Renegade Kid interview
DSiWare plans, next game coming at E3, cannot comment on Son of the Dragon cancellation
Cave Story blog updat
Cave Story ‘very done’, Pixel interview coming soon to Nintendo Channel
Little Kings Story Telegraph review
"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
Six Year Old Boy Asks for name change to Sonic X
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robio (4m)
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile*Walks in
Awesome, indeed!
*Walks out
Oh my god, that Sonic X article is hilarious.
And NO Vader, you cannot legally change your name to Sonic Wesker and fulfull your dreams of TOTAL. GLOBAL. SATURATION.
I would fully support him in a legal name change of Sonic Wesker. Hell, he should go all the way and make it Sonic Link Wesker. I'd even toss in a few bucks for the cost.
Believe it or not Rob, I actually TYPED that in and was half about to post it, until I realized Sonic Wesker sounded better as a Metal Gear name.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Well that's why I was upset. Over the past few days I've had so much fun here, just laughing constantly with you guys messing around. And then this negativity happens to ruin the fun, painting the impression to guys on gamespot that we're all defensive assholes who either scoff at or flame everyone, giving Skylock the impression that we're a single platform board or whatever when that's just not the case.
No, but this isn't the first time. Inevitably someone over on ROF gets bored once in a while, someone who is a gamespot, ROF and VGpress member casually comments on how they are enjoying VGPress and then the same broken record plays which paints a negative impression of us all. Of course I feel more attached to the site seeing how it was established and evolved.
Really you only posted for like a day at most on the site back when it was Insert Coin. You haven't hung around long enough to see what its really like. No one really flames anyone. Do you understand how many times I've called Ravenprose an asshole or told Dvader to suck hairy balls etc?
Everything here is a joke, sure we dont all agree but as long as you're not assholish on your views, we can all accept everyone who's nice.
You might not get many replies to your mega PS3 thread (even though we have quite a few PS3 owners) but we're a small community and some threads live and some die.
Beaver, we scoff at the games you like? You understand we are pissing about exaggerating and when we aren't it's not like we have to or are suppossed to agree on everything anyway. Variety, like thongs are the spice of life.
And you go to the ROF to find out about non-wii games when we post 100 stories a day about games for every platform regardless? I must have posted thousands upon thousands of non-nintendo updates in the news section, but that means nothing? Do you know how many consecutive days me and Iga have posted news updates for platforms we don't even own? All this work for nothing? Now you see why I can get annoyed by the chatter?
And again, this site is open to talk about whatever you want, we dont even have a offtopic board, you post what you want when you want. And I dont buy the excuses some guys have that they are lurkers or aren't the sort of people who start threads. I'm not responsible for your entertainment, so don't blame other people for not talking about what you want. You need to initiate conversations.
Most people here own at least two home consoles and usually a portable too.
The guys here are some of the most welcoming people on the net and we've welcomed you guys and asked you to come back on many occasions. If you feel unwelcome that's because you've made yourself feel unwelcome.
I'm sorry you feel that way and I want you guys to stick around, (lord knows I've asked you and others enough) but please don't paint this picture of the site as unwelcoming to everybody, because it's not. It gets my back up.
I need some help on XBL. My bro got a wireless add on and XBLA and can't connect to his friend online. They can talk via the mics, but cant seem to connect on any games.
Both of them spent £180 / $264 getting the adaptors and buying subscriptions and all they can do is chat on mics
They say the option to connect is greyed out in game.
That's weird. If they can chat, then they should be able to play games too.
I was laughing so hard because that would be me. If your house is set up a certain way wireless is essential and ethernet is not an option. So you have to pay all this cash just to get 360 online. I would have to buy a hard drive too. I can't justify the cost. And then he and his buddy are just using it all like a Instant messenger voice chat thing.
I have mine connected to ethernet, yet I've never played online. I only use it to download demos and updates.
That's what I want to do.
Bioshock, GTA IV, Mass Effect, Gears of War 1 and 2, Kameo, Condemned, Halo 3, Stranglehold, The Darkness, Oblivion, Splinter Cell 4. SFIV, COD2, Pro Evo some number I don't play. Assasins Creed, haven't played yet. More stuff I can't remember off hand.
I want Fallout 3 and COD4, perhaps Fable 2 but I didn't like the first.
I loved Fable 1, but I couldn't get into Fable 2. I may try it again later on, though.
My 360 games:
I mostly rent 360 games, so I don't own very many.
When, ummm, if you get yur 360 online again, let's play some Gears and GTA IV. Team Deathmatch is hella fun.