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Or it could be my wang when you enter: L,R,L,R...
...kinda like when I smack GG in the face with it!
In a move surprising nobody, Capcom formally announced that Marvel vs. Capcom 2 will be hitting Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network this summer. You'll have to fork over 1200 Microsoft points or $14.99 on PSN, but man alive, it will be worth it.
It's essentially the same game that we all know and love from the arcade/DreamCast/PS2/Xbox days, but more affordable and delivered via the Internet. While it won't undergo a Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix-style makeover, it does include a few tweaks, including what Capcom terms an "optional advanced visual filter" and online modes like Ranked Matches and Player "Quarter" Matches. We played a few sessions, and it's just as fast, furious, and frenetic as we remembered. It looks and controls fine (we didn't monkey around with the options, but we know that there are settings for 4:3 versus 16:9; what we played looked slightly zoomed-in and cropped to make it widescreen without making the characters look distorted), and it's still ludicrously fun to mash on the buttons and use ridiculous tagteams and assists like Servbot, Dr. Doom, and Strider together.
In a curious move, Capcom also announced that there will be a MvC2 demo going online this Thursday -- except, it's for PlayStation Network only. If you're a 360 gamer curious about this upcoming release, you'll need to hang out at a PS3-buddy's house to get in on the action early.
We asked Capcom personnel if the fact that Capcom has the rights to publish this means that they can also publish future or new Marvel vs. Capcom titles as well, and were met with a resounding "no comment." That won't stop us from dreaming about a possible Marvel vs. Capcom 3 using Street Fighter 4's engine. Mmmm, hand-drawn/3D-rendered War Machine, Jill Valentine, and Amingo -- make it happen, please, Mr. Capcom!Totally worth it! Kotaku is saying April 30 so it's just around the corner!
EDIT: It's just the demo on April 30, PSN only for now.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Sounds awesome.
Agreed. I had that game on DC, and was bored with it within an hour.
Well it was pretty much inevitable that Marvel vs. Capcom 2 was going to be released it's still totally awesome that it's official now. This is fantastic news and a definite pick-up for me.
I love it. The pacing of the fights is really good, and then there's the whole CURLEH MOUSTACHE meme that sproung out of it. Let's copy/paste some features from Sven's blog:
It’s based on the Dreamcast code base – While the PS2 and Xbox versions of MvC2 were great, there are a few niggling issues in them that have caused the competitive community to continue using the Dreamcast version of the game. We wanted to bring you the very best version of the game, so we listened to the community and started with the Dreamcast.
2.There is online – With the game being developed by Backbone, we are using largely the same, critically acclaimed net code that we used in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix and with that will come our player match quarter mode/lobby system that has proven so popular. Naturally leaderboards and some form of stats tracking (details to be provided at a later date) will also be in the mix. So on the net code side, you’re pretty much assured the best fighting game net code ever created for consoles.
3.HD upscaling options – Given that most people play Xbox 360s and PS3s on HD TVs, it’s important to help make the game look better. We’ve refined our real-time sprite filtering to use even more advanced techniques and we’re providing two upscaling options for the sprites… one we’ve termed “Crisp” the other we’ve termed “Smooth”. It’s a matter of personal preference for which one you’ll enjoy more. For purists, if you’d like you can use the “Classic” setting, which leaves the sprites completely unfiltered. Because the filtering is applied in real-time, you can change these settings on the fly, mid-match if you choose. Our producer will be showing you some comparison screenshots in the coming days to better clarify the differences. The backgrounds in MvC2 are all 3D, and when rendered at higher resolutions look fantastic. The original textures and assets from the Dreamcast were actually much higher quality than the Dreamcast could really display at the time and when shown in HD, the impact is really quite amazing.
4.Widescreen – Again, with most people playing on HD displays, we wanted to figure out how to implement widescreen support. To do so, the camera field of view was widened (which we’re able to do because of the 3D backgrounds effectively running off the “edges” of the 4:3 scenario) and there are a few camera tricks that minimize any impact on the gameplay. Play area is unchanged, and this is not a zoom and crop like HD Remix was.To put it simply, the gameplay area will be in a 4:3 field, while the viewing area will be widescreen.At the same time, for purists and competitive play, a 4:3 option (with vertical bars on the left and right) still exists.
5.No unlocking – While we love giving people unlockables in games, for this outing, there’s not a lot of surprises in terms of what characters are in the game. All 56 characters will be unlocked at the start for immediate play, again great for tournament play where players won’t need to mess with save game data or hacked versions (/shame).
6.Music Options – We love MvC2 but the original “jazzy” music has long been criticized even by ardent fans. Independent music volume controls and support of custom soundtracks on PS3 and 360 we deemed an important feature. Purists will still have what they love and fans of customization are also served.
And as an added bonus, some of you will get to play it sooner than you think. The US PlayStation network will have the demo available for download this week (Europe’s PSN should follow not far after). Surprise.
I will be downloading this demo and reporting on it!
Do you think Brawl would be popular if it had Bubsy, Crash, Aero the Acro-bat, Sly, and Spyro duking it out? Don't think so.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWell, even Street Fighter would not be popular with Bubsy, Crash and Aero. Who would want to play with such crappy characters?
I guess we have a topic for our next podcast. We talked about it last time, so it would make sense to talk about it again!
I just watched it. I would literally buy the game if it had that comedy mode dubbing all the way through. IGN did it? Why exactly? So funny.
It would just be UP, as it's always up. I'm using it to type right now.
Okay more impressions. Firstly, instead of randomly clicking pixels to see what happens the cursor changes when you hover over something to show you what can be investigated its much better.
And THANK GOD, finally. No more hunting down gamefaqs solutions to stupid things. No more getting endlessy stuck. They have worked in a hint system. If you are stuck you can access hint 1 which is vague, hint 2 is a little more. Then if you are really stuck and cannot be bothered hint 3 tells you exactly what you have to do, use the thing with the thang.
Also they presented me with this massive ass double block moving puzzle which was nigh on impossible. Thanks the greatness of this game it told me that there was a secret way of unlocking it by a certain method. I did it and happily continued with the game. Graphic adventures needed this a long time ago. I have to say, the french female voice actress is kind of sexy.
You're using the items and she says stuff like:
"I gently placed the cylinder into the slot, it fitted perfectly"
"I once had a boyfriend who owned a boat. It was the wettest relationship I ever had. In more ways than one."
Oooh lah lah.
Gunstar Heroes on XBLA? Oh hell yeah! That was one of my favourite games on the Genesis. Having it on XBLA with online play and achievements will make it even better. This is a no-brainer purchase for me.
Did the updates.
If anyone like online shooty type games, you might want to check out this:
It's not my sort of thing but it looks no better/worse then any other shooty type online game to me.
Honestly I was disapppointed when I got this on VC. After all the hype I just didn't like it that much. Super Contra for me, it feels more accurate. I've been dissappointed with quite a few Treasure games I've tried. Apart from the Godly Astro Boy.
They tend to throw around a lot of effects which is distracting and can lead to slowdown too.
I think I preferred the gba Gunstar follow up. I never played Guardian Heroes always wanted that, is it a DC game? Is it rare now? I played the gba follow up, sort of good but slowdown again. Yay.
I was enjoying Sin and Punishment VC but VC games that aren't 60hz dont work on an my HDTV and the file was so big I had to delete it prior to this SD card fix.
BTW have you guys checked out the FFCC Crystal Bearers?
Prologue with subtitles, so cool.
Gaurdian Heroes was on the Saturn. It was more like a brawler but had many branching paths and you could pull off crazy insane combos juggling enemies up in the air. Yeah slowdown on that kind of game would be expected on the GBA. That version is just a shell of the awesome original.
I really want this game, such a shame its not on DC or any other system I own. I love brawlers. I really want this ass-ish slow VC arcade service to kick into gear. Scrolling beat em ups were my bread and butter back in the day and there are so many I would love to have at home.
BTW, I was putting together a few extracts when my browser crashed, the Dead Space preview says that the graphics are some of the best on the system and compare favourably to the 360 version. The Grand slam tennis preview says it may be the best tennis game they have ever played.
I'm having frequent browser problems with IE7
Flash ocx10 keeps screwing things up and Microsoft Visual Runtime C++ keeps having problems and closing. And I get virtual memory too low warnings. This has all happened within the past couple of days.