Platinum Games wants you to be able to trust in
their quality. But not their PAL conversion
The Five: Punch-Out!!
Will the first new Punch-Out!! in 15 years be a K.O., or a LAME-O?
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Archangel3371 (7m)
Edit: Also, You Me & Shape looks pretty cool.
You should have curled a turd in the box and handed it back in.
No one would know the difference.
Oh, so Silent Hill is for PS2 and PSP too?
Konami officially announces Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for Wii, PlayStation®2 System and PSP® SystemIf you have to hold the wii remote up to your ear like a cell phone and people talk to you through the built-in speaker, that would be badass. I've never played a Silent Hill game before, so I'll keep my eyes on it, I guess.
SANTA MONICA, Calif. - April 6, 2009 - Starting Thursday, April 9th, “GameTrailers TV with Geoff Keighley” (GTTV) will deliver weekly exclusive gaming content one day earlier with a new timeslot. Now premiering every Thursday night at 12:30 AM, GTTV continues to deliver the biggest world exclusive game reveals and hard-hitting interviews. Sticking with the previous schedule, the show will continue to re-air on Friday nights in its existing timeslot, allowing GTTV to broaden its reach and impact across two nights of programming.You should try No More Heroes or Disaster Day of Crisis. NMH uses it for a crackly cellphone, Disaster is really cool, its like an emergency radio, as the city is crumbling around you, you hear news reports and emergency radio transmissions.
Capcom's Monster Hunter series is huge in Japan, but it has struggled to meet the same kind of success in the West.
Capcom hopes to change that by spreading the Monster Hunter gospel more effectively in PAL territories. Ryozo Tsujimoto, producer of the Monster Hunter PSP games, told U.K.-based MCV, “What has been lacking in Europe in the past with the Monster Hunter series is definitely the promotion.
"The PR and marketing for the last two titles in the series have been very limited, but this time we’re taking things far more seriously in terms of the promotion.”
He said the first step is to get the series noticed by European gamers, then convey "what the game actually is."
What Monster Hunter "actually is" is an RPG franchise that has sold over 8.5 million units worldwide across PlayStation platforms. A new iteration is slated to come to Nintendo Wii later this year.
Capcom stated in a February earnings call, "...We plan to release our leading titles overseas to acquire game users, as the overseas market for Wii is extensive.
"One of our leading titles is Monster Hunter 3. ... If we can gain recognition of this product in the European and North American markets, our market strategy will see a noticeable change."
So I played more, fought a ton of bosses, all suck. In this game the gunshop owner turns into a merchant. He sells you guns and the ability to hold more ammo. So I check out the guns he is selling, an old sniper rifle, a blacktail, a red9... uh, wait a minute. So I buy the old sniper rifle, this zoom in screen looks familiar... I went to reload, uh I have seen this animation before. This game IS RESIDENT EVIL 4!
Holy shit, I just realized why it controls like RE4 rather than like DR. Now I know why the cursor is exactly the same as RE4. Now I know why all the shooting animations are identical, why all the guns are exactly the same. When they said they were using he RE4 engine I thought they meant the graphics engine (which like RE4 looks like ass on my TV), I didn't think they would reskin everything and keep weapons and shooting animations the same. Frank even has a suplex move, guess what it looks like. How lazy is this company, first RE UC is just cut and pasted from old RE games and now this game just takes RE4 and molds it into DR.
Oh and it doesn't work, its boring, really boring. Why the hell do I need a sniper rifle, explain that one to me. No one poses a threat, the most vicious enemy so far is a poodle. There is ammo everywhere, you will never run out. So much backtracking, back and forth, at least in the 360 you had the timer which put pressure on everything you did, the backtracking added to the tension, here its just pointless.
Blah, what crap.
By the way, RE5 vs multiplayer DLC is live tomorrow for both 360 and PS3, in case you guys haven't heard.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Except Disaster never came to North America
If I were going to get NMH I would probably get Madworld instead. Madworld seems similar but better, and no ghetto looking lightsaber.
Ouch! Yeah I wouldn't touch Chop 'till You Drop with a ten-foot pole. I've been itching for some hot zombie action so I'm just going to pick up DR for the 360 again. I really shouldn't have traded it in in the first place.
RE5 Versus dlc coming out tomorrow? Awesome! I've got points here waiting for it. Isn't the Banjo Nuts & Bolts dlc coming out tomorrow as well because I've also got some points for that as well.
So now we know what you think of RE5, how about Dead Rising
Damn Capcom. Damn them. That game (Chop till you drop) is hideous. This is not what I expect from Capcom.
