Red Fly would love to do another Mushroom Men game
Make it longer the next time guys
Holly Valance, Malcolm McDowell confimed for RA3 E
One terrible Aussie, and one awesome Brit
Red Alert 3 PS3 Dubbed 'Ultimate Edition'
Not Marketing Either - Actually Quite Impressive.
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gamingeek (9m)
I want to hear people talk about balls on the new podcast.
I didn't post it for you. I posted it for me and others who don't know what this game is. When I first heard the news I was confused as to whether it was the N64 game or not.
Wrong, it looks like the overworld in No More Heroes on Wii.
I'm not in. I'm searching. What is skype again?
"Edgecrusher has fairy sized balls. We could poke them with a toothpick and watch the little baubles swing. Steel has balls the size of the Sun, that could potentially take over the universe. GG donated his balls to science, they can cure all cancer in this world. "
Trust me, you'll know the N64 game when you finally see it.
No. BUT... This is a great sign. If this game is coming. OB64 can't be far behind!
LOL, by VC standards it means that Ogre Battle 64 is a year away. I always wanted to pick that game up, it got great reviews, but back then I dont even think I ever played a SRPG before. I never even played the SNES Final Fantasy games. Most role playing games missed europe on SNES.
So Sega and Marvelous are teasing new games
but what will i talk about? all i have played in the last week is a bit of zookeeper and picross in bed before i fall asleep...
"The easiest way to explain Flower, Sun and Rain is as a cross between Groundhog Day and a David Lynch film. Specifically, the story and setting of the game draw parallels to Mulholland Drive, in that the game is set in a locale featuring idyllic scenery that hides a deadly and dark secret."
... i am so sold on that. you have to read the entire description. it's like david lynch meets JG Ballard and they drink absinthe and do more and better drugs than ever before
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Ogre Battle was one of the best looking games of the N64 generation. Beautiful game. I played it back in like 2002, and even then it impressed me.
I still have my N64 copy. I really need to buy some professional cases for my N64 games though, they're all just thrown in a box. I hate carts.
Hey guys, I have been sick so I have not been online much. Still feeling crappy but just wanted to pop in.
What the hell is Sega making, a Mario game?
Could be good! i'd buy it.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
You are the DS man. What have you been playing is not just this week, but recently! Plus I want to talk about the coming games, and I think you read the news too, so it should be fine!
That is probably the reason it shows a poison mushroom, because Sega making a Mario game! That's like Bas Rutten doing a hair colouring commercial!
The Marvelous one has zelda triforces in them and the sega one mario mushrooms. What?
Ah, thanks for that GG. Just wondering.
Skype is this FREE program that's all about internet telephony. If you call other Skype users, it's completely free, but you also have the ability to call any phone number in the world (at a small cost). Just download it and create an account!
The Indy Wii game... please be a graphic adventure, then it would truly be an awesome time to be a multiformat gamer, euphoria teach next gen Indiana and retro awesomeness all at once. Anyone watch the Little Kings Story trailer? Looks really good, like a nintendo game.
IGN hands on with rune factory sounds good.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
From what bugsonglass just wrote alone I want to own this game. Although I'm unsure about the farming while demons roam your fields (or are you Satan's son and that is a minion of hell who is enslaved to you doing the work?), and little boys with tams following you around is kinda creepy too.
Updates done!
I have gotten this in my lab
This thing is awesome, we can create awesome haptic effects with this device. There is a demo with a virtual maze, and you can feel the walls, a very thick liquid (sudenly it takes more effort to move), steps and wind gusts. How awesome is that!?