlocks?
Holy crap that Lost Planet 2 video. That frog boss looked amazing. I did get sort of bored towards the end because they kept hitting it and it wasn't dying at all. That would hack me off if its too long and all. Animation was incredible though. Looks like Monster Hunter with guns. Was the first game like that?
I'm in the mood for more Dead Rising I'm just afraid that because of the gameplay style its going to be the exact same thing in a casino. I liked when he put on the antlers and ran through though.
Spyborgs... the producers described it as DMC meets Rachet, I mean don't you love those two games? No interest there at all? It sort of reminds me of Powerstone. It has nice graphics I'm just not in the mood for that sort of game. The preview says that it has 35 stages though and is pretty good in an old school sort of way.
RE-DC? I will comment in the thread but I noticed something bad just now.
You guys remember Freeload from gamespot SW? I saw him on another site and he said about Red Steel 2:
I’m a little bit in the know regarding this game and from what I have been told the cell shading style looks brilliant and has all the effects you expect from a next gen title on Wii. Proper shadows, dynamic lighting, bloom, reflection maps, specular maps etc.
So I have been told anyway.
No, I never went to SW. Is his info trustworthy?
I didn't get that from it at all. It felt more like Rise of Kasai or something like it where you kind of just run up to enemies and bop them on the head a few times. There was no DMC at all. Ratchet, the art style for sure and if there is plenty of gunplay then ok but I see mostly brawling.
I dont see what its hook will be yet. I assume co-op play but whats the point if its offline.
The point is that you should be playing No More Heroes and MadWorld instead.
Okay, back to updating!
I didn't care for NMH, Madworld hopefully is awesome. And yeah I'll get Madworld way before I ever think of getting Spyborgs.
looks like i'll be dusting my psp for that
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The Conduit video graphics comparison
Yeah, as I said in the podcast, The Conduit is pushing more graphics than MP3, which is why its framerate is locked at 30fps instead of MP3's 60fps. It's very easy to see the graphical difference between those games in that video.
To actually play it socially with friends like it's supposed to be. What's the point of having co-op online? :/
One of the site's forefathers.
SAN FRANCISCO – April 29, 2009 – Today Ubisoft announced Red Steel 2, exclusively for the Wii(TM) system from Nintendo. Red Steel remains one of the most successful Wii titles and the only brand created specifically for the launch of the platform. Red Steel 2 is being developed by Ubisoft Paris and will be available for the 2009 holiday season.
Red Steel 2 returns with an artistic style and flair created just for Wii. Set in a desert-bound, high-tech metropolis, Red Steel 2 is a revolution in the action-fighting genre, taking full advantage of the capabilities of the Wii MotionPlus(TM) accessory. Your movements are faithfully replicated on-screen, putting the emphasis on swinging, shooting and fun! With the ability of the Wii MotionPlus to sense the strength of a swing, you will literally be able to make an impact on your adversaries through power and precision.
“Red Steel was a unique opportunity for Ubisoft to work in tandem with Nintendo to create a title exclusively for the launch of the Wii console,” said Tony Key, senior vice president of sales and marketing US at Ubisoft. “Red Steel 2 is another milestone for the company as it is the first Ubisoft title with full Wii MotionPlus integration.”
Just as Red Steel broke ground as the only third-party brand created for the launch of the Wii, Red Steel 2 will be the must-have game of Holiday 2009 for those who wish to stretch their own capacities and fully experience a game that was built from the ground up to take advantage of the Wii MotionPlus.
More details on Red Steel 2 will be revealed in the June issue of Nintendo Power magazine. For more information on Red Steel 2, please visit www.redsteel2.com.
Updates done
Vader you are wrong people are reading the news.
I used to read SW when GGD was bloody boring me. He seemed okay, not your typical SW poster. I trust him. I just posted the official PR in the thread. Seems like its a futuristic city in the desert so those old Red Steel 2 concept screens suddenly become more relevant.
I sort of see the comparisons, the giant bosses and fast paced action. It reminded me more of Powerstone though.
I thought the videos for the other games they showed were deliberatly blurrier. And the sections they showed in prime 3 were the worst looking levels. Though yes, it does show how much more crisper and more detailed it looks. COD WOW also the first level is in almost complete darkness, bad comparison to use.
The point is that it should have both.
New Conduit pics in the thread.
And WTF, both Sega and Activision have both just announced more shitty Deca Sports likes titles.
We Ski and Snowboard $15 here sonofabeech.
Animal Crossing? Are you shitting me?
You played the other ones?
Don't you think the new PSP is a little weird cutting out UMD altogether? I mean say a new PS3 came out that didn't play any of the Blu-Ray games currently on the market?
Are you not a bit bummed out that you sold your PSP Rag? There seem to be games announced every day now, exclusive stuff too. Good to see you BTW. Drop in more often.
I'm a GAF, gamespot, 1up and VGpress member. We're only a click away.
And you can swear really loudly here and talk about penis and stuff. We can't shut Steel up, cause he's a penis.