Platinum Games wants you to be able to trust in
their quality. But not their PAL conversion
The Five: Punch-Out!!
Will the first new Punch-Out!! in 15 years be a K.O., or a LAME-O?
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robio (3m) Archangel3371 (3m)
What the...?
Is that a kitchen and gravestone? I see office and chair.
*grabs balls*
Well. Not all mexicans. Just me.
Nice, nice.
So... what's that about my fat ASS??????!!!!
How dare thee!
Little King's Story! AAA in Edge and Ngamer
Okay, time to work with the HapticMaster, again!
Iga, give your ass a break for a change.
So its nice to see new Tales Graces media. Out in Summer Japan?
Remember the trailer?
Click watch in HQ.
Yes, the programming worked. It is a bit unstable, could KO a guy if he stands in the workspace of the HapticMaster. Filtering High Frequencies FTW.
I'm going to go on the record now and say that Brutal Legend will be a tremendous flop and will end up as a posterchild for dangers of HD develop in relation to cost.
I just don't see much of an audience for this game. 20 years ago when metal was still king, sure this would be huge. Not today. I don't think either Jack Black's popularity nor the interest in Guitar Hero games are enough to create an audience for this.
It looks pretty cool, not sure I want to buy it on any platform so far though.
I dont think it will flop at all. Even Mirrors Edge sold a million.
Pretty much. I don't even know what the hell is this game about. And I love metal. And sort of tolerate Jack Black. But only because he did Nacho Libre.
It's a Tim Schafer game. It's destined for flop. I don't think it'll sell a million copies. Plus, fat guys for protagonists don't have the best track record.
AHHHHH I lost this huge post I wrote. Now you get the crappy short version. I rented Dead Rising for Wii cause HotD wasnt even in stock, neither was Sonic or Madworld, sad that those games are not getting the extra sales from BB.
Well DR is crappy, its just a shell of what the 360 version is. Its basically the same game, all cutscenes are there, the whole mall is there, most of the weapons are there. You move like RE4, so its tank and not free movement. Shooting is better with the wiimote but shooting slow enemies is boring. Melee attacks are done by pressing A or swinging the wiimote for a power attack. The game wants you to take one shot at the head with a gun then run in for a wiimote finisher, you gain money that way.
Thats nice but when you have to go out of your way to fight zombies its not fun. There are so few enemies on screen that they never pose a threat, only in escorting but even that is so much easier. The fun of DR is the amount of enemies you have to plow through. The melee weapons are awesome in the 360 cause with one swing you can take out like 10 enemies, and you had to to clear space. Not in this game, combat almost feels optional, like you have to go out of your way to do it.
Oh and the whole time thing is gone, in its place the game ranks you on missions. I know some complained about that aspect but it did allow for gameplay decisions and multiple playthroughs, it was more the mess about saving that was the issue, the time concept was fine.
I fought that boss dude in the food court, still sucked. There is nothing in this version that is worth a look if you played the original. Just a sad port.
Just saw the Nintendo Download and it's sadly a weak week on the VC front, though it was to be expected to some degree since they wanted to launch a bunch of DSi crud. I really hope the Virtual Arcade doesn't become an afterthought. There've been 2 updates since its launch and nothing since the original launch games.
I'm counting on the VA to put out something good. I'm throwing an 80's party next month and one of the plans was to set up the Wii for tournament play with old 80's games. I wanted something other than the NES Arcade Classic genere games.
i don't know. i personally have no doubt it will be a great game and i think the game's pedigree is emough to assure that. also, metal - and by that i mean the old kind with the mullet haircuts and the black jeans, not the nu kind of metal kids feel it's ok to like - is some great material for comedy ... as jack black has been doing with tenacious d and as spinal tap showed even before that. so brutal legend can be a fun (and funny) game for everybody - not just metal fans or guitar hero players.
i think psychonauts (schafer's previous game) is pretty much what i expect from brutal legend, a great game set in a very unique world ... except this time the world (metal parody land has perhaps more of a chance than that of psychonauts).
so yeah, i think it will be a great game and i think it has potential to be successful, but then again it's not a sure bet. but even if it's commercially unsuccessful, i don't think it will bomb as hard as psychonauts.
edit: it is also kind of reminiscent of full throttle which i think was fairly successful wasn't it? but i know that was a very different time
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I'm not real sure since I'm not overly familiar with Full Throttle, but like you said it's 15 years later and a very different time in the world of gaming. What is and is not successfull has changed many times over since then.
Mario isn't fat. He's festively plump.
And I'm not a grotesque asshole. I'm risquè.
Can't both be true?