BioShock 2 job listing includes request for
developer knowledge of PS3/360/Wii
Retailers getting more strict about which DS/Wii
Natural selection at work people
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SupremeAC (0s)
If I remember correctly I think you go by how "badarse" your Darkness tendrils are. So if they're not looking very tough then you're running low on darkness energy, and if you can't use them then obviously you've run out completely. Something like that. Hold out for the WWI areas. I thought they were absolutely brilliant.
I can live with that! Can't wait now, actually!
Works for me in both cases. TWW and TP were far too easy, and there woudln't have been much wrong with having the bosses in SMG being a little harder. Goombas I'll give you.
Sorry to be pedantic, but I think you mean bluetooth. Either way, third-party controller quality has been a depressing state for a long time.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileNice catch! Didn't even realize what I typed!
How on earth do you actually manufacture this many units per month?
Wii 679.2K
Nintendo DS 510.8K
That's how many they sold in January.
wrong! that's for girl to girl action. this is how you do what steel asked
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Ok, I'm up to level 4 in Tenchu now.
I'd say as far as stealth games go, its definitely not a total classic like Hitman 2 or some of the Splinter Cell games or anything. It doesn't offer anywhere near the depth or freedom that those games do, and you never really feel sucked into the world. Yet....its still a pretty fun game in its own way, kind of like a more arcadey experience, not sure if that's how all the Tenchu's are or not.
The progression of the levels and what you have to do in them is very linear, do don't have many choices. Most of the time you are going through tight corridors where you'll have to hide in a shadow, wait for somebody to turn around, go kill the prick, then proceed to the next area...fairly simple.
I really don't like the controls at all. It feels more cumbersome than a survival horror game, and these are supposed to be NINJA! And even the kill don't really feel like its YOU doing sneak up on someone, a Wii gesture pops up on the screen, just swipe the remote however the fuck you want and an attack will automatically be carried out.
They also ripped a few sword fights right out of Red Steel....they work better here but nothing to write home about.
The levels are also pretty similar looking so far. I've been to 4 different places and they all have that Japanese cottage look to them. Hard to tell apart. Each level is broken up into like 5 or so smaller hubs, so you clear one hub you can start from there when you get spotted. That's another thing; even when you're in the shadows guys will usually see you if they pass by close, which sucks.
In many ways it definitely feels like a game from like 2000, but as I said it still somehow has its charm and is fun to mess with. I'm sure all the other major Wii games coming out lately feel much more modern than this game though.
They do a pretty good job moving the story forward through the cutscenes and its not bad for what it is. The cutscenes do look betterthan the actual in-game graphics. Like I said yesterday it basically looks like a PS2 game with some good effort put into it. It still doesn't touch anything like Metroid Corruption.
So far I'd probably give it around a 7.7 rating. Its a good foundation to build new Tenchu games on. If they'd make the levels more freeform with more variety, did an overhaul on the control system so you actually feel like a ninja, and improved the graphics it could be in the same league as the other games of the genre.
You had to go there didn't you? Turning our family site into a shameful pit of iniquity.
Incidentally did you guys find the weapon above in GTA
an Andreas? It's in the shower in the police station out in the Fresno-like part of the state. It's a highly effective melee weapon, I used it for the second part of the game almost exclusively.
Just pick a few of those.
Pfft, nope I didn't know such a tool of destruction was in the game! Next time I play San Andreas, you can bet I'm headin' to the police station.
Anyway, did you guys know that Madworld's story was developed with help from Yasumi Matsuno (the game designer behind Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy XII) who, it turns out, was tapped by his friend Atsushi Inaba of Platinum to work on the game's scenarios? Given all the experience at Platinum, as well as the experience that Matsuno brings to the table, I'm anxious to see how this craziness is going to play out.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Americans and other English speaking nations are not used to reading subtitles. Here in Holland all the cartoons used to be subbed, but they changed it here too. A freaking shame, in my eyes dubbing is evil and retarded.
Yakuza was dubbed and it was not bad at all -- they spent quite a bit on actors for that one. Y2 had subtitles.
I think that western gamers who like foreign content are completely fine with subtitles, in fact everyone I talk to about it has uniformly preferred them, so maybe the notion that western gamers don't like subtitles is just one of those Japanese publisher misinterpretations.
I'd rather have GOOD voice work than subtitles any day of the week. But when it comes to absolutely HORRIBLE voice work like Tenchu has, I'd probably take the subtitles.
Although to tell you the truth, a lot of the voice work in the story parts isn't bad.....its the IN-GAME voice work that's insanely bad. You can't subtitle that.
Oh that's just cruel.
But if you have a game/movie that takes place in Japan, than having people talking English to each other would the immersion. I thought you were big on immersion.
Go Osuzamebachi (Japanese giant hornet)! Ahh he lost to the centipede.
He got body slammed, then snapped in half! I almost felt sorry for him.
Sorry for "her", see all hornets, bees, wasp, ants are female. The male fucks the queen once and dies. And I think the centipede, poisened the hornet, she died slowly. The giant hornet poison is so potent it can melt human flesh. Why is she not using it?
Oh I see I made the same mistake of calling the hornet a "he". I hang my head in shame!
This is why I'm proud to be human.