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Sorry Angry_Beaver but why should 3rd parties HAVE to do anything? It's not their responsibility to provide equal support to all platforms. They make the games that they want to make and put it on the systems that they best see fit with how they envision the game.
Again no offense to anyone but why should I care at all about picking up any other games on the Wii? My taste is obviously different then yours as is a lot of other people's tastes are different then each others. Yeah I'd much rather get games like Blue Dragon and Too Human then games like deBlob or whatever because I simply like those games much better. So what? Also yeah on one level I do sympathize with Wii-only owners who want to play these games on the 360/PS3 but seriously wasn't this the big thing going around when the Wii was announced and all I kept hearing at the time was "That's ok because we all want to play different games anyway.". I'm not saying anyone one here specifically said that I'm just saying that's the general vibe I got from people at the time. Now that the big name franchises are coming out it seems that people are getting the urge to want to play them even though at the time the Wii was announced it was basically general consencus that the Wii wasn't going to share the same games as the other two.
I said it before and I'll say it again, no one system is likely to provide everything to an individual, there's always going to be games you'll want to play on another system. The question becomes at what point does you're preference dictate that you pick up the console? The systems are always going down in price so they'll eventually become affordable to everyone at some point. The 360 is $199 now and will likely be even cheaper this year sometime. I also said that the Wii was not only a gamble for Nintendo but also a gamble for consumers because aside from Nintendo no one knew what developer support would be like for it.
Yeah Punk_Rebel_Ecks I've played those games and I still think that Ninja Gaiden Black was the best looking game last gen so I don't think that that makes my opinion invalid just different the opinions shared by others here.
What this? More dlc for Mass Effect? Oh hell yeah! That's very nice to hear. ME is a HUGE favourite of mine so this is most welcome. I still hope ME2 is coming along nicely with a possible 2009 release.
I have yet to play the first DLC pack. But then there's GTA4 DLC coming today. Decisions.
The thing is, like GG has said before, that none of the third party developers/publishers could have foreseen the runaway sales success that the Wii would become. They put all of their chips on the HD consoles, and only recently have some publishers start to backpedal and acknowledge the Wii as a viable platform.
Having said that, I understand and see where Beav and Raven are coming from, but I just don't know how could devs pull something like that. Obviously a Wii only owner wouldn't want a shitty port of high profile titles, such as RE, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, to name a few, but how much sense would it make for them, financially speaking, to develop something from the ground up specifically for the Wii's hardware? We are not talking about a straight port then, but instead about a game developed from the beginning for another console which would raise their budgets because of them having to develop and design game engines, custom graphical assets and the such because the things that both 360 and PS3 share as platforms are not viable when developing on the Wii. We are talking two separate games, with two separate budgets. An HD consoles version, and the Wii version. Would the latter version sell good enough to justify the effort?
I guess we'll see what happens with the Dead Space port.
Well I wouldn't not buy a Wii game that interested me enough but I prefer my games on the HD consoles so that's where I want the developer's focus to be. They don't have infinite resources so if more resources were moved to the Wii then something would have to give which would most likely be games such as RE5, SFIV, DMC4, etc. would take longer to make and some things might not have been made at all. Given those options I chose the focus on the HD console option because that's my preference.
I would be fine with Wii ports of high profile third party games, as long as it wouldn't stall or compromise the HD offerings.
Exactly. I prefer to play my games on Wii, but I'd never want devs to stop making or compromise those high profile games on HD consoles either. I just want a fair amount of those games to come to Wii too, and done well. I don't give a crap about third party finances; that's not my concern. I just want to play as many awesome games as I can on my preferred console.
Anyhoo, I'm done with this "debate" because there's no point in arguing who's console deserves great third party games and who's don't. In my opinion, they all deserve to have great third party games.
Check your Retailers!
More than likely, it is coming in today!
As I type this, New York City GameStop Managers are making their way to New Jersey airports to pick up their copies DIRECTLY!
It's been a LONG Wait...
Impressions coming around 2:30PM EST ! ! !
Yeah I know what a lame offering. I imagine 3rd parties have to OK a game going up for sale on XBM and I would imagine some may have different plans for the games but surely they can get better stuff then this.
Woo hoo! Oh Hell Yeah!!! I'm psyched. Sadly I'm still waiting for my 360 to get back from repairs but when it does it will be glorious and SFIV will be the first game I play.
It's the same for me. So many games use the same mapping and lighting and even atmosphere that the lines start blurring. Graphics have more of an effect on me when I see something low in power doing good visuals. I was playing Phoenix Wright 2 the other day and got a kick out of Maxamillion flying across the room in gba graphics.
Another thing you reminded me about. The best graphics on Wii are done by Nintendo and Retro. Stop and think about that for a moment. Since when have Nintendo had the best graphics on any one of their systems? Rare outclassed them on N64 and everyone outclassed them on GC. So logically a Nintendo made game should NOT be the best looking game on Wii. It makes you wonder what a talented 3rd party could really do. Not only that the other best looking game is Metroid Prime 3 which has twice the detail of MP2 and still runs at 60 FPS. Imagine what retro could do if they dropped the frame rate of their next game to 30 and went balls to the wall?
I'm still trawling through the posts at the moment and agree with you, Starfox still looks pretty damn sweet. Do you remember that part when you went to the seaside/bay? Awesome.
Hmmm. I'm not sure it's feasible for the manufacturer to make enough content to cover all bases. In the past other forumers on GSpot would have said that it was up to Nintendo or Sony to set an example and define a consoles library. I guess my problem is that I don't see 3rd parties saying to themselves: wow a platformer sold 5 million? Let's make an awesome platformer (lets hope spyborgs is it) I don't see someone seeing 5 million sales of an adventure game and saying: yeah lets make an awesome adventure game. I see them picking out the easiest, cheapest option and running with it. They are selectively choosing to follow - and yet ignore - Nintendo's examples.
But then, look back at Team Ninja's work on DOA2 on f-ing Dreamcast. It looked schweet back then. Those guys have a style and stick with it. Hey just read your other posts. You're starting to sound like Punk
I should get a gaming PC, but I prefer laptops. Truth be told I would rather get a PDA and Scumm VM and play all my beloved graphic adventures.
But what about the other people who do? You are looking at it from a selfish perspective of where you personally want your games to go, but what about twice as many people buying Wii and choosing where they selfishly want to be playing these games - and not being allowed to? To me this isn't, or shouldn't be a discussion about "I want HD graphics and online and DLC, I want this and that", it should be looking at what can be done the reasons for doing it and the reasons against doing it. Looking at gamers tastes, looking at the markets, looking at the financial reasons, looking at the profit and loss, looking at the unique things that other platforms can deliver. I'm remembering reading a few years worth of excuses (from publishers/developers and gamers) as to why not and now that nearly all of them have been proved wrong, you're basically left with: I want my games with uber graphics - THE END.
Umbrella Chronicles was a good idea? Turning the game from a RE4 style game into a lightgun shooter because "Wii users like easiness"? As Kawata said? That was an appalling idea! And REmake done with RE4 graphics would be as much of a project as making an all new RE game in that style. You have a great point in that there isn't much of a reason why big franchises can't be done - differently - on Wii.
Well with a system twice as powerful as cube and maybe a change in art direction it wouldn't have to. But importantly it wouldn't have to PLAY exactly like RE4. It could incorporate for instance more RE style puzzles only using the Wii remote or physics interaction. You don't get the physics bit? After playing Elebits I'm suprised at that statement. In that game you could shoot and manipulate objects seamlessly and quickly. Give your main character an injection of some virus which gives him Force Unleashed style powers and go to town. You could advance the design with something that couldn't be done on another system. Grab a desk and quickly drag it to block a door, grab a zombies head and pop it off his shoulders. Have everything physics based, so if I grab his arm and swing him around he will act differentely compared to me grabbing his ankle and tipping him upside down. Let me pick up statues and smash them at people, or dressers. Hell pick up the cow from the opening village in RE4, lift him up, rotate him and smash him into the side of building. Or through a window.
"FF series has always been about cutting edge graphics, incredible cinematics and such, to see the series truely move forward it has to be done on the HD consoles. The gameplay would not really change from regardless of the system, I am sure whatever batte system they came up for FFXIII would not be changed if it came to the wii, the difference is you would not have he same epic flare that the series is known for."
I really don't understand that. Cutting edge graphics when the systems mainstay was PS1 and PS2 and now arguably DS? You are saying that the design would be the same on Wii and yet not have the epic flare? So i.e it wouldn't have better graphics and this is how the series has 'truly moved forward' on PS3? That's not movement to me.
Yeah read that before. He just says that he would like to do it. Think about that, you would have to wait almost 2 years to see it come to fruition when Umbrella Chronicles came out at the end of 2007 and sold as much as Dead Rising and Lost planet. Capcom are just.............. and the likelihood is that it will be Umbrella Chronicles 2 or even, well Kawata is also producer on Chop Till you Drop, so imagine the quality there. The game should have been in pre-production throughout 2008 and be ready for release in the summer of this year. But no. You will be lucky if this game turns out okay IMO.
Okay I'm only up to reading page 4 of the comments. So as and when I can read and respond to more, I will.
Suck my balls Steelo.
Om nom nom.
GG I am being selfish cause I am just expressing my opinion the same way you guys do.
As for the Elebits RE example, thats exactly what I dont want. RE is not about psychokenetic powers or anything supernatural, its about viruses, mutants, monsters and guns, big guns to shoot things. Even Wesker who is borderline Neo from the Matrix fits, but give him like Jean Grey powers and then it gets way out of line with what the series has been about since the beginning. Thats my fear, a dev just goes, "well lets take this franchise and make it fit the wii" thats why the side games are good cause they allow them to experiment, to make interesting games that would have never been made. Yes I know Umbrella Chronicles is not the ideal game we all wanted, but hell it was cool, a light gun game that took place throughout the series and stared Wesker, awesome.
Anyway I'm with Angel on this one, but I can see your guys side of it. As of now, I am actually content with the third party offerings of the Wii and I like what the system has done thus far. Its Nintendo that I want to get going, Punch-Out better be spectacular.
Do you understand how much I dont care? Do you?
Everytime i see the word PC used in a game context my mind just wanders off.
Also true. I will still say that RE4 to me is the most stunning game of last gen.
Also remember that the grand majority of my last gen playtime was on am SDTV and most of it now is on an HDTV so Wii looks probably far worse than it would if I had the same tv of last gen. Case in point, the best looking gen of last game (I could correct this, but its much more funny if I leave the way I originally wrote it) now looks like ass.
(But why do games like Ninja Gaiden not look as bad, is it something that RE4 does that doesn't work well with HDTVs.)
I dunno if NG could output 720p.
What would Zelda gain from being on more powerful hardware? Hell the majority of Twilight Princess could be done on the DS if Nintendo wanted it to.
I also highly agree with Edge. The difference in graphics this generation is beyond minute. There are either games that look near CG quality like Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Crysis, Gears of War 2, and Resident Evil 5. And games that pretty much look like last gen games running on an improve version of Direct X with cloth and hair properties. I mean seriously look at this shit:
Just mess with the settings and the games will look the exact same. Turn up the color, turn down the sharpness, mess with the contrast, put in the component cables and viola SD quality!
Also GG just get an Alienware Gaming PC for like $999. It's as powerful as my PC.
One of the site's forefathers.
one thing that could act as a catalyst would be a runaway success from a hardcore 3rd party game on the wii and the scenery will change much faster. i'd quite like to see madworld do that, but it may just be way too far in left-field for mainstream success. it's sin-city when the wii needs batman. if that doesn't happen and developers like capcom or rockstar keep their business as is, it may just be best for them. game development is so risk avert that they would rather x number of people bought the game as a sure bet rather than 3x potentially bought the game with a possibility of a total flop.
as a sidenote i feel that this is a pretty good time to be a gamer regardless of how many or what consoles one has or doesn't have. there are so many great games and enough to cater for most every taste on almost every platform. not to mention heaps of old ones going on the cheap. even if one just has one console they just needs to pick up the one best suited to them (and not always have a grass is greener mentality). i find myself lately enjoying more alternative games as opposed to holywood blockbuster type games and i have more than enough to play on my wii, ps2, ds and modest pc. are there games i want to play on platforms i don't have? hell yeah: little big planet and MGS4 (both of which i bought) and SF4 (which i will buy). i wish i could play them but i'm not bitter about it, i'll enjoy them just as well a couple of years down the line when it'll be nice and cheap to pick up a psthree. this discussion is way too emo when it needs to be ... eeerrrmmm ... euphoric trance
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