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Punk Rebel Ecks
Square Enix analysis: Now a portable developer
70% are portable games
Nintendo Channel interviews - Swords and Soldiers
Super Meat Boy to offer replays and a cameo from Braid’s Tim
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robio (10m)
Let me type up this video interview piece from High Voltage
Q. What future Wii projects do you have?
A. Well we have two big ones which we can't show you till E3. We are continuing to develop our Wii tech, the stuff we've developed so far has been really good but there are even things that we haven't shown people yet. We've continued to promote the tech.
Q. Some first person action title?
A. Yeah, one fits into that and the other is a different kind of a thing. Our goal with the Conduit was to make a game that was the most graphically impressive. Our goal with the upcoming games is to do things which are very very rare even on the 360 and PS3. Some of the things we're doing with sheer number of enemies on screen and things like that are very impressive. We've got a demo we'll be showing where the (average) number of enemies on screen will be 65 and then it goes up. There's areas where you go onto a vista and there's an incredible amount of them.
Q. And will it be Wii exclusive?
A. Yes, the Wii needs good games, but consumers need to buy them. But its up to us to make them good and its up to publisher and press and developer. If anyone of us aren't doing our part it wont work and the consumer loses.
**Leo Casts a Revive Spell on his Fallen Topic**
Your wish (as always) is my command!
I'm all boobied out.
EDIT: Summer collection is out at Gracies in Animal Crossing. Check the thread for pics
gracie's is for rich bastards
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Maybe that list will wake Nintendo up, only two games, no one wants your games... cause there aren't any.
I see that and I say COOL!!! Now I want to buy.
COOL! I want to buy!
WTF is this site doing to the images?
Prototype and Infamous >> Ass Creed
Search your feelings you know it to be true!
So it requires both of those games to outmatch Assassins Creed?
Woah. Those Assassin's Creed pics look fantastic. I totally loved the first one so I'm really looking forward to this sequel.
No, you suck at math
>> means much bigger. In other words the thing to the right might as well be nothing compared to the thing to the left. So each one is better than Ass.
I love the turban guys chasing the assasin.
But if it reviews like the first game, will you still want to buy? That, is the question. To be or not to be.
Nanananananananana PATCHER WATCH!
Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter doesn’t expect a new hardware cycle to begin before 2013.
“We do not expect a “new” console in 2010 (other than the long-rumoured high definition Wii, which is likely to upgrade the Wii to current console technology),” he wrote in an industry newsletter.
“We do not expect the ‘next’ generation to begin before 2013, if at all,” he added.
“We remain convinced that the publishers will resist the introduction of any video game hardware technology that requires a refresh of software, as the publishers have as yet to capitalise on the immense investments made in being competitive in the current cycle.
“We therefore think it is likely that the ‘next’ generation will begin after 2013, meaning that software sales are likely to grow by a compounded annual rate of 6–10 percent for another five years.
“Because R&D costs are likely to flatten out with the benefits of a learning curve, we expect earnings leverage as the publishers are able to exploit R&D investments. In brief, we think that investors have it wrong so far this cycle, and think that investment in video game publishers will bear fruit for many years.”
Earlier this week Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said the publisher was already preparing for the next generation of consoles, which he expects to launch in the next few years.
"We need to get ready for the future generation of consoles," he said. "In the next few years, there will be new home and handheld consoles, and if you don't invest... you will not be able to cope with both [the existing and new generation consoles].”
360 to get full body control
Here's a wild one. We just got a tip from someone who purports to be in the know on Microsoft's efforts to beat the Wii at its own motion-sensing game, with some of the details lining up with what we were hearing last year along these lines. The word is that Microsoft is building a "sensor bar" of sorts, but instead of detecting the waggles of Wiimote-like controllers, it detects full body movement and sound, sans controllers. There are two sensors on the bar, along with a mic and a camera, and while our tipster has "no idea" how it actually works, it sounds pretty impressive. Here's a quick rundown of capabilities mentioned:
Full body and hand gesture control of games / characters.In fighting games you kick, punch, duck, dive, jump and so forth with your body.
It also picks up small hand gestures like pinching, grabbing and scrolling.
There will also be video conferencing and games with video.
Trivia game over the internet with live images of each person playing. When a question pops up, they can clap to buzz in.
You can "move objects on your screen" and the other party can see what you're doing in real time.
Sensor detects only the person playing, not folks observing on the couch.
We're rather curious as to what those two mystery sensors on the bar are doing, since there's specific mention of a lack of controllers. Perhaps they add depth perception to whatever the camera is picking up on video, but we guess we'll have to wait and find out. Of course, this could all be an elaborate hoax, but for what it's worth the picture appears undoctored, and the story is plausible. Either way, it's only natural for Microsoft to be looking to duplicate -- and expand upon -- the wild success Nintendo has enjoyed with motion-controlled gaming. And if they don't, Sony sure will.
I found news no one else did, I found news no one else did!
The news is awesome, as am I...!
**Leo, Mike, Raph and Don say: "Hi!"**
Pachter is still talking about his ridiculaus Wii HD theory? Hasn't he been made fun of enough about that on The Bonus Round? Nintendo won't be releasing an HD enabled Wii until the next gen consoles comes out. I like Pachter, but he simply has no understanding of how Nintendo works.
BTW, the "t" in Pachter's name is after the "ch," GG.