TBH the more I play Madworld, the more I appreciate NMH. Cut the crap out of NMH and it has a good amount of entertainment and originality, while Madworld is starting to feel a little sluggish now. It's a very good game but I'm feeling a mid 8s score from me. The arena levels just aren't as good as the progression levels.
There are zombies in Madworld, Hobo.
Yeah but you can't stick a pole through his head, dump a barrel on top of him and slam him repeatedly against a spiked wall till blood drips off the screen no?
SEGA on Wii sales
VB: Sega is also going after the core audience with games like House of the Dead: Overkill and Mad World. How are consumers responding to those Mature-rated titles?
SR: House of the Dead has done very well and has absolutely met our expectations. The first set of data for Mad World is very encouraging, as well.
VB: Do you see franchise potential for Mad World with sequels?
SR: If it resonates with the audience, yes, we absolutely want to make that into a franchise. I think it’s unique, and there are many aspects of that game which are sort of pushing boundaries. And it’s just great fun.
TALES games
Following up on last week's early leak, Namco Bandai gathered the press in Tokyo today to formally unveil its lineup of Tales series games for the year 2009. As previously detailed, PS3, PSP and Wii are getting games in the series, to be joined by the latest Tales series anime adaptation.
The Wii game is the "mothership" game that was first announced last year. Now known as Tales of Graces, the game is an RPG in the classic Tales series style, featuring another take on the Linear Motion Battle system.
As detailed last week, players take control of 18-year-old Asbel Lhant. Namco Bandai still hasn't shared specifics on the story, but did clarify today that the game takes place in a world split into three kingdoms whose civilizations were built around some sort of material known as Eris.
The game's battle system is known as the "Style Shift Linera Motion Battle" system. The "Style Shift" part of the name comes from the fact that you can switch your characters between multiple stances during the fight. Combat also allows players to pivot around their targeted opponent like in a fighting game.
One note for those expecting some wacky Wiimote motion controls. The game will apparently be playable both with the Wiimote/nunchuck combo or with just the Classic Controller Pro. It's unclear if the Pro is required or if the standard Classic controller will work just as well.
Before Wii gets its second Tales game through Graces, PS3 get will get its first one through an updated port of Tales of Vesperia. As detailed last week, this update adds a new character, the pirate girl Patty Fleur.
Patty is voiced in the Japanese version by Chiwa Saito. The area of voice looks like a major point for the PS3 version, which apparently features twice as much voice as its Xbox 360 counterpart! Hopefully that doesn't mean the PS3 version's English release will arrive too far beyond the Japanese version!
The PS3 version also promises a number of other updates, including new scenarios and events. It will also have some form of tie-up with the Tales of Vesperia animated movie that was also announced next week.
Namco Bandai shared final details on that movie today. Fully titled "Tales of Vesperia The First Strike," the movie follows main character Yuri during his time as a member of the Imperial Knights prior to the start of the game. Outside of Yuri, a number of other characters will appear in the movie.
Production I.G. is producing the anime, with Kanta Kamei directing and Reiko Yoshida providing a script. A Japanese theatrical release is set for some time this year.
Back to the game side of things, Namco Bandai also shared solid details today on Tales of VS. As we detailed last week, this four player PSP fighter puts characters from past Tales games together on the battle field for a crossover fight. The game's combat system is based around the series' Linear Motion Battle System with 2D plane-based combat. Ground height and walls also apparently have an effect on battle.
VS looks like it's going to have a lot of depth for a fighter. In addition to 35 characters taken from 13 Tales games, the game features a fully voiced story mode that places the characters in four kingdoms. Production I.G. will be providing a new animated intro for the game.
The 2009 Tales fun kicks off in Japan with Tales of VS this summer, followed by Vesperia PS3 in the Fall, and Graces in the Winter.
Mortal Kombat team leaving Midway?
I'd rather MK go to a completely new dev team. The existing team has ran the series into the ground, IMO.
Did not know that, yes yes yes yes. I'll be on all day killing people if you need to find me guys.
Now that you've played Resident Evil 5 with each other, it's time to play against each other, as Capcom puts Versus mode up for sale tomorrow on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The Versus mode contains two different game types. Slayer's Rule sees players trying to down the most Majinis within the time limit, while Survivor's Rule has players trying to down the most other players. Versus will be available for purchase tomorrow on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network, costing either 400 Microsoft points or $4.99, depending on how your platform chooses to represent money.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